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About footballbeerchic

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  • Place of Residence
    South Paulding

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  1. Been here many times, my father in law's Taos house is about 5 miles or so from the Earthships.
  2. everyone is sore.. The Toyota is broken pretty funny to get a ticket for failure to yield when you haven't moved... the oncoming car locked them up and slid to the passenger side and the other person gets a ticket??
  3. There was an accident there today and I'm just wondering if they are working so the attorney can get the footage.
  4. Good ole Fryin'!! He's no longer there! That was always the best story though. S'Morgan and Fryin. lololol. Do yall remember the Secret Santa gifts we used to do? Was it secret santa?? I loved that!! I still remember the story Shipwrecked?? posted about his lawn cutting party. Those were the good old days.
  5. Yeah, I wonder as well. Really makes me worry about the bus driver..even though I don't have elementary age kids, she was both my kids' driver. We love her!!
  6. Thankfully there are parents in our neighborhood who will gather up the chirrens & take them all to school, hope the bus driver is okay! Usually isn't there a sub bus that will come out?
  7. My cousin has had the DNA test, which links us to the very first Norton in our family who was not really a Norton at all, he was adopted by his step father, a Norton.. his actual last name was Hathaway. The ball fields at the new Douglas county fields are named after our family, Norton Field.
  8. I love Fancy a$$ fruit dip & a bowl of fruit. Dip: one package of cream cheese, softened, one jar of marshmallow fluff. Put both in bowl, mix with hand mixer. You may need to make two batches, I always have to.
  9. We use Waste Industries, we never have had any problems with our trash service but we have to call EVERY week to have them pick up the recycling. They know my husband on a first name basis. It's ridiculous.
  10. Exactly why people fly down Ridge, there is not a cop around! Not cop-bashing!! I know there aren't enough resources to have them everywhere all the time, but we REALLLLLLLY need one there.
  11. Hardly anyone obeys the school zone, not sure what folks are thinking, if the lights are flashing SLOW DOWN TO THAT SPEED. I live across the street from the school and am glad I never have to turn left leaving the school. We need a full time cop!! Thanks for the update, Orrby.
  12. What a mess it was. I'm not sure if anyone was injured, hopefully not! Such a dangerous area, I'm just glad I don't turn left out of the school after drop off.
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