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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Me and you, both. I dropped it awhile back and am just not interested in going back.
  2. Ooh, you are awesome!!! Thanks, S&D's Nana!
  3. Bless your heart, honey. You might have some legit points from time to time, and I don't disagree that there are some things in LE that could be much better. And you might could convince other people to have discussions that could lead to improvements. But you are shooting yourself in the foot by just keeping on and on and on and on and on harping on the same old things - they're all bad, they all kill, they all ignore real crime, they all abuse their authority, etc., ad nauseum. It's like the boy who cried wolf...eventually, when he really had something to say, they didn't bother to liste
  4. Man, there are some sick frickin' people in this world. Lord, have mercy.
  5. Ditto the GDOT regs. Which I'm guessing come down from federal DOT regs. :;sigh::
  6. Have mercy, but how prescient his words were. I have to go throw up now. ::sigh::
  7. Oh, heck, yeah, I'd have an attorney. If they don't have the money, they need to figure out how to get it. This is too important to screw up.
  8. Amen, brother. However, if people would just ignore their crap, they wouldn't be in business anyway. ::sigh::
  9. RE: evangelicals in office - I am an evangelical Christian, and I don't care if an office-holder is an atheist lesbian flying-purple people-eater from Mars if she agrees to covern conservatively and according to the laws of the land. She supports smaller government, lower taxes, individual responsibility, etc., she's got my vote.
  10. Saw that. My rule is if we can hear thunder, then we're in range of lightning, and everybody has to get in the house. Better safe than sorry.
  11. Not only haven't I bought them, I haven't even heard of most of them. I must not get out much.
  12. Apropos of nothing, but Enterprise, Alabama, has a statue of the boll weavil (on their town square, I believe it is).
  13. Really? I don't get that at all. They both (the kids) seem to be way too self-centered and goofily rebellious to fall in line like that. (And we saw where trying to shepherd them into some sort of line before got them.) Even if Sarah were the type to go for this (which I don't believe, but that's a personal call), I don't think Todd would go for it. He's his own man. (And a mighty fine one, too, I might add...swoon!)
  14. Preston Smith, state rep. from Rome, is running for AG, and he's a very good guy. ' RE: governor poll - redstate.com today links to a poll showing Handel in the lead with something like 32%, with Deal and Ox each at 18%. Johnson, et al, way on back. Arizona Gov. Janet Brewer and Sarah Palin have both endorsed Handel; Newt Gingrich has endorsed Deal (which I personally don't see as a plus, but whatever). Oh, yeah - for SOS, I'm voting for MacGinnitie.
  15. Well said. I hope they do well in life, if for no other reason that their adorable baby's sake.
  16. I note that the strange cop-hating poster who is forever yammering on hasn't weighed in on this. Thank the Lord.
  17. If it can't be fixed with duct tape or WD-40, then you might as well just pitch it into the garbage can.
  18. My mother has a Kindle and LOVES IT. It is proprietary in that you can't read Kindle books on other readers, but you can read other stuff on Kindle. I can tell they're still working through the bugs, but they have downloaded some seriously improving updates lately that have made us happier. The best thing about the Kindle to me is the convenience when traveling or sitting somewhere. I've downloaded over 1000 free books for Mother, many of them current bestsellers that Amazon had in their free section for a few days (which they do often). I totally agree with the book lovers...NOTHING c
  19. I was gonna say check some more into owls even though you ruled them out initially, but I see you figured it out. We have two (or more) of them in our woods, and I agree - that is one freaky sound if you've never heard it before. The first time I heard it, I came flying in the house and called my late father to make sure it wasn't something that was gonna eat me. hahahahahaa He did laugh. I love the rascals, though. Oh, and they are some big ol' birds, too! Did you know you can't hear an owl fly? They're totally silent in order to better sneak up on their prey. I love owls.
  20. I normally vote Republican, but I thought about crossing over and voting for Thurbert Baker just to take some votes from King Roy. Bill Clinton endorsed Baker, btw. Anyhoo, I'm sticking with the Republican primary because there are too many important votes over there to miss. And Gary Black is definitely getting my vote! I agree Irvin overstayed his welcome.
  21. OK, that pic of her in the pool in her tiny swim suit just sent me into a cuteness coma. How utterly precious.
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