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Everything posted by brown*eyed*girl

  1. Going to vote now. I'm glad I finally clicked on this thread. I had been avoiding it for days thinking it was going to be about child abuse, which really tends to hit me in the heart and tick me off which I was trying to avoid.
  2. I donate ours to the Speech person at my childrens elementary school. She works with kids from pre-school up through 5th grade and gives them out as rewards. I also send in left over toys from goodie bags and just misc. stuff my kids never really played with (jewelry, balls, books, crafts, etc...).
  3. I haven't read the whole article yet but it sounds like a great thing for our area. I am however surprised at all the support and positive comments on here. I was expecting a bunch of "how can they afford that?,, Why don't they put the money towards education?, Will it really be used all that much or end up deserted like the airport (supposedly ) is?"
  4. Our hot water heater did the same thing just before it died.
  5. This question is for those of you familiar with Digital Photo Frames. We have one but it sat in the box for a couple years before we took it out and the directions are long gone. I am thinking about getting one for my Grandma and wondered if there was a way to just put certain pictures on them? Do you have to keep the SD card in at all times or can you just load certain pictures? I just kind of stick a card in ours and let it go but there are a bunch of buttons which makes me think there are options. Personally it would be so nice to look at one of the cards we have without having
  6. I usually leave my mail carrier a tin of goodies. Some years I will also give a Starbucks gift card. My Dad is a retired postal worker and if I can remember their are rules/limits to the value of the gifts they are allowed to accept. I don't remember how much though.
  7. I got an e-mail from The Frog (golf course) that said if you bring in an new toy to donate you will get a voucher or something good for a round of golf for $25. I haven't checked their prices recently but I think that is a pretty good price. I'm not sure how long it's going on for.
  8. Great idea! It is not even 10 am and I am all out of positives to give out (and negatives for that matter )
  9. LOL I so wish I hadn't already used all my positives for the day. I would have spit out my coffee if I had any when I read this.
  10. I don't have any info for New Hope to Marietta square but my husband drove from New Hope to Cartersville an hour ago and said the roads are fine.
  11. As funny as I find it that the info about school being closed was posted here and was on facebook before the county website was updated how many people were really sitting at their computers clicking refresh on PCSD website? Yeah, I had a window open to it but I had another on here, one on facebook and the tv on. Whether intentional or not the fastest way to get the word out is places like FB and P.com and to get the word out to the media.
  12. Yes they do. It would seem to be the fastest way and the first thing they would have some one do (update the website). My daughter was just telling me several of her facebook friends have said there is no school but I told her until I read it on the school website or see an official announcement on p.com there is.
  13. I predict that school will be delayed an hour, probably two. Unless of course the forecast shifts and the cold front stays a few hour longer than predicted or leave a few hours earlier. I just don't see them closing for the whole day if the ice melts fairly early. It looks like it will be rainy and 49 degrees.
  14. Darn, we are literally out of milk and bread but I was going to wait a bit to head out. I guess I should go now. Thanks for the heads up!
  15. I grew up in Michigan and I can remember cars pulling over for funeral processions there and also being part of processions. It seems like we always had a flag or something noticeable on the outside of the car so that we were recognized as being part of a procession. If I notice a funeral procession going on here I will pull over but I have to say for some reason funeral processions here don't seem as obvious. I just mean that the few times I have seen them I didn't even realize that that was what was going on until a bit into the procession. If you happen to catch it part way throu
  16. That is awesome! I really wish I could go see RENT here in Atlanta. I've been wanting to see it for years (here, there, anywhere). Oh well, maybe one of these days. Congrats to your son!
  17. Opps! Your right. I fixed it. Thanks for catching that.
  18. They are in Oliver Place, off of Dallas-Acworth Hwy. When you drive in take your first left and they are at then end of that road in the cul-de-sac on the right side.
  19. When my kids were younger we used to go see him every Summer at the library. He was definitely the highlight for them (out of the Summer library performers) and it was always super crowded when he came.
  20. I remember following this story and how amazing it was when she was found alive. She seems like such an amazing young girl. When I think of what she must have gone through I feel sick to my stomach. I am glad he is off the streets.
  21. We were planning on going tonight but then I realized it was Friday and from past experience it is a pretty busy night. Since we live so close I thought it would be best if we went one night Sun-Thurs. OF course the only time we have seen Santa there he was up rocking in a window. Hmmm.... maybe we will have to head over anyway .
  22. My kids went to Dr. Loventhal. When he left I was told it was to be closer to his home. I still haven't found a replacement. With all the big Dr.'s offices these days it was nice to have one consistent Dr. that they saw each year for their well visits. If we couldn't get him between we survived but I hated not being told when he had left.
  23. My children used to see another Dr. at that practice and he too left a few years back with no word. I hate when that happens. It was nice for them to atleast see the same face every year at their well visits.
  24. Does anyone know the OP? I was worried before but now I'm getting really worried for her and would feel better if someone could just check on her. I am still holding out hope that things are fine but desperate times can sure bring out the stupid and crazy in people.
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