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Everything posted by rednekkhikkchikk

  1. I would start from scratch if you want a true 're-evaluation'. It's awfully easy to miss something crucial when you just transfer your policy from one agent to another, because there's still a tendency to simply verify what's there rather than ask all the questions you would of a new client.
  2. We have several hundred lunatics in power in America. That needs to change. Immediately.
  3. Not looking to take either side of any 'debate' going on here but I'd like to point out that federal money comes from the same place as state & local revenue - our pockets. I haven't checked to see yet but does anyone know the proximity of this road to the greenspace we are paying for? Don't most companies that relocate usually offer to keep as many existing employees as are willing to relocate before offering positions to anyone else? I would think the source of additional jobs would primarily be new start-ups...
  4. Well yeah, when you're already so busy representing the highest bidder and your fellow politicians. Sure, now if we could just find someone more interested in serving the public than in enriching themselves. (The solution is actually to change the way we respond to the way campaigns are run and stop electing the ones with the most money or rewarding these clowns for turning the process into a mud-slinging contest - in other words, elect leaders and hold them accountable and rid ourselves of politicians. One need not be a politician to be a leader)
  5. I think designing and building furniture would qualify as a job. Guess the SSA doesn't agree. I'm all for the availability of assistance for those who have a need, but the system is incredibly screwed up and has been for years, and if there was a politician of any persuasion willing and/or able to fix it, like all our other problems it wouldn't be what it is today. As for the states, I stand in convenience stores daily and watch as people in the state that gave us Chambliss and Isakson in the districts of Maxwell and Heath buy fountain drinks and candy with state-issued cards -(EBT
  6. Given the regularity with which such comments are made on this board I'd like to just go ahead and ask: what does it add to the discussion? Right...absolutely nothing. Some Muslims are terrorists intent on harming Americans. Some are not. Some born-and-bred American citizens are terrorists intent on harming Americans. Some are not. Is it that difficult to see others as individuals? I guess it is, given the amount of time we spend communicating with people whose Identity we often don't know and face we never have to see.
  7. They're possums. That's all the information I'd need.
  8. That's not funny at all. Funny is a dead animal in your mailbox in 80-90 degree temps. Blood-soaked mail only adds to the hilarity... True - most teens don't own property, but they have parents who do, and whose responsibility it is to 1) teach their children respect for others and 2) have some control over their whereabouts and activities. It says as much about the parents as the kids in my opinion (and what it says isn't flattering). And I don't have kids, or even live in a subdivision. And I certainly don't bother my neighbors of 20+ years who, even if I had, wouldn't
  9. How about David Ralston's $400,000 + federal tax debt? Coupled with his lobbyist-funded vacation, I'd say his claim of being more ethical than his predecessor was a joke.
  10. Have had good experiences with both East Paulding Animal Hospital and Paulding Animal Clinic (Drs Larry and Warren Judy).
  11. Many insurance companies will not insure a home with an unfenced pool - although they have made exceptions for homes that are not accessible to non-residents or guests. You'd be surprised how many people are annoyed by this rule, especially if their pool is above-ground. I don't understand why anyone would not teach their children to swim at the earliest age possible if there is a body of water of any kind adjacent to their home...
  12. Actually, this is no longer the case. Now your credit based "insurance score" is a MAJOR factor in the premiums you pay with almost every insurer. Home and automobile. Not to say that it's as it should be, but it is what it is. Sorry for the off-topic rant.
  13. “It was my time to go.” ^^Understatement^^ of the year.
  14. I read an article a couple/few weeks ago in the AJC that reported some of the state's larger employers have said hiring will never return to previous levels since they've discovered they can simply demand more productivity from existing workers. No uncertainty in that attitude... People without jobs can't spend. Without spending, there's less demand. Since it's pretty clear housing will not be the jobs generator it once was, and simple logic says that the government can't simultaneously cut spending and create new jobs, as was said previously it appears our unemployment rate w
  15. We didn't have street numbers when I started school (or when I graduated, for that matter), just a route number, city state & zip code, so learning where we lived wasn't optional.
  16. It will also keep slugs out of your garden.
  17. Someone suggested it was because DG didn't want to pay for the accel/decel lane that would be required in order to allow left turns into the highway...which sounds about right.
  18. I can't believe they're being criticized for allowing their young daughters to accompany them on a trip. Or that there are so many humorless people in the world...
  19. No, they're not stupid at all -they are The stupidity lies with those who continue voting them into office with full knowledge of this fact...
  20. House went up, land went down. Overall decrease of $2700. Since my insurance this year will be about twice what it was last year, I won't complain if my property tax stays the same or only increases minimally.
  21. You admitted you were wrong? Er, not exactly... and then you tried to justify said screw up anyway. It isn't so much that you were wrong as that your snide remark about WIC wouldn't let you out of the corner you it backed you into. That grandpa would antagonize a repeat customer doesn't say much for his business sense regardless of the "family" aspect of the situation. I wouldn't look for him to admit his mistake, either
  22. No, I meant what I said. I don't think in such narrow terms, myself.
  23. How anyone could put their trust in this man is beyond me.
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