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Everything posted by GoodNeighbor

  1. Aargh! I have some very serious Paulding, mutant, ninja squirrels. They have torn up almost every feeder I've tried. The feeders where the cage slides down on the outside -- well, they held on and just chewed themselves a new hole to get the birdseed out. Tube feeders worked pretty well for a while. Then, the acrobatic tree rats would hang upside down from the top and chew a hole through the plastic tube. So far I've had some luck with a rigged up Yankee spinner. I sent a video of one of Paulding's prized ninjas chewing through the plastic tube and the company sent me a glass tube.
  2. Stonewall Manor in Cartersville. They will do all the catering and decorating for you.
  3. Doing pretty good here. How about you? Is this a hit and run or are you planning on sticking around a while?
  4. From the little bit I saw about this show it seems they will be showcasing people with OCD couponing. They focus on hoarders and people who would rather shop than spend time with family. If this is the case, I'm disappointed. They could use the show to educate people about how to save money instead of make fun of those who go over the deep end. I would like to see them pick four of five people, give them a shopping list, and challenge them to see who could complete the list and spend the least money. Oh well, they didn't ask me.
  5. I'll be there with my crew. I'll be there with my crew.
  6. Can you take pics or video with the iPad like you can an iPhone?
  7. Most used Weather channel ABC news WSBTV Pandora Napster RedLazer (scan a bar code and it will tell you which store within so many miles has the item for the least $$) Various games Nutrition. (calorie, exercise, weight log)
  8. I have different feeders with types of food for different birds. Growing up, my father always made it a point to feed the birds when everything was covered with snow or ice. My father died two years ago and I took up the responsibility. I know one thing has nothing to do with the other but I feel like I'm doing something for him more than I'm doing it for the birds. I feed them all year - hummers, pretties, and all. Edit: I need to get by the Bookworm for a book to help me identify which birds I've been feeding.
  9. I have some of the mix I put in one feeder for all the birds and sunflower seeds I put in another feeder for the pretty birds. There is one extremely finicky feathered friend that picks through the mix to get just the right seed. I think over half the seed is on the ground now. That's ok, the squirrels will get it. I'd much rather have them eating off the ground than chewing holes in my feeders
  10. Yeah, not too much though. I've got to take a pair of too big pants back to Cato's, a broken iHome to JC Penneys, and an ugly sweater to Macy's. I can go to Cato and Penneys in Hiram but I won't attempt to get near Macy's until the kids are back in school.
  11. Tell her to park her bug and enjoy time with family.
  12. Gift cards Lottery tickets Money clip Socks Cash Keys to a new ... I. O. U. Written directions on how to properly do laundry Tools Flash light Flask Cologne After shave Razors or blades A list of things he could do to thank you.
  13. GoodNeighbor


    My daughter came down with IT this morning. She has a fever and a cough. Did you give IT to her? I've been filling her with honey and lemon tea. Let me know if you find out who's responsible.
  14. Have you checked with a Dr. about possibilities with medication? Keeping it short will help the appearance but if it still bothers him you might want to talk to him about shaving it all. Explain to him that if he's going to lose it anyway at least this way he will be in control of the situation. If he decides to shave it make sure he does it before spring so when he gets a tan the color will be even instead of looking like a large solar panel. I don't remember how I thought about it as a teenager but as an adult I find bald men sexy. Vin Diesel still is on my top 5 list.
  15. My suggestion is to make sure you go hungry. The meals are huge! Most of the entrees will give you enough food for two people and a container of leftovers. The senior meals are about the right size for two people. Everything there is great. Since you've never been there before I'd order something you can't get at any of the regular places you go. Have fun.
  16. Go to Robinson's on the Marietta Square. My family uses them for all our coin purchases, sales, and appraisals. Good luck.
  17. I don't give one to the mail carrier but I set out a couple Playboys for the garbage service.
  18. Glad to hear. Thanks. I know my grandmother is looking forward to your german chocolate cake. Rodney's has the best german chocolate cake I've tasted in a long time.
  19. You're not the only one. I read it that way too. I'm not too fond of tofu. The only way I've had it was in egg drop soup at Hong Kong Star. It seemed out of place. There shouldn't be dice like white cubes swimming in my soup. I mught try it if it was prepared differently, but cubed in a transparent soup just seemed wrong