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Everything posted by rednekkhikkchikk

  1. I'm thinking he probably does it just to p!$$ you off at this point. Unless he's a 'pink flowers' kind of guy...
  2. Doubt it. I got a ticket for illegal window tint that was a $65 fine over 10 years ago...
  3. Found one in my kitchen shortly after I moved into my house. Of course I didn't want to stay there afterward. Didn't really have a choice, though.
  4. The big silver maple beside my mailbox fell yesterday. It was a wonderful shade tree but it, like most of the other trees in my yard, was very old and probably not in the best of health after so many years of drought, etc. I hated to lose it but am really glad the (also very old) pear beside it was unharmed. It bears perfect pears for preserves and I have no idea what variety they are so I doubt I could replace it with another of the same. My climbing rose in the back yard appeared to be untouched and still had the same three blooms this morning it had when this all started yesterday e
  5. Right. And in the private sector people don't generally have to take furlough days in lean times. They lose their jobs altogether, which often results in the loss of everything they've worked for as well.
  6. Didn't read the article but based on the part that you posted, I'm going to suggest this could be the wrong forum
  7. So is this a 'toot my own horn' thread or a 'kick em when they're down' thread? Kinda hard to tell, really, although I'm leaning toward a little of both. I say this not in defense of any particular party involved in the home buying process, but out of concern for those at whom this backhanded insult was aimed. I paid less than $50k for my own home in 1991, but having struggled with my own finances due to a divorce, I can certainly sympathize with those who are in such a difficult situation and stand to lose not just their home but all the money they've invested in it as well
  8. I don't know which insurance companies paid claims based on just the word of a roofer, but I do know a few adjusters who worked mighty darn hard the past two years doing roof inspections. Many were borderline cases that should have been either repaired or even denied, but would that have been your viewpoint if it was YOUR roof claim being denied? Somehow I don't think so.
  9. All for that one - no children, no school tax. Never understood why we all have to pay for those who choose to reproduce anyway, but that's one form of subsidization I notice parents of all political persuasions gladly receive.
  10. Depends on the officer, I imagine. Ridiculous that they're allowed to stop someone for nothing more than being out late at night. LOL @ buying "just" cigarettes and gum. Seen the price of cigarettes lately? Or gum, either, for that matter...
  11. So it was $100/mo MORE to insure your home with USAA or have I misunderstood totally what you're saying here?
  12. what he said^^^ Don't know of any company for which insuring a vehicle used in pizza delivery on a personal auto policy is acceptable...
  13. Does that cost you a multi-policy discount on your auto insurance with USAA? If so, I assume you figured that into the equation also-if not, you probably should. Some companies also offer such benefits as a waiver of deductible if there is a loss that involves both the home and automobiles. You should ask USAA if their policy includes anything of this nature. Between that and any discount for insuring both policies you might find it's worth changing the homeowners policy to USAA after all.
  14. Lottery sales are way down...really? I haven't stopped at a store yet that people weren't lined up to buy them or cash them in, or off to the side playing what they just bought. Or filling out playslips for the various drawings. And just look at the number of tickets littering the parking lots that didn't win. If you look at the displays of tickets, the $5 & $10 slots seem to be empty or almost empty much of the time. Since this became an issue, I've made a point to notice. And - there was an article in the AJC just the other day touting how much more successful our lottery is
  15. ok. so is this instead of the plan to charge sales tax on services and anything else they can think of?
  16. North Johnston Street is also closed just past the Regions Bank drive thru entrance. Use Polk Avenue off Confederate to go anywhere other than the drive thru at the bank.
  17. Seems to me it's only gonna hurt those selling goods and services ("the free market economy") when people buy less in order to pay more tax on the items they purchase & the services they need...they're not gonna do away with the income tax while they're trying to bring in ADDITIONAL MONEY. They'll implement the increase first, create their costly bureaucracy and then maybe reduce the income tax slightly. How is that not increasing the size and scope of government? I'm dismayed by the number of otherwise intelligent people who still believe anything any politician says. That's
  18. I'd like to see some evidence that this is attributable completely to liberals, because experience leads me to believe the whole 'no spanking' issue isn't limited to any one political persuasion. My mother is a lifelong Democrat (probably more conservative than you but still a Democrat) and I assure you there was no lack of - to call it spanking would be ludicrous so I guess I may as well call it what it was - whipping (with a belt, no less) in our household, whereas my dad's strategy of dealing with one of my younger sisters who has had some serious issues from the age of 12 til just about
  19. And if I wanted to be subjected to constant whining and complaining I'd get married again. What's your point?
  20. Yeah I tried to call 911 5 times to report the one on 278 and got no answer, then busy signal twice, then twice again no answer. I figured by the time I got through someone would have already reported it. Hope that was the case, anyway.
  21. Yeah I was wondering about the Bed Bath & Beyond, too. Maybe they meant Pier 1? Wow, I hadn't noticed anything new next to Zaxby's (not sure where there's space for anything significant there) and I was just over that way a couple days ago. Maybe I should keep my eyes open when I'm driving around, huh?
  22. A precious lady who will be greatly missed Bye Miss Polly~
  23. I think that's about 2/3 of the cause of most traffic issues/accidents. I'm amazed more people aren't pulled over by the police given the frequency with which people swerve & weave in and out of their lane while they do everything under the sun except watch the road. I worry more about distracted drivers than I do intoxicated ones anymore.
  24. Ok, anyone care to take a guess on the secret meaning behind this photo?
  25. Um, Obama didn't make the photo, regardless of intent. To call it arrogance is to place the blame on the subject rather than the photographer/editor, where it belongs.
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