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Everything posted by brown*eyed*girl

  1. I almost fell out of my chair reading this. And all the stuff that follows. You guys (and gals) are hysterical!
  2. YIPEE KI YAY!! Thanks for letting me know. Of course I have been singing Christmas Carols since June.
  3. I used to and I hope to this year. I would always try to come up with some cute picture of the kids and the year following the last year I did that the cards I started receiving all said stuff like "I can't wait to see what you do this year", "I still have last years card up and am looking forward to this years". It totally freaked me out and I just couldn't come up with a card I thought everyone would like so I just didn't do it. Then I thought I would send our a New Years Card instead and of course I never got around to that. That was about four years ago. In my heyday I sent
  4. Thanks for keeping us posted. We have family in town and I was planning to drive them over there tonight to see if by chance they were up and running yet. They leave in the morning so I guess they will have to wait until they can come for Christmas one year. I can't wait to see what you have done this year!
  5. Totally forgot this was on tonight. I think we have it TiVo'd from about 9:30 on though and I will watch it tomorrow. I did rewind enough to see why my son went upstairs looking a little disgusted~~Justin Beiber beat his boy Eminem. Now that is just crazy. Anyways, the BSB and NKOTB are singing right now. Brings back memories.
  6. My sister just told me yesterday I needed to read this book. I think I may have to get it soon. How are you finding it?
  7. Neither I just like Mashed Potatoes and Gravy. (and Corn and Turkey and Rolls and Cherry Pie).
  8. Thanks for keeping us posted. I have been wondering how things were going.
  9. Thanks for the review. After I posted this I remembered that I have a Amazon gift card from my birthday back in May so I may just end up buying it along with Beautiful Darkness (the next book in the series. If I am not wild about them I figure I can just donate them to the Middle School. They have had a wait list for BC ever since they got them in.
  10. In the past week I have read: The Last Song The Shack Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince I am now re-reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and should finish it tomorrow. I was hoping to read Beautiful Creatures next but I am still on the wait list for it so if anyone has it and doesn't mind lending it out for a couple of days I promise to be careful and read it fast. I am also waiting to read the second and third book in The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo series. The first book did start out a little slow but I ended up really enjoying it.
  11. Just wondering if we are the only crazy family heading out to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows tonight? If so what theater are you going to and what time do you plan to head there? We are going to NCG in Acworth. I am extremely excited but oh so tired right now. I'm thinking of taking a nap but haven't quite decided yet if that is the best way to go. Only four hours and 12 minutes till showtime!
  12. One husband, 17 years and counting. Great guy but once is enough for me. I can't imagine getting married again. Of course that could be because my Mom has been married and divorced four times and my Dad has been married three times, divorced twice (he's been with my SM for @ 25 years).
  13. My 12 year old uses Ashley at Supercuts on Cedarcrest Rd. She is awesome and will take the time to see what he wants and make sure he is happy with his hair.
  14. I wish I knew what to tell you but after living in the South for over a dozen years I still have a hard time understanding why someone would get a dog and then just keep them penned up or chained up outside. I grew up in Michigan and not all but most people that we knew who had dogs kept them inside. The only family I remember having a dog outside was some neighbors. That dog too went through a time when he started barking at night. The father was a cop and I can still remember one night hearing him go out and just shoot the poor thing. The dog was one of those white husky or snowdog look
  15. This is just so sad. I've been so busy the last few days but I keep finding myself sneaking on here just to see if he's been found. I pray he is found safe and sound and soon! LL thanks for keeping us posted.
  16. Whoa! You got to go see Harry Potter last night? I am so jealous. Congrats on the job! That is great news.
  17. I think you know my answer to that question~lol! Tonight we are having DiGiorno Pizza.
  18. Thanks for the link. I had heard about this but haven't read anything on it. Personally I love anything having to do with Harry Potter or inspired by the Harry Potter series. Still I am not sure how anything would compare.
  19. I hate when things turn out this way. I would say at least the family will have some closure but it sounds as though they might have known all along. How sad? Speaking of unspeakable crimes against children does anyone know if that boy that was missing late last (school) year was ever found? I am talking about the one where his step-mom last saw him when she left him at school after viewing his Science Fair project.
  20. I am usually a night owl but I have been heading to bed earlier and earlier lately. Then I wake up at some ridiculous hour (last night it was 3:54 am). I refuse to get up that early of course by the time I fall back asleep I feel like I get 5 minutes before it is time to get up. My body clock is totally messed up.
  21. I too saw the sign recently and couldn't be more excited. I hope the offer lessons!
  22. LOL I haven't watched this show in years and I could still follow along with what you were saying.
  23. Have him take the Dave Ramsey class. I had two of my kids listen in on some of it but decided to wait a year or two to have them hear the whole thing. My oldest two are still in middle school but I worry about them already. We don't give allowance but I do want to do once they get to high school. Of course if they could keep their rooms clean and pick up after themselves I would love to give it to them now. Good Luck. He sounds like a great kid. Understanding money and budgeting in today's world is tough. I know many adults who struggle with it.
  24. Loved Shawn Cassidy growing up. I still have a couple of his albums packed around here somewhere. I have Oprah TiVo'd but haven't watched it yet. Still I suddenly have Da Do Run Run Run stuck in my head~~thanks! Now It's switching to "Well I was 16 and sick of school. I didn't know what I wanted to do.... I bought a guitar, I got the fever, that's rock and roll". Okay time to go watch Bones and get the 70's (or was it early 80's?) out of my head.
  25. So does anyone know if everyone is done voting in Paulding County yet? I sure hope so. I am anxious to hear the outcome of SPLOST and a few of the amendments. I guess I should just go to bed and check in the morning.
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