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Eddie Bennett

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About Eddie Bennett

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  • Birthday 10/23/1944

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  • Place of Residence
    South Paulding

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  1. The only thing that makes me special is that I don't fall into the rabbit holes created to channel fake news to people who don't stand with what they know to be real news. I don't let Donald Daters, and their dictators, make rules for me to go by. I have my own set of rules. I can be labeled a drunk or a special person, but the label suits only the person who spoke the fictitious label for others to hear. Donald Daters and their dictators do what they do. P.com is a good website regardless of the want-a-be rule makers do. They can't make the rules unless we start believing the stuff t
  2. How did black and white branches of family connected during slavery. This is an interesting subject, and deserves looking at is a person is interested in the DNA he/she spreads around. I often wonder how some people still think they have superior DNA in their bodies. If one studies science, in the least amount, regarding genetics. What causes people to think they are better, or inferior to other people based on chromosomes? https://www.theroot.com/tracing-your-roots-dna-connected-me-with-white-kin-1821632015
  3. Reporting me for drawing attention to things of this nature, while I'm being completely respectful of language used, and emotions involved, is a form of dictatorship. Donald Daters love to be dictated to. And there is a new app for Donald Daters. You guys need to reset your dating preference data. Donald Daters, new app for Trump supporters, aims to ... - Fox News The app, which is similar to other dating apps like OKCupid and Tinder, gives users a new set of matches each day based on various preferences that they can preset. https://youtu.be/oBzc_PtSqKg
  4. Oh, Trump loves women, Pubby! He firmly believes that when you are a star they will let you grab them wherever you wish. I don't think Kemp loves any women other than his own wife and daughters. And, it's obvious that young men need to bow to his belief system, when it comes to his daughters.
  5. What is the law on pointing a shotgun at a young man who may be interested in your daughter? If you kill them would that be standing your ground? Suppose the young man thinks his life in in danger, while you cock the shotgun, and he is armed with his own gun? If he kills you is that a stand your ground case? Talk to me!
  6. Grow some tomatoes, and green leafy vegetables out of low livers. Will that still be going high when they go low?
  7. Better yet; make fertilizer out of low livers. Their family values are for their families; not yours. The only reason they want you to have babies is to work for them. I think middle America is sending them a lot of babies. But the low livers will figure out how to make use of those.
  8. You can go through life taking the low side or you can stand up and kick low side people in the a$$.
  9. Cutem up, and plant him. is the way to turn a conservative into an environmentalist. They like to go low while we go high. I say put them down where we can kick them around and fertilize the ground.
  10. Denial of the facts is the GOP way, CC! The Arabs have learned, from Trump and the Republicans, that simple denial is all it takes.
  11. The truth is black folks are about 32% of Georgia's, but 70% of the register voters on hold are black voters. Furthermore, G D, Brian Kemp is not an honest man! GWINNETT COUNTY, GA. — A north Georgia investment company has filed a lawsuit against GOP gubernatorial candidate Brian Kemp and an agricultural business he invested in after company officials say he failed to repay a $500,000 loan. The suit was filed by RLP Investments and its owner, Rick Phillips. Originally, the suit was filed in Stephens County, but it is now before a Gwinnett County Superior Court judge. According to
  12. Exactly https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow/watch/kemp-holding-up-53k-voter-registrations-as-he-runs-for-governor-1341537347869?v=railb&
  13. Definition of a Rigged System in Georgia's Voter Classification techniques. As Secretary of State, Bryan Kemp blatantly violates the Voting Rights Act in order to swing the upcoming election in his own favor. 'Definition of a Rigged System' as GOP Candidate for Georgia Governor Commits Massive Purge of Registered Voters
  14. Losers get streets named after them, Captain, but MLK Jr. Blved is not one of those streets. Atlanta streets named for some of the Confederacy’s most recognizable generals and leaders will likely be renamed in Atlanta. Who wants to live on a street where losers of the Civil War named them. Anybody who fought against America, and Lincoln's Republican party, need not have a street named to honor the losers. Here's a street that needs its name changed: https://www.myajc.com/rf/image_medium/Pub/p8/MyAJC/2017/11/20/Images/newsEngin.20491970_081617-confederate-2.jpg
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