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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I could not agree more with this. DO NOT ASSUME anything. You have a perfect right to visit off-hours, or anytime you choose, and I definitely would. And after she's here, I would also visit as often as you possibly can. I used to work with a lady who was an RN at a NH, and she said the people who got the best care from providers (this was in her experience, so take that for what it's worth) were the ones whose families stayed very involved, NOT the ones who had the most money. I also think you'd do better to try other counties. Cobb has a good number of them, and many on our side of
  2. I personally think he'll beat him senseless with it anyway. I guess there's a scenario where Deal could bring it up first and run commercials about it from now till November telling his side, but I just think King Roy is gonna beat him like a drum.
  3. Start with the social workers at the nursing homes, and I'm guessing the social worker(s) at the hospital would also point you in the right direction. It may be a lot of work and stupid details, but stick with it.
  4. There you go again with that pesky logic thing. STOP IT!!! You're going to confuse people! (And seriously, I'm with Mrs. B...cape/leather bustier or no, you are da bomb.)
  5. I voted for Karen because if Deal winds up winning, he will go down in flames. King Roy learned from his mistakes, and he will eviscerate Deal on that whole ethics thing. Word on the street (ok, the AJC political blog) is that he'll combine attacks on Deal re: the corruption/ethics thing with attacks for same on Casey Cagle, who was somehow involved (I haven't cared enough to even pay attention). So he gets a two-fer. But maybe I'm wrong. I've been wrong before. I'm just so sick and dang tired of the same ol' same ol' in politics. ::sigh::
  6. Ditto. I like David and I was for Pownall (don't live in Post 2), but it just didn't seem kosher to me.
  7. Hear, hear. And honestly, it's difficult even deciphering what mud that is slung at a candidate is even true! Some folks have no problem with just making crap up out of thin air. Sad.
  8. Well, since my value stayed nearly the same, I guess I fall in that 25% that (seemingly) nobody cares about who will be paying more. ::sigh::
  9. Well, I'll go on record. I'm as conservative as they come, and usually vote Republican, and I am pretty darn steamed at the stupidity of the state Republicans.
  10. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR... I'd be angry, but when you're operating at a 9 on a scale of 10 for anger, it's hard to get worked up much.
  11. I'm leaning towards thinking you are correct, sir. I say leaning because I'm not that familiar with this Galloway chick or her history. I do know when the name Shearin is mentioned the hair stands up on the back of my neck.
  12. It's a legitimate question, and my opinion is that they won't roll it back unless they're forced to...they'll hang on by their fingernails until every last finger is pried off. Surepip may be correct in that the law may make them (I think I've read that somewhere), but I don't count on anything with a bunch of crooks, which I consider all politicians to be until they prove different.
  13. See, that little word increase is the kicker. I don't give a rat's patootie if it's only $36.50 (I take your word for it since I don't like numbers and they don't like me)...it's $36.50 I don't have if I have to hand it over to the gooberment on top of what I already hand over. Dude. Stop with the logic. You're confusing people.
  14. Well, actually, you can hire your own prosecutor if you think the DA's office isn't doing a good enough job. I don't know how one would go about it, but I know of a case a number of years ago in another county where the father of the victim hired an attorney to make SURE of a conviction (which he got). Not saying most would, or even could afford to...just sayin'.
  15. If the per cent is increased, taxes are increased. If the assessed value is the same or near the same, the per cent would not necessarily equal a dollar decrease. I'll be interested to see what my bill is. My assessment held steady at -1.1%.
  16. I think you missed my point, or I didn't convey it properly. I meant vote out the incumbents who keep ignoring common sense and keep spending like drunken sailors. If they do good, fine. I'm not for term limits, btw, for the reason you stated.
  17. Yes, yes, I know all that. But I'm OVER IT. I don't care what is allocated to where. This stuff has GOT to stop. BTW - if it has nothing to do with police/fire, why are they forever saying if you don't vote for x, we'll lose police/fire? (That's just a rhetorical question, really...I don't even care why they say anything anymore.) RE: Republicans and spending - I'm VERY conservative, and I don't care who is responsible. The Republicans spent like drunken sailors when they were in power, and Democrats spent like drunken sailors when they were in power. I don't care who it is respons
  18. Good idea, but I'm like you...I don't know if it'll do any good. I really don't think most gooberment officials get the idea till yet that we are FED UP. We are OVER IT!!! I don't want to hear it. Oh, we need money for this, oh, if you don't pay higher taxes, we'll have to cut police/fire personnel. Bovine excrement! CUT CRAP LIKE THE DOG WALK AREAS OF THE PARK THAT WAS LISTED IN THE LAST SPLOST. Or like in Cobb County, cut the frickin' $1 million they were or are spending on putting artificial turf in the football fields at each of the 16 high schools. ARGH!!!!!!! You know, in hard t
  19. I don't use it, but don't you have to tell it to accept your number? Seems like I read somewhere that when a number calls it doesn't recognize as being on a "white list", the number gets the message you described.
  20. RE: py4exsway - God bless you!!! I have never been addicted to alcohol or drugs, but I have seen first-hand the agony of same, and wow...your being clean a year is just awesome. You are correct in all you say. RE: mrsdavidj6 - Bless your heart...you can vent to me anytime. I've been there...our entire family was thrown into disarray (the mildest word I could think of) by such an addiction and refusal to ever deal with it, in spite of two rehabs and a prison sentence for same. I will keep you in my prayers. Edited to correct "would" to "word"...duh.
  21. Better to be judged by twelve (and/or fired) than to be carried by six.
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