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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Well, if he had any sense, I wouldn't care if he was openly gay. In fact, I'd vote for an openly gay conservative (smaller government, lower taxes, personal responsibility) any day of the week over a milquetoast moderate who wants the same ol' same ol'. (Love the Eddie Haskell line. heh)
  2. WHOA!!! Now you're talking! Oh, I could so totally get behind this. In the absence of TBAR, perhaps we could get Animal to take the lead since he's feeling all left out as the workers' union rep? I would also like to put in a request that us'ns in NE Paulding not be forgotten in the tunnel planning. Last I heard, the farthest north anything was planned was somewhere near East Paulding Drive.
  3. EXACTLY. A fact many homeowners simply cannot grasp, it seems.
  4. I think I'm going with Handel. Deal doesn't interest me (career politician, endorsed by Gingrich), and Oxendine seems to be a bit of a nut from what I hear. I like Johnson, but I think I like Handel a little bit better. I wouldn't vote for Barnes for dog-catcher. The other Dems look blah to me, except for Thurbert Baker. I considered crossing over and voting for him; he's been a pretty good AG and isn't too off-the-wall on issues (although he is a good bit more liberal than I). I note that he also has Bill Clinton's endorsement, although I doubt that's going to help him much. Too bad
  5. Well said, sir. Also, Mrs. Howard brings up the Wahhabi connection, which is a concern with this project, IMHO.
  6. Well, CRAP! How could we have forgotten such an important issue? I submit that we should call a mandatory town hall meeting with every (county) candidate present to go on record as to his or her thoughts and plans re: this issue. This is too important not to get right! IIRC, isn't TBAR the resident expert on the tunnels? Could we persuade him to take the lead on this? We only have THREE DAYS!!!
  7. Oh, honey - I'm right there with you. I saw a guy dragged out of Dollar General one day for stealing something like $60 worth of candy and crap, and I'm thinkin' really? Are you really that stupid? I'm with you...me, if I'm going to risk my freedom and embarrass my family, it ain't gonna be over some piddly amount. It'd be over millions, at least, and probably tens of millions. I still wouldn't do it, but if I were of that mindset, you can believe it would be for LOTS of money.
  8. Considering it will have to be built using union labor (who live in/near NYC, who lost loved ones/friends on 9/11, etc.), I am so guessing you are correct. I certainly hope so, anyway.
  9. Oh, honey, I am right there with you. I have told people before that they couldn't even make my stories into a Lifetime movie of the week because nobody would believe it! Geez Louise.
  10. What I really like about the "Oh no, she didn't" crowd are the ones who imitate the NY/NJ accent of the phrase, saying it something like, "Oh, no, she di'inh!" I just want to slap them.
  11. My pet peeve is people asking what my pet peeve is. I keed, I keed! hahahahahahaa
  12. Glad to read your recommendations about XP users. I have XP on both my computers, and see no reason to change at this time. My only issue has been that one is Home edition and the other is Professional, but I resolved the issue quite nicely with some freeware I found. I love how these humongous companies make their marvy software free to individuals when it would be something like $1500 for a company (or some such). I got a remote desktop control program (Team Viewer) that works VERY WELL between the two computers. Happy, happy!
  13. I would add that as stressful as life is sometimes, it's really great (NOT!!!) when the stupid, selfish actions of others just exponentially compounds the stress in our lives. ::sigh:: Can you tell I've been there? I love her, but daaaaaaaaaaaaaaang.
  14. This is such a great guy response. I used to work in an office with all men...they'd have an f-word shouting match over architectural drawings, and then leave to go to lunch patting each other on the back. Then, I went to work in an office with over two dozen women (professional women in the medical field). Let us just say that it was not pretty. I would sooner be nibbled to death by ducks than EVER work around a lot of women again.
  15. No problems here (I'm in NE Paulding). So sorry...problems like this are so frustrating/infuriating.
  16. I'll go you one better, Mrs. H - I think it'll take a tragedy of great magnitude to get people to wake up (in the country at large, I'm speaking of). It's daily routine in Mexico these days to wake up of news of three bodies found hanging from a bridge, or eight headless bodies found in a car with their heads sitting atop of a car hood, or four people found with their hearts cut out and threatening notes pinned to their shirts. When that starts happening here, people will wake up and smell the coffee. As far as Paulding goes, we DO NOT want to become another Gwinnett, who ignored illegal an
  17. Hmmm...perhaps we could form a new support group - Selfish Stupid Sisters Anonymous. We'd probably get a few members... ::sigh::
  18. Oh, I do love me some Burn Notice.
  19. Oh, goodness - prayers for healing and comfort for this man and peace for his family.
  20. I don't have a problem with eyebrow waxing in and of itself, but this pageant stuff for little kids is just sick and creepy, IMHO. I wouldn't encourage a teenager to do it, but I KNOW I wouldn't let my kid do it.
  21. Know what I love about babies (one of many things, I should say) is the way they look you directly in the eye. I love that! I think the next to last pic of this set is my favorite, although I really like #2 as well. What a sweet look.
  22. I handle it one of two ways - I don't answer calls from numbers I don't recognize (which I know doesn't help bidness people who want to answer all live calls), or I set my home phone line to be picked up by the fax software. Heh.
  23. WOO HOO!!! I meet both criteria! Yeah, baby - I'm gonna be giving State Farm a call after 9/1. They give me grief over every little thing, in addition to going up every year with NO CLAIMS. Thanks for posting.
  24. GAH!!! You gotta stop doing this! I don't have time to sit and ooh and ahh over baby pics that send me into a cuteness coma every time I see them! Now if Mrs. Howard posts pics of her bambina, I may as well hang it up for the day...I'll get nothing done. :D
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