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Everything posted by GoodNeighbor

  1. I love your advertising. You crack me up.
  2. I'm in Bentwater and we had over 400 last year. I ran out of candy and had to call my kids home to empty their loot bags. I had to hand out the candy they had collected. Yeah, that cost me big the next day.
  3. A lot of people have things to do and have made their schedules around those events. I am planning on going to an adult Halloween party Sat. night. The hosts planned it that way so parents could ToT with their kids Sunday. Now if I still planned on going to the party and ToT'ing was changed to Saturday night my kids would miss out. To answer your question -- it just screws up people's schedules. At lease it would mine. The city of Dallas is having their Halloween stuff Saturday. I think that's great. The kids get to go to parties and festivals on Saturday then the get to ToT
  4. Ammendment 2: I don't get the correlation. There is much more to trauma than auto accidents. gun shot wounds drownings electrocutions fires the list goes on and on Maybe during the next election they'll want to add an extra tax on shoe sales in order to cover the cost of sprained ankles. I'm not against the trauma centers at all. It's just the way the want it paid for seems strange.
  5. My father had to stay from raw, high fiber foods. He could eat broccoli steamed or boiled but not raw. The food that gave him the most trouble was tomato peels. I had to peel the tomato before I made him a tomato sandwich (his favorite food). We also peeled cucumbers and the like.
  6. If they don't want to ToT on Sunday for religions reasons they're probably not observing Halloween anyway. Why should they change it for everyone else? If they're wanting to do it Saturday so the kiddos can get in bed early Sunday night and go to school Monday morning well, I hope they dismantle their doorbell. Live and Let Live.
  7. I can't post what I'm really thinking. I'll get pounded. I'm glad you all were OK. I understand how the what ifs hit you the next day.
  8. I have four people in my family who have had theirs removed. The ages of them at the time of the surgery were 12, 40, 45, and 80. ALL patients had no problems or residual pain. Three of them had to modify their diet but the fourth didn't have to make any changes at all. Since your's isn't working at capacity just think of it as dead weight. After the surgery, you'll weigh a little less.
  9. Yes, a Robo call has changed my mind. The constant aggravation helped me decide who NOT to vote for. I can't wait until Wednesday!
  10. Dress in all blue, paint some waves across your chest, carry a bottle of Jack with you and you can be Whisky River.
  11. That commercial takes my breath away. I think my heart stops beating every time I hear that child wheeze. If the producers were working for shock value they reached their goal several times over.
  12. Not sure. I'm spending the day at the hospital with hubby. It's outpatient stuff but the hospital is always so much fun.
  13. Open a couple cans of cat food and put it in a container labeled Tuna Salad. When one of your co-workers begins to meow you'll know who the culprit is.
  14. I asked this same question to an elementary principal and this is what she told me. She said according to policy she couldn't place a child in a particular teacher's classroom, however she could place a child in a classroom which has a preferred teaching style. So.... find out some aspects about the teacher you want and send a letter describing her. Let's say the teacher you want your child to have is female and your child is friends with her children. You know that her classes have had high reading scores and she tends to allow a little extra recess. Dear Mr. __________ I be
  15. Who knows? Try one of each and see which one you like better.
  16. Just don't take away the falling leaves. They are great.
  17. The nurturing could be lacking in any situation but none so more than if the child never has an opportunity to have a mother(s) or a father(s). I admire anyone who can welcome a child into their home and give them the love and advantages they need to succeed in life. Heros. I'm not trying to be challenging but I do wonder about a different scenario. If the argument about gay adoptions is based on the fact that the child won't have both a mother and father are you also saying you disagree with children being adopted by single individuals?
  18. Do those come in maternity or are you just so tiny you don't have to worry about it?
  19. There are too many babies children growing up without families. We have a whole new and misunderstood population of crack babies, children with fetal alcohol symdrome, and various obstacles that sit there and watch potential parents walk right by them in search of the perfect baby. Other than a pedophile, if you are willing to give these children a home you are a hero! I don't care what you do in your bedroom!
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