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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Pure, unadulterated evil, indeed. Wouldn't want to be her when she stands before God.
  2. I have heard that ants will not cross a chalk line. I can't picture trying to draw a line in dirt around your house with a piece of sidewalk chalk, but somebody did suggest getting the type they mark athletic fields with. Worth a try.
  3. Well, I think the timely manner part has already gone by the wayside. But maybe Subby can offer some insight - he was a geek in this area in a former life, IIRC. He could also probably direct you as to your best options as to how to get somebody to fix it, period!
  4. We've had DirecTV for seven years and LOVE THEM. Would not go back to cable for anything. Next-door neighbor has Dish and isn't nearly as pleased.
  5. I'm in NE Paulding and have AT&T DSL...no problems here in storms. I have been running into some slow service of late, but not enough to make me call them to complain.
  6. I'll second the part about steaks being better at home. I grew up on a small farm and we raised our own beef. All my life, I had the finest beef cuts imaginable day in and day out and never realized how privileged we were. (We certainly weren't wealthy, by ANY stretch.) I didn't eat a steak in a restaurant until I was in college, and I thought, geez - people pay money for this crap? And as with surepip, I prefer most any food prepared at home vs. eaten in a restaurant.
  7. I don't have that software, but I note that you can download a trial version. Are you perhaps using that and the save/print function isn't turned on? I know one thing - I'd try entering a couple of lines of text and see if I could save that before I'd redo the whole thing again only to lose it. Maybe A Friendly Geek can give some additional input.
  8. OK, don't thump me, but I don't understand what you are saying. I think I should go eat lunch (late!) and come back and see if it makes sense then. I don't function well hungry.
  9. Are you talking capital gains? If so, I believe it's 2 years, and it's no tax on PROFIT of up to $500K for a married couple so long as the house was the primary residence during that time.
  10. Well, I can only speak for me, but if I were only going to be somewhere for less than two years, I'd just suck it up and pay rent. For me personally, I wouldn't like the variables of the situation (including the higher cost of living in DC/northern VA) which might lead to me owning TWO houses in two different parts of the country and me living in a third part of the country. Yes, the rent would gripe me, but the stress of buying and selling in less than two years would bother me far more. Just my $.02.
  11. I'm sorry, but I don't have the vaguest idea. I personally wouldn't care...if I were interested in Pampered Chef, I'd just look at the topic. Ask Pubby or LPPT.
  12. Well, knowing me like I know me, I'd have probably done the same. Or worse. Like my apology would have said I do apologize for whatever I said that sent you up the creek, but I'm also sorry that your being such a pissant provoked me into doing it. Or something to that effect. Which prolly wouldn't be conducive to peace between us. Actually, I really wouldn't have said that on a public forum (the pissant part). But I do believe I'd have been...er...motivated, shall we say, to have my lawyer discuss things with him. Which maybe you did that, too. But this whole thing has seemed puzz
  13. Usually, that stat would make me mad, but I sorta like it in this case. P.S. I do love your siggy.
  14. Yeah, that would've sent me scurrying to my lawyer's office, too. I mean, I don't know you from Adam, nor him, so I have no interest in the difference(s) between the two of you. But it seems a little...odd...for a person running for elective office to not go out of his/her way to try to be gracious and professional in all respects in order to put forth the best front to people. IMHO, by him responding this way to your statements (even if his response is true, which I have no way of knowing, and don't care), it's brought a lot of unwelcome negative attention to him. If instead, he had said
  15. About the same here...I keep a vigorous check on mine, and run good antivirus, firewall, spyware/malware, etc., programs, and I haven't had any problems, except for it getting frickin' fried by lightning one time which was DEU (dumb end user). But I would suggest you stay vigilant, not visit a lot of sketchy sites (including game sites, etc.), and you should be fine. If you go the PC route, talk to A Friendly Geek (Mike?), who is a commerce member on here. He can tell you exactly what to do, look for, programs to run, etc. The reason Macs don't get viruses is because they represent some
  16. Ohhhh-kay. The only thing I can think of is that Donovan was half-way joking when he said "wide load", but even if that is the case (which I'm guessing it's not), it's still incredibly insulting, ESP. considering a camera was present. Comments on a person's physical attributes is in grievously poor taste, no matter who you are or when and where you say it. I right sure I disagree with Pubby on many issues, but in lurking here for a long, long time, I've never seen him do something that I thought was just outrageously (or even moderately, come to think of it) bad. And he did say it's an edi
  17. Well, after yard work (which pert near put me under!), I floated in the pool till I was all crinkly, and now I'm winding down with a Sprite. Bed sounds mighty good right now. I love that Creative One is working at the shelter. God bless you! I cannot volunteer in that manner, but I appreciate those who do.
  18. I KNOW!!!!!!! And I am beyond sick to death of it!!! But as I said before, it's hard to find people willing to put up with the crap that is dished on them during the run-up to elections. In my case, it'll be Stout in the primary, and for the reasons you state. Whatever happened was 12 years ago when he was 19. Yes, it was awful, and no, I dno't condone it. But he does seem to live a different life now. People can change. I think his greatest mistake was in not bringing it up (in an opaque way, at least) before somebody else did. He had to know it was gonna come out. Had to.
  19. WHOA, preach it, sister! I am investigating Avery (so I appreciate this thread), but your statements there fit me to a T.
  20. Oh, wow - way cool!!! I can't go, but I hope lots of other people who are able can make it. God bless these guys!
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