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Everything posted by brown*eyed*girl

  1. LOL~ My walls would have been bare if not for Tiger Beat! I had Shawn Cassidy, Leaf Garret, Ralph Machio, John Schneider, etc....etc... staring down at me. Regarding Idol, I haven't had a chance to see much of it yet. My 10 year old watched some of it this morning so I did see a little. He pretty much forwards through 80% of the show so I think I only saw Scottie, and heard a little of Casey and James. I'll watch it sometime later today. Now I did get a chance to watch Survivor last night. I'm really hoping for a Matt vs Rob vs Phillip final.
  2. My grandma swears that a man would never kill the mother of his children~ she was referring to OJ's innocence at the time~lol. Anyway, I cannot imagine ever leaving my children. I can't imagine anyone loving them as much as I do. Of course if I was in some king of circumstance where I believed they would be better off I might.
  3. That is awesome! You sound like my kind of gal (or guy)!
  4. My daughter and I went there last week. They have a large selection and I would assume are one of the only places in the area like that. There was actually a family from out of town who came there to shop.
  5. I know how you feel~ both ways. My grandparents, two aunts and two uncles all went to MSU and one of my Moms and my brother and since then three of my cousins have gone to Michigan. It's crazy when the kids who took part in your wedding head off to college. Of course my youngest sister and brother are 19 and 17 years younger than I am. Good luck to you niece. The brother of mine who went to U of M is the only person I know who graduated in three and a half years and with enough money left over to travel for 7-8 months before starting a real job. Sounds like you niece is one smart
  6. Thanks for the update. I think of your family often and wonder how you are. I will continue to keep you in my prayers.
  7. I think the location response would depend on the buyers circumstances. For example when we were looking 10 years ago we had 3 kids under the age of 5 so we were thinking about schools and were hoping to get into the Abney school district (they had been named a school of excellence). We also wanted to find one with a yard (again kids) and 4 bedrooms. A retired couple may not be as concerned with the schools but would have other things they were looking for in regards to location~perhaps being close to a hospital or shopping or maybe they don't want to be in a noisy neighborhood.
  8. We too get some calls for other people. We have had this number for almost 10 years. When we first moved in we got calls for this one guy/business and then they stopped for several years and have started back up in the last year. The other person we get calls for is a relative in another state who is going through a tough time (despite the fact their children have gotten I-phones and I-pads recently just for the heck of it but don't get me started on that). They both bother the heck out of me. We are close to dropping our home phone anyway since the people who really know us call our c
  9. So technically I guess it is not a date but my 14 year old daughter is going to the movies and there will be 2 boys and 2 girls. I just assumed either my husband and I would go and he's going to be working that day so I had and still plan on going. I don't plan to sit with them or engage in conversation other than "hi" but then my husband says "couldn't you just drop her off?". This never even occurred to me. I mean am I nuts to think an adult should be there? It's not a trust issue but she's only 14. I'm definitely going but I'm wondering if I need to see the same movie or
  10. That is awesome. For some reason I thought she wouldn't be allowed to do that for a while. I guess American Idol didn't think anyone this good would ever go so soon. I bet they change the contract or rules for next year to keep this from happening again. I'm very happy for her though. She has a beautiful, amazing voice. I've been wondering if she was the person who had the special needs daughter? I thought she was but they haven't mentioned it since the top 24.
  11. We LOVE going to the Rome Braves games. When the kids were younger I would sign them up for the kids club and they would get a t-shirt, tickets to a few games and other goodies. A couple of time we have gone for team parties and have always had a blast.
  12. I always get a little in the mood for Christmas songs and such come July. I know I am crazy. Anyway, since they are white maybe they just like to keep them up to look festive? We put some white lights on the ceiling of our garage for my sons 1th birthday and we still have them up. It's just more fun playing ping pong and hanging out down there with the lights on. Or maybe they are elderly and can't take them down themselves (shrug). Who knows, as long as Santa, the colored lights and trees and the nativity are packed away whose to say they are "Christmas" lights.
