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Everything posted by GoodNeighbor

  1. One of our nieghbors taped his business card to the back of Hershey bars. I guess he figured one of the kids might buy a house from him some day.
  2. I decided against it for today. I've been doing laundry and cooking all day so it's pretty comfortable inside.
  3. So, what time was the last ballot cast at Russom? After I voted at 5:15 the line was almost double what it was when I first got there at 3:00. I know there were reports of a 4 hour wait later in the evening. I felt bad for the poll workers. They did the best they could with what they had. I am anxious to read on here about what will be done to make sure this doesn't happen again.
  4. As of now I haven't turned on the heat. It's been cold in the mornings but I couldn't bring myself to turn on the heat when I knew it would be 70 degrees in the afternoon. Not anymore. With the overcast and rain projections for the next two days I may have to give in and flip the switch. I don't know, maybe I'll just do a whole bunch of laundry and cooking instead. Have you given in yet or are you just enjoying your warm slippers and fuzzy sweaters?
  5. I've only banked with Lockheed. I opened my account in college so it was free. Now I am about to celebrate the 11th anniversary of my 29th birthday and my account is still free. They have great junior savings programs for children. I love their Freedom CD's -- well back when there was an interest rate worth speaking of. If I was forced to say something negative the only thing I can come up with is that I detest the attack speed bumps at the Kennesaw location.
  6. I love my mixed CD's. My cousin made one for me each year. I miss him. For my MIL, I made a collage of pictures from her childhood. My absolute most treasured gift was from my grandmother. She hand wrote all her recipes and gave them ONLY to me.
  7. You're right. And, if there's a run-off, how many people will go back to do it again?
  8. Yes, I've been at voting sites where there were many machines installed but only a few used. Not this time. All the machines were being used but there were far fewer machines than in the past.
  9. JSYK McClure Middle School is having a coupon fund raiser. I think it's this Thursday night. It is $10 per person and will go over where to get coupons, organizing them, using all the programs at drug stores, etc. I think I'm pretty good with my current system but I'm going to the class just to see if someone else has some ideas I haven't thought of yet. I'm actually kind of excited someone came up with this fundraiser. It's only $10.00 and the money goes to the school. The best part is families can actually benefit from this instead of the mindless junk usually sold at school fund
  10. Doesn't surprise me one bit. How are the voting sites divided? Is it by number of registered voters, percentage of registered voters that traditionally vote, or some other way? Is it true Paulding went from 28 voting locations to 14? If so, was that due to budget cuts or poor voter turnout?
  11. I got in line at Russom at 3:00 and got to the voting booth at 5:13.
  12. They're letting people 75 and older go to the front of the line. Okay They're also letting them take their family with them. A group of seven just jumped to the front because they're all here with Grandma.
  13. I'm in the line at Russom now. I've been here since 3:00. Lines wind up and down all the halls. Optimistically, I'll be glad if I get out of here before 6:00. If you voted at Russom already, do they have all the booths open? I've been here before when they've had 30-40 booths but only using 10-12.
  14. Is Russom voting in the media center or the cafeteria? I'm just trying to figure out if I'll be waiting in line inside or outside.
  15. We had less this year. In the past we have had up to 400. Last night we only had about 175. The progression makes sense. Our nieghborhood is about 10-12 years old. Most of the families moved in when their children were toddlers or in elementary school. Now, most of them are teens and either think it's not cool to ToT or they are they spend the evening at parties.
  16. I thought this was going to be about Christmas shopping.
  17. I am. Papa Bush didn't look to be getting around so well. Play ball!
  18. So far we've had 78 and it's only been dark for an hour!
  19. I always favor the costumes that involve a little thought process instead of just mindless spending. Some of the best I saw last night were... A gentleman tied a dollar bill to one end of a string and a paperclip to the other end of the string. He attached one to each ear. He was a Buck-an-ear. Later the same gentleman attached a leaf to a string and a paperclip to the other end of the string. He clipped the paperclip to the bill of his cap and walked around blowing on the leaf. He was a leaf blower. A second gentleman wore an American Flag on his chest. He had a straw hat wi
  20. When I was younger my grandmother tried to teach me several times. Now that I'm older classic, I picked it up very easily. I think as a child I just didn't have the digital control and hand/eye coordination I have now.
  21. Hey Thoughts -- weren't you the Evil Santa that so many people were upset about a couple of years ago? If that's you, I was wondering when you were going to put on your show. Now, I know. Have fun and please, post pictures!
  22. Will you be eating inside or outside? I always make a mayo based potato salad for indoor events and oil/vinegar potato salad for outdoor events. Mayo goes bad real fast and many people won't eat anything with mayo if it sits outside. I just don't want you to spend a lot of money on a dish that no one eats.
  23. If you happen upon some people running in circles trying to catch their butt please don't hand them a mirror. Take a video and send it to Caped Crusader.
  24. Since the story is still developing you can only believe every fifth word of what you read or hear. According to CNN it was caught because of a called in tip. Supposedly UPS was able to track that there were 13 shipments all made at the same time and as of now all 13 aren't yet accounted for. Speculation is this is a dry run getting them ready for the Christmas shipping season.
  25. Most dimples are cute. A butt dimple might be cute too. Multiple butt dimples just look like hail damage. Seroiusly, don't go worrying yourself sick. You'll find out soon enough.
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