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About Blondiega1

  • Rank
    Super Icon
  • Birthday 08/17/1970

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  • Place of Residence
    Dallas City

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  1. I haven’t been on in a very long time and I have no idea how this forum works anymore. I simply wanted to share that long term former me,bee, Lucky, has gone on ahead. I’m sur her father was there to greet her. i hope they play Aerosmith in heaven. RIP, Lucky. Cancer sucks. I’m out. I won’t be back. For those that knew her, remember her from her, or didn’t even know her at all. Pray for her son and daughter. They’re having to say goodbye to their mom.
  2. Apparently that will be “moderated” away.
  3. And now the Bill Clinton painting in the blue dress and red heels comes out. Totally bizarre.
  4. Wow. Alrighty then. Or, I guess, apparently Allefty then. pun intended.
  5. Will there also be a “Marching Right” forum?
  6. Well, I’ll be damned.........what in the fresh prince of Bel Air??
  7. Just trying out something I heard about and thought SURELY it can’t be true...... PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES of America
  8. As far as I know they are. Perhaps they were closed between Christmas and New Year's? A lot of business will close that week.
  9. Too many people made it REALLY hard..... lol
  10. 2 years in a row the whole "Be kinder and less judgmental" thing didn't work out for me, so I'm not making any resolutions this year.
  11. That strange week between Christmas and New Year's when I've seen at least 3 topics so far that have not turned political. lol
  12. Spiral sliced ham, collard greens, blackeye peas, macaroni and cheese, and yeasty rolls. Pork - for prosperity in the new year Greens - equal paper money in the new year Peas - equal coins in the new year Traditionally it's cornbread to equal gold and wealth in the new year, but we had these yeasty rolls already that need to be used so were doing Macaroni and cheese as our "gold". So, there ya go. LOL
  13. YES!! We love our BGE!! We actually have two. We have the extra large size and a mini max to take camping. When we were researching buying one, the #1 review I read for the large BGE is that they wished they'd bought the extra large. One thanksgiving we roasted a 26lb STUFFED turkey on it! It really is like having a second outside oven. We also recommend this item: https://www.amazon.com/BBQ-Temperature-Controller-Thermometer-Universal/dp/B07KKNYTTR/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?ie=UTF8&qid=1545151171&sr=8-1-spons&keywords=digiq+bbq+temperature+controller&psc=1 You can "set i
  14. After my divorce, I was living in a little rental house and had arranged for basic cable to be installed. I took off early from work to meet the installer at the house. I was still wearing my Kroger name tag when he showed up. We had a little chat and come to find out he also worked PT as Kroger for some extra money. He did his thing to hook up basic cable for me. The really cheap stuff. As he was leaving he says, "I went ahead and turned on everything for you. They'll probably catch it and turn it off, but you'll have it for a while." I lived in that rental house for alm
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