  13. Thanks, I knew they came with some kind of coupons to bring people I just wasn't sure if there were restrictions on the dates. I think my husband is going to take the kids and leave me to do some much needed cleaning. Sadly I think I will enjoy having the house to myself more than spending the day with three kids at Six Flags~lol.
  14. I don't shop at Target as much as I used to. Nothing bad happened I just don't get to Hiram as much as I used to now that there is a Publix and Kroger closer by. Anyway, I was going to say that I recently saw a news story where a study was done (that is done yearly) and it was stated for the first time Target came out cheaper than Wal-mart. I have to agree it sucks and drives me nuts when any place says something is on sale and it's not. I find if I have the ad with me and point it out they tend to fix or over ride the price if need be. Of course once you have purchased it they ofte
  15. Hey, my husband is thinking about taking the kids to Six Flags tomorrow and we were trying to determine the least expensive way to go. The best deal right now is to get the tickets B1G1 but I know the season passes usually come with some buddy passes and wondered if anyone could tell me what days those are valid? My youngest will be getting a free ticket to use this summer (Read to Succeed) so atleast one more trip is in my husbands future. I wondering if it would be cheaper in the long run to get atleast one season pass for my husband or just do the B1G1 now? Thanks in advance.
  16. I use Fed-ex and USPS the most but I have to say there is something exciting about seeing the brown truck drive up~~especially around the holidays~it just makes me happy!
  17. I am surprised to. I honestly thought Pia was the girl with the best chance of winning. I can't complain though since I didn't vote this week. I honestly feel like they are all so talented and getting voted out now won't have a negative affect on their success or possible musical career. Don't get me wrong I like Haley and Lauren but I did think Pia would outlast them. I wonder if Pia is second guessing her choice to do something more upbeat and not her usual ballad? I hope not, even though the judges shouldn't have pushed her so hard she is going places regardless and maybe even soon
  18. I too am excited that they are open. I can no longer use the excuse about not wanting to drive to HD or waste the gas on a special trip when I just need one or two smaller thihgs. Thanks to the new owners!!
  19. I have no idea. In years past at this point I would be voting and there would be one or two people each week who I wouldn't mind leaving but this year they are also so good I don't feel the need to vote. Don't get me wrong I still have favorites, I just don't have people I want gone.
  20. Yeah I heard on the news that those who filed by mail might experience a delay. That would totally suck. When we filed ours a few weeks ago the estimated date of our refund was 4-8-11~I'm really hoping that doesn't change by much. We usually get our federal first but our state came in last week.
  21. I'm not a notary~~yet but it is something I plan on doing this year. I just wanted to keep this bumped up because one thing I found out once I decided to do this is that there are a lot of notaries out there. Some people have to do it for their jobs and others just do it. In fact I think most organizations (like PTA's) will have one person on their board that is notarized. Good Luck~~I'll be extremely surprised if some P.com member doesn't come to your rescue.
  22. A little too much singing for me. I still thought it was a good episode though. Near the end when Meridith breaks down in the elevator I was thinking that if it weren't for all the singing she could win an Emmy or at least be nominated for that scene. It was pretty emotional and right on. Of course Grey's is good at those kind of scenes. Don't even get me started on Denny. Man I loved that him. I didn't find Owen sexy at all when he first came on and now I think he is totally hot. He's just such a man ya know?
  23. I didn't read through everything the OP wrote and just assumed this was a place to show some appreciations for our Mods. The P.com moderators are AWESOME!! You all totally rock. You crack me up with your user names and pics and I love how your answers are either hysterical or politically correct. You must all have above average IQ's as well as the patience of Saints. Thank you for making P.com what it is!
  24. LOL~~I used to not be that way either but it does seem the past few years if I get stressed I immediately make my way to the kitchen and look for something to eat. It doesn't make me any less stressed so I'm not sure why I do it.
  25. Well check-ups are supposed to be about the child's overall well being. With Facebook being as prevalent as it is in the lives of young people these days I don't find it at all odd to be asking about it during their check-ups. Our pediatrician asks about school, sports, food, etc...
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