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Everything posted by rednekkhikkchikk

  1. Sonny Perdue did not win re-election based on his stellar job performance. And in case we forget, he's another party-switcher who hasn't exactly set the standard for ethical behavior in office. Anyone living here and paying attention at the time knows exactly what sent Perdue to the governor's mansion. What did he do that was so awful we've collectively blocked it from memory? All things considered, I think I'd still prefer my ex to a thief if I had to make that choice.
  2. Why the surprise? I mean, aren't some of these same people planning to vote for Nathan Deal? Nothing short of a fling with Monica Lewinsky is gonna deter these folks...
  3. Why not for his wife? She may very well need a tire changed when she's alone and he's not able to come do it for her. To have a stranger do it is just dangerous these days. Better to know how to do it herself than to resort to that or be stranded somewhere. Danged if I'd want to be the only member of my family not able to change a tire...
  4. That's the nature of business anymore, it seems, and it affects all types of businesses, not just the self-employed. It's not necessarily just because of illegal immigrant labor, either. Unethical business practices that stop just short of dishonest and/or illegal play a significant role in some such situations as well. It's unfortunate but what can ya do, y'know? I do understand your frustration. Hope it all works out ok for y'all.
  5. I agree. I think it's a very nice addition to the downtown area. (I trust you're not being facetious...)
  6. I believe they've pretty much determined that the DW Horizon explosion was caused by human error, lack of adherence to proper procedures, cost cutting measures and/or equipment failure. Since neither Bush nor Obama was present at the time the incident occurred, it's rather silly for anyone to try to lay the blame on either of them.
  7. Had mine out for the same reason, constant tonsillitis & strep throat. I was 13 I think. It eventually began to cause problems with my ears, also. I don't get sore throats, rarely get colds/flu and when I do it's relatively mild. Haven't had an earache since. My mother took me to an ENT of her own choosing because it got to the point that I didn't want to go to school I felt so bad so often. As I recall, there was nothing to the surgery. I stayed indoors & rested for a day afterward (but I felt fine and didn't really want to) and that was it. Good luck.
  8. I'm so sorry to hear this. I'm sure his family is devastated. RIP
  9. Could you be a little more specific as to what general area of Sheffield/Paulding Forest WMA this is in relation to say, Braswell for those who live in the area?
  10. At the risk of sounding like an a$$hole, weren't you just asking about free or subsidized treatment for someone's substance abuse problems recently? Not that I'm unsympathetic or that I condone people who can afford manicures, hair extensions and expensive vehicles receiving food stamps, section 8 housing or court-appointed attorneys; I just don't understand how someone's views on such assistance can change so radically when it's their problem vs. someone else's. Maybe it's more a lack of forethought (not pausing to think before we speak - mostly about what we've said in the p
  11. So I take it this is no longer considered 'unpatriotic' behavior?
  12. Yes, I believe it's in Cedartown, not sure of the name though. There has to be an opening when the hospital refers them. If there isn't, they just send the patient home with instructions to report back later and of course once they're back home, the temptation to return to their old habits is hard to resist. Neither the hospital nor the rehab center is free/cheap, and when (if) they do return to the rehab center at the appointed time, they have to go through another period of withdrawal if they haven't stayed clean in the interim. They wanted my ex to come back just before Christmas (
  13. Given that many, if not most, of the businesses on that list are no longer operating, it's not likely the state will ever see much of the money they owe. Exactly.
  14. Might be easier to call it hype if the whole country hadn't watched it pouring from the well into the ocean for more than 3 months...and to what end would the government/media have done such a thing, anyway? For that matter, why would you think a global oil giant like BP would shake up its management hierarchy and jeopardize its reputation to participate in such a pointless exercise?
  15. Yeah I already know all this. Doesn't make it any less frustrating or disgusting. Just not sure what has to happen to make people care enough to demand better. I should think their policies (or lack thereof) would have adversely affected a sufficient number of people already to have done just that. That two politicians so devoid of ethics, as Deal and Oxendine clearly are, had the gall to even enter the race for governor is baffling enough in itself. That one of them actually made it to a run-off election is just downright embarrassing... Money drives elections because it dri
  16. Yet look where it's gotten us... No matter how long it's been this way it has obviously not worked and is not going to. Time for people to grow up, get a grip and demand a government that works as it should - no more, no less.
  17. The current DA is a public official. Isn't that the measure of how appropriate it was to allow the remarks against Donavan to remain? (I think we all know the county doesn't allow that, don't we?)
  18. What makes people think the whole world wants to know their personal business, anyway? When someone invites trouble, why are they inevitably shocked and dismayed when it arrives at their doorstep shortly thereafter? If the original post not been made, Mr. Donovan would have had no reason or opportunity to respond at all. I think it's rather short-sighted to just assume he wouldn't be an effective district attorney based on someone's experience with his representation in a civil matter, especially given how tough it can be to fully please all of the people, all of the time - (or these
  19. I don't believe so, but I don't know for sure. I thought those stickers were kinda hard to come by...
  20. How'd you arrive at that conclusion? Is it not going to be built on private property? (and isn't there some 'pointless drivel' in the constitution about freedom of religion that actually would prevent the government from having "total control" in this particular situation?) I'm more offended by the references to the WTC site as sacred and/or holy. By what virtue? The people are no longer there. Depending on your point of view their spirits may be elsewhere, or nowhere at all, but unless you believe in the paranormal, I think it's safe to say that it's now just a place where build
  21. Hey, it garnered more attention than her mediocre acting ability ever warranted...but she's still an out-of-control addict whose bank account greatly exceeds her IQ. Be glad when she fades into obscurity where she belongs...
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