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Everything posted by brown*eyed*girl

  1. I do this too and it always seems to happen in twos or threes, then I will go a year or two before I do it again. It is well worth it for me to pay $5.99 extra on my car insurance and let them foot the bill when it happens. That may not pay off for everyone but it usually does for me.
  2. I wear the 2 week lenses and love them. A Dr. a long time ago told me I could wear them until they started to bother me, then take them out and give my eyes a few days rest before putting another pair in. I've done that for over 20 years now and my eye sight has actually improved. Sometimes I wear them for a month other times a week. I can't do the contact that you have to take out every night. I end up ripping them or scratching them and then they hurt my eyes. Good Luck!
  3. We love this show too! I just don't think they did enough to build up viewership. We missed the beginning of this last season on Direct TV but I have TiVo'd the last 6 episodes. My husband has been watching them but I'm waiting until NBC airs the episodes we missed. I am glad to see some of the actors appearing on other shows though. The quarterback is on The Good Wife and I've seen Lila on Parenthood.
  4. The same thing happened to me. I just got a call and recognized it was a calling post from the 478 area code but all I heard was silence.
  5. Awesome news! I'm so glad you took the time to update us~ I had been wondering how things had turned out.
  6. Kind of off topic but when I clicked on this link that picture of her on the left looks so much like Cindy Lauper (sp?).
  7. I too usually order from the inserts in the Sunday paper. There seem to be a few companies like Checks Unlimited, Current, etc.. I tend to rotate since the first order is always the best deal. I rotate between companies to get the best deal but like everyone else I don't seem to use as many checks as I used to so I don't order that often. Most of the checks I do write are to the school system.
  8. I too have had several bad experiences at that store. So much so that I started boycotting them years ago and will only go if I have no other option. I can't imagine the same people work there that did when I had my string of bad service experiences since it has been 7 or more years ago. As much as I personally wouldn't mind the store closing I would not want that for the people that work their. Of course if something else goes in the jobs will be replaced.
  9. I went out earlier (it is Wendy's 99 cent hamburger meal night after all) and the roads were not bad. Now getting safely down my steps was another matter all together~very slippery.
  10. I like it. I think it is a great idea. Of course there are a lot of things that would need to be worked out but I definitely think it is the way to go. And to those of you who say books are cheaper~~you've never priced school books. When my daughter was in 4th grade we looked into buying a set of her school books to keep at home and they were very, VERY expensive.
  11. When my daughter first started breaking out the pharmacists recommended Cedaphyl (or something like that). It worked right away and wasn't too expensive. That was a few years ago and now it doesn't seem to work as well anymore but I would still give it a try. My daughter has been asking me to get her proactive as well. It seems to work for a lot of people so that may be the way to go.
  12. I wasn't creeped out by the brother-sister thing. I think they are so close because they didn't get to grow up together and I feel like maybe one or both of them had a hard time and they now have someone that they can connect to . I hated seeing that girl crying and struggling in the beginning. I loved John Wayne. That boy was an all around cutie and he loves his mamma too! I hate to admit it but I think ST might be starting to grow on me.
  13. We love Dr. Loventhal~~do you happen to know where he went? When we asked we were told he was working closer to home, wherever that is. I just hate when a practice doesn't let you know when the Dr. you see leaves.
  14. I have two things I wanted to tell you. First when my hubby took a lesser paying job at the same time not getting paid every week but twice a month we called our mortgage company to see if we could maybe skip one payment and have it added at the end. The guy my husband spoke to said as long as you aren't going to be more than 30 days late not to worry about it. At the time I thought it would be @ 6 months before we could get on track to pay it on time but it ended up only being about two months. The second thing I wanted to mention is a few years ago we were thinking about selling ou
  15. I heard something a few minutes ago myself and wondered if it was thunder. I was on the phone at the time and wasn't paying too much attention.
  16. I agree with everyone who said time. I say let yourself mourn this relationship and sulk and be down inthe dumps for a little bit at least. But not too long. After a certain period of time tell yourself it is time to shake it off the best you can and do something for yourself. Plus, it is good to remember that if it didn't work out with this person who you thought was perfect for you that only means there is someone even better/more perfect for you that will make you even happier and you might have missed out on him/her if this particular relationship had continued.
  17. This happened to me last Winter. All I did was call and they cut my price per therm nearly in half and the guy told me to call back in 6 months and they would do the same. I also have the one that starts with G and stressed about it and it really was so easy. Good Luck!
  18. I guess I just want to say I agree with what everyone else has said in regards to coupons and appearance. Those of us that use coupons don't care how pretty it is we just care about how great of a deal we are getting. I also love the new text coupons. I get them from JC Penney and also for one of the Chick-fil-a locations. The chick-fil-a ones are for the the Dallas Hwy location and are usually only good that day or from a certain time that day. Usually it's get something free when you buy something. The JC Penney ones are usually a percent or dollar amount off.
  19. I watched. My kids couldn't help but start watching as well. Is it a big deal to most people? Maybe not but sooner or later someone would have sold the story so I don't blame Oprah one bit for deciding to reveal it on her show. I think if she wanted to take a whole show to do it that is fine as well. Was it the most riveting hour of television I ever watched? Not even close but it was still interesting.
  20. My kids (middle schoolers) told me about this site in December and I looked myself up. Too much inaccurate information for me to be worried. I found it funny that my husband and I live at the same address but the values of the home are quite different. If it had been accurate I would have been freaked but I don't find this site all the credible and hopefully others won't either.
  21. This sounds good but is not always the case. There are some people that no matter how much you give them or put into the relationship they will always be the taker. I've seen it more than once. Sad but true.
  22. I go to a church that dresses casual and may very well be the church that you attended. I may even know who you are talking about~lol. I do think people need to think about dressing respectfully but I know sometimes you have to get people in the door in the first place before they can come to that conclusion on their own. I appreciate that I go to a church that doesn't judge others on how they dress. The pastor has however worked into a few of his lessons that you should save the sexy stuff for your spouse at home. I agree with who ever said it was better to be there no matter how y
  23. I liked it, more than a lot of books, but I didn't Love it. It was really talked up to me though so my expectations where somewhat high. I still think it was a good book and I enjoyed reading Beautiful Darkness and I am looking forward to the third book in the series. The end of Beautiful Darkness sets up pretty clearly what it is going to be about. I liked the characters but didn't feel as connected or in tune with them at times as I wanted to. The people who recommended them said they couldn't put it down. Well I could. I expected to be up all night reading them but I was able to p
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