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About SouthernScarlett

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    Super Icon

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  • Place of Residence
    South Paulding

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  1. Mrs G. thanks so much for the prayers and condolences for Sharons family. She is my cousin and it means a lots.
  2. Lady Raider Sharon was not from Dallas. This is one lady that this shouldn't of happen to . She had been riding for many many years and loved it more than anything. She always rode with safety always on her mind and followed all the laws. My first ride was with her and her husband Steve.She is my cousin and i will miss her dearly. Please people be careful out there and watch the roads for riders .Please keep the prayers coming for the family at this time.
  3. J'smom yes i got a 2014 softtail deluxe Harley.Had only 13 miles on it. 10 was from the factory. It is a sweet ride.
  4. Thanks CreativeOne Lppt Mel len Mrs G. well i am doing a lot better now. Life hit me like a rock for a while. Hope life has been treating you kind. Good to chat with you again. Lady Raider i would love to come by some time. Love ya girl.
  5. Thanks a lot everyone. I had 4 long days getting it. Last day was something else.Had to ride over 2x4"s for the first time . I was riding in the hard hard rain and had to make some very sharp curves to pass the test. Last curves were a figure 8.Boy was that something. Lowrider you would have been so proud of me. I also want to thank you for all my riding gear.That rain suit sure did come in handy. Those chaps are just so kool. Thanks for all of your support.
  6. I am so excited .WOOT! WOOT!
  7. Hand in air waving. Miss chatting with you to. Haven't been on here in so long. Life for me has been a challange for a good while but it is nice to see you posting. Just wanted to say hi.
  8. If any one is missing the cutie pie. Please send me a message> I will give you the info: you will need to get this furbaby back home safe and sound.Found on Paul Aiken Rd. on the hwy 61 end.
  9. I would like very much to thank everyone for your kind words and thoughts. We have been fighting this battle for years now . My heart is very saddened at this time for sure. We have been married for 40 years. Teen age sweethearts. I am going to miss him for the bottom of my heart. I guess i just wanted to Thank each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart. It means so much to me.
  10. Nice Logo but i really like the way you displayed the vehicles. Look"n Good.
  11. My tree is a table top tree and very special to me. The bulbs are from the P.com Christmas tree that was on the parade float years ago. The snow flakes are made by a very good P.com friend.( ZOO) I have used these for years.
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