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Everything posted by brown*eyed*girl

  1. LOL When I first read this I thought it said we met each other in prison for the first time. Glad I read it again.
  2. I guess this means my kids will get two nights of Halloween. Not a bad deal getting an extra nights use out of their costumes and double the candy for me to sneak into. They never finish half their candy anyways. What is left after a week Santa's elves will pick up to get Santa through the next few months. Just don't come checking my closet for anything cuz you won't find it there. .
  3. I still can't stop thinking about this but what I was wondering is, is there a SO that can step in here and clarify if there was one or two accidents and whether or not if it was a hit and run?
  4. We dated for 18 months before we got married and have been married for 17 years.
  5. Thank you Lady Raider. I guess my hubby was right. I know and I'm sorry. I actually did a search to see if I could find a recent thread on it but didn't see one. Having said that the only person to have voted voted for Sunday but according to Lady Raider the City of Dallas has declared Saturday the day of celebration.
  6. My husband came home with his October schedule yesterday and I pointed out to him that he scheduled himself to work on Halloween. He said he just figured it would be celebrated on Saturday the 30th(which he took off) instead of Sunday because that is what he remembers happening when Halloween fell on a Sunday a few years back. I don't care either way but I'm wondering what the majority think. I don't remember what happened last time but I do remember a year when kids showed up a day later and I had to raid my kids bags to give out candy. So if you could please give your two cents
  7. I have felt just sick about this all day. I feel so sad for her family but more so for her to have had her life cut so short. It has not even crossed my mind that the person did this was some kind of monster. I guess I am picturing a scenario where someone hits something and slows down totally freaked and doesn't see anything and goes home shaking. I almost hit an animal once and could barely drive home I was shaking so bad. I once saw a deer get hit on Jimmy Lee/Thornton Rd and the thing literally flipped over, got up and ran away in no time at all. If something like that happened at
  8. American Kidney Fund is now called American Kidney Services. They do still pick up but I am pretty sure they don't do furniture. We had a desk last year and they said it was too big to take. They do take smaller items though. I wonder if one of the local schools would love to have an Organ and might be willing to have someone pick it up. Just a thought. Edited to add maybe The Dallas Theatre would be interested as well. I'm sure they need stage props and stuff or at least when I was a kid our local theater was always looking for stuff like that.
  9. Seven and they must still be teaching that today because both my middle schoolers were taught that there are seven as well.
  10. Overall I enjoyed "The Britney Spears Episode" but I definitely liked the first part better than the last part. I was LMAO at the beginning. That Britney S. Pears girl always cracks me up with the random stuff she says. I didn't really like the whole stuff with the guy with the Afro. Just too weird. It was also nice to see the Crazy Ex. Then we watched Raising Hope (I need another show to watch like I need another hole in my head but hey whatever). They show both cracked me up and disturbed me at the same time. Next week looks kind of sad. I love Kurt's Dad.
  11. I'm a Raider fan but I have to admit that did bother me that our boys didn't take a knee. Why didn't they?
  12. Great ideas! We have actually done both of these. My daughter had a teacher who collected covered bridges so we looked up where the nearest one is and took some pictures for him. I have been meaning to go back so maybe we will. Thanks!
  13. I was trying to remember where it was exactly but last year someone posted some beautiful pictures of a park in the area. I think it was Sweetwater maybe? There was water, walking trails, gorgeous trees and rocks. I know this weekend there is free admission to all the State parks but for some reason I was thinking this was just a place to go and not an official state park. I did do a search but came up empty. Well something did come up for Pumpkinvine but that didn't ring a bell. Either way I'd love to find a place to take the kids on an easy hike today and get some great pictures.
  14. I was going to mention the one in Dallas but someone beat me to it. I know this is a little farther away but my son went to Netherworld last year and said it was incredible. The friend who brought him chickened out in the parking lot. Apparently it has one a lot of awards and is always one of the top haunted houses in the country. I am hoping to go myself this year. If anyone has been to Netherworld and then one in Dallas can you tell me how they compare?
  15. I was hoping for a closer score. I had a great time but sat next to some North Parents and started feeling bad. The Mom was yelling at their team and the Dad just laid back and shook his head. I can see that they definitely have potential though and I personally know some of the boys. I actually have a friend who has kids at both schools. I think this is going to be a great rivalry. I thought all the trash talk this week was in fun and none of it was really nasty. I told my daughter that everyone has to cheer for their team and believe they are going to win whether they are an East fan
  16. Heading to EAST as soon as the kids are done eating! GO RAIDERS!!
  17. The water is on? Cool. The only times I've seen it the water was off. Does it run all the time? I've been looking for a place to take some pictures of the kids and was planning on heading to Sweetwater creek but might have to see if the fountain area would work as well.
  18. So true Our house has been voting for the past 90 minutes plus non stop. Only one computer would work but we tried. If not it will still be a great game. I can't wait!! Now I really need to get dressed and get my day going. Edited to add it appears that voting is still going on. The vote count has gone up more than 500 votes since noon. Oh well. I really do need to get some stuff done.
  19. FINALLY got to vote. 5.109 votes cast. We are at 43% and the next team is at 29% Edited to add that it just went up about 50 votes in just a few minutes. Hopefully most of those our for us but EC did get up to 30% so keep voting!
  20. Got up extra early to vote and the site is still "Down for maintenance".
  21. My DVR has been running over time this week. I have had to use DVR's in two rooms to record as much as 4 shows at once. Unfortunately most of the shows I don't want to watch with the kids around so I will have to wait. I did get to watch Modern Family tonight. I love that show. It totally cracks me up.
  22. Hey, you know I had to heat up FOUR Totino's pizza's last night for dinner. I am pretty tired. Okay now I will go lay back down and maybe read a little from Rehvenges's book.
  23. Ughhh! Having the same problems you all are having. On one computer which I haven't been on for at least 12 hours, it is just giving me the results. But on the other it appears to let me vote but continues to do that loading thing. I think I'll go back to bed for a while and then try again. Aww, the beauty of no school....sleeping in.
  24. Well we are down to 40%. Not good. I have cleared my cache and cookies and history (several times) and I have still only been able to vote twice since this thread started. I also posted a link on my facebook account. On a more positive note I'll get to go to the game now. My daughters softball tournament got canceled.
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