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Everything posted by brown*eyed*girl

  1. Oh my gosh that sounds awesome. Back in my younger years I worked at a place called Reilley's On Hilton Head and we used to serve that. It was one of my favorite dishes. We however are having left over pizza.
  2. Teach Abstinence. I do think Paulding County teaches kids about these things. My 8th grade daughter came home from school with an "ATM" card. ATM stands for Abstinence Till Marriage or something similar. I also remember attending a middle school softball game this Fall and one of the McClure players had a baby (toy) in a carrier that she had to ask someone in the bleachers to watch. I thought it was cute and I asked her if the baby cried and she rolled her eyes and shook her head as she said "All. The. Time."~~lol I cracked up. You could tell how frustrated she was with that baby b
  3. I don't set a goal as far as the number of books but where my kids go to school the adults can take AR tests as well and the Librarian has a lot of adult books of her own she lends out. One year I got over 1,000 AR points. I'm not sure how many books that was but I also read quite a few that didn't have AR tests. I like to read a lot also and my interests are all over the place. I just finished reading Beautiful Creatures, The Help (for the second time), Beautiful Darkness, A Bend in the Road. I got The Room and Velva Jean Learns to Drive sitting next to my bed but I'm not sure which
  4. I'm so glad to hear that the 4 Wheeler was found. Thanks for the update!
  5. Once a Taurus, always a Taurus. Aries just doesn't feel right.
  6. I got out for the first time today. I wish my week was as productive as yours has been. We are having a party here tomorrow and I am so not ready. I have however had a great week playing video games, taking pictures, reading, watching TV, sleeping in, enjoying hot uninterrupted bathes, etc....
  7. Obviously the reason only junk mail is getting delivered is because that is all they have. You know those pieces of mail the PO gets with instructions to deliver between such and such a day. Mail carriers don't get to pick and choose what they deliver. If it's there and ready to be delivered and they are able then they will deliver it. At least that is what I have been told.
  8. I'm sorry you didn't make it. I've never been in an accident myself but I have had a few near misses that left me shaking for hours.
  9. The owner works at Abney, well the owner's Mom that is and I don't think they live too far from the school.
  10. I'm so glad to see this posted here. I did see it on Facebook. The more eyes on the look out the better. Hopefully some kids just took it for fun and will return it in the same condition they found it in as well as with a full tank of gas.
  11. We live in the New Hope area and my husband drove to work this morning @ 8:00 am taking Dallas-Acworth over to 41 North to Cartersville. He said the roads were okay. Not totally clear but not as bad as he thought. He said he got up to 45 mph.
  12. My husband drove Dallas-Acworth then up Hwy 41 to Cartersville for work this morning and said the roads were not too bad. He said not many people where out (Thank God) and that he got up to about 45 mph.
  13. Thanks so much for asking. I really hope someone has the answer. I wonder about this every time I drive by there which is at least a half dozen time a week. I used to try to imagine it was a love's dying wish or a little girls dream but it is just taking so long to get it done. I suppose if you have a dying love or a child money is tight and it is a slow process.
  14. Ours is fine too and we did spray for the first time. I'll admit I felt a little weird doing it but it kind of felt cool too.
  15. Luckily my husband is off tomorrow. He is the GM at a chain restaurant up in Cartersville and his boss has told him the restaurant needs to be open tomorrow. I told my husband he needs to tell that man that he is not going to let his employees risk their lives to come to work in what is going to be an empty restaurant. I'm sorry but who in their right mind is going to go out to eat tomorrow. I am pretty sure everyone is stocked up with enough food to last a week or more.
  16. Hopefully Spaghetti with Meat Sauce and Pillsbury Crescent Rolls!
  17. I am too! I remember back when my kids were young I used to be glued to The Weather Channel during anything interesting (I used to live in Hilton Head so back then it was impending Hurricane's). Jim Canatore was my favorite weather man back then.
  18. I'm planning on no school and getting stuff done around the house that I wouldn't be able to get done if I had to work. I think maybe my youngest is suppose to have basketball practice or maybe a game. I'll check later. I'll also be praying pretty hard we don't lose power. I'm excited about trying out the fireplace just not about having to rely on it for heat.
  19. OMGosh I so did not get this the first time I read it a few hours ago. I totally thought you were talking about snow.
  20. Haha well apparently my husband didn't understand the need to go get the firewood FIRST when he went out to do errands and got there to late. He's still out and about. If he comes across any I'll be sure to let you all know.
  21. I just went ahead and scheduled any online payments I had due this week for Credit Cards, phone, etc... I figured if the power does go out I won't have to worry about late fee's on top of staying warm and keeping my kids dying from boredom.
  22. Shhhh..... I'm sending my husband out shortly. I don't want them to run out before he gets there. Thanks for the heads up though!
  23. It never occurred to me until today that I fell into that category. I woke up last night with horrible pain in my left knee. I've had it before but some years I don't have it at all. It is just one of those things that comes every once in a while. I didn't put two and two together until reading on here that several other people were suffering from the same thing. Does this mean I am officially old? Yikes!
  24. That's crazy! I was actually joking~ I hope so anyway~ lol. I think we have enough dead branches to avoid having to chop anything down. Plus the trees in our back yard are so tall they would hit the house if we tried to cut them ourselves.
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