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Everything posted by brown*eyed*girl

  1. Thanks, sorry to be such a dodo bird. I haven't actually been to the new courthouse yet but I think I can figure this out. I live in the New Hope area so I am thinking I will go toward Dallas, past the old courthouse and then when I get to the Y that is 278 take a sharp left? I'll probably just look it up on switchboard.com and plug in the address on the GPS. That thing has become way too handy .
  2. Cute stuff! So where is this place exactly? Near Dallas on 278 or heading toward I-20 from Hiram? TIA
  3. Abney and Moses here. Everything went well. Of course it was hot and crowded and we definitely couldn't have used a little more time but I'm still very happy with how everything went as well as the teachers we met and the schedules the kids got.
  4. I get the mousesavers newsletter each month and the last one did say that the week that prices have been raised in the past was coming up. We haven't been in years but I love going to Orlando. Somehow we always manage to find a decent deal on tix. I don't think I could ever go in this kind of heat. We have always gone in December and the weather has been for the most part perfect.
  5. Can anyone explain to me why some people where affected and others weren't? I have firefox and am always logged in and didn't get any warnings. I have AVG, Spyware and Spybot on my computer that I think just run on some kind of schedule. I also have Malwarebytes but I have to run that myself and only do so when a problem comes up. For those of us who didn't get any warnings should we be worried and is there anything we should do? Thanks!
  6. It's funny you started this thread because just yesterday I was thinking I need to make a list of stupid pet peeves I have so I can contribute to one of these threads. Usually when one pops up I can't think of a thing even though I have several. Here are a few things that make me crazy or drive me a little nuts. The sound my husband makes when he chews ice drives me insane. It also drives me nuts when I call an automated number and can't figure out how to actually speak to someone. I especially hate when I do need to speak to them and they can't understand me and I can't understan
  7. Now that really sucks. I remember a story years ago about a teenager whose school system had a recycling program. As part of a school project she decided to "follow" the recycled items to see where they ended up and how they were recycled. If I remember correctly it all ended up at the dump or some similar place. How sad. I wonder just how much stuff actually does get recycled?
  8. I bring plastic bags and use them for a couple of reasons. First off though we always get the monster combo. I like seasoning on my popcorn and my kids don't. I find it easier to dump my popcorn in a bag and shake up the seasoning. Second usually at least one of my kids (especially if they have friends) don't want to sit with Mom, it is just not cool (or so I am told ). One time in Hiram the person working behind the counter said it was easier if we just had them fill the bags than taking them in the theater and doing it. However when we went there for Eclipse we were told we couldn't b
  9. It wasn't the same without Paula and it will feel even different without Simon but I still watch the show and still liked Ellen. I don't watch the Ellen show and wasn't a fan or anything before hand but she did crack me up more than once. I found Randy to be the snoozer this past year. I also remember Ellen saying that she wouldn't do the show without Simon way back when she first signed on and him leaving was just a rumor.
  10. We just got back from a week in South Haven, MI which in on Lake Michigan west of Battle Creek. I hope they are able to contain it and get it all cleaned up. It is so beautiful there! If the Winters weren't so cold I might have stayed there (I grew up in MI, born in Kalamazoo and actually have lived in Battle Creek as well as a few other places). I'm loving where we are now though but it is still sad.
  11. My son gets told his hair cut looks just like Justin but he didn't do it intentionally. I take him to a girl in Acworth who is awesome with boys that age. Last time he was there he wanted to do something a little different and she sat him down and they looked at pictures and she asked him some questions and made some suggestions. He is very quiet so I was impressed. Her name is Ashley and she works at the Supercuts in front of the Target on 41 770-966-1155. Everytime we go her hair is a different color (or more than one) and she really seems to know her stuff. She was recommended to me b
  12. I totally agree with you. My kids do especially well the week following a break and I have often heard teachers reiterate this as well. Not to mention I love having my kids home for those weeks through out the year. We went snow tubbing one February and often get to visit family during November that we wouldn't otherwise see since Christmas is just too crazy. I am looking forward to taking advantage of the great rates for Disney and Orlando during next years September break. I hope they keep it.
  13. I grew up in a school system that only had two days off for Thanksgiving and I can tell you the school was slightly over half full at best. Too many families had to leave a day or two early to get to their families in time for Thanksgiving. I think in this day and age families are just too spread out for this too work. My "Yankee" friends are always quite jealous when they hear we have the whole week off.
  14. That is so awesome of you. We are participating but decided not to buy this years t-shirts since we have them from a previous year. I love CM weekend!
  15. Haha not that I am aware of. But now you have me thinking...hmmm he is just days away from a 3 week European vacation and didn't Kristin say she was headed to London? He just moved last month and has been pretty busy wrapping things up so I haven't talked to him since May. I guess I need to give him a call and see what is up. It's funny though because I remember when he first started working on the show he said everyone kept telling him he looked like someones boyfriend but I can't remember if it was Kristin or not.
  16. Awesome THANKS! I will come by either later today or tomorrow sometime.
  17. Wow, that is impressive. I guess I can't use age as an excuse anymore. Just wondering, did she ever give birth?
  18. I actually watched. It is not the kind of show I would normally have been watching at this point in my life~~ married, mother of three. But my brother works on the show so of course I had to start watching it. I actually found my self surprising fascinated by it. I still can't figure out how much of it is real vs. how much is show. Although after the final scene I'm thinking more of it is show than real. Not sure if I can do this but I'm going to try to add a picture from the series finale party. If it works my brother is on the far left. Isn't he a cutie?!
  19. If you have a couple left I would love two of them. I'll be in your neck of the woods in the morning and can pick them up then. If not, no big deal. Thanks for putting this out there!
  20. Although I'm not heart broken it is kind of a bummer. Yeah the 7% didn't amount to all that much but businesses seemed to use it as an opportunity to put some extra great deals out there and people tended to stock up so I think it did increase sales even if it did lose the state money. I can certainly understand it not being renewed though.
  21. Airplane delays are such a pain sometimes. I totally feel for you. When my grandfather died I was a total basket case. He had raised me part of my life and I got a flight out with a layover somewhere in PA. Thing is nobody told me the connecting flight was canceled and I was wandering around trying to find out what was going on. It was a total inconvenience the next day for someone to come and get me and like I said I was a wreck already. Last year hubby booked a flight from Chicago to Tampa. He usually would fly right into Ft. Myers (where he works) but his SIL had planned a surpris
  22. Thanks, I will have to pass these on to my Mom. She works in a library and loves reading (as do I). She belongs to a website called Good Reads that sends me recommendations and reviews. I haven't checked it out totally yet but she really likes it. I also belong to www.paperbackswap.com. They have some reviews also but I use it mainly to get books.
  23. Ahhhh..... a nice beach scene. Much better. Thanks!
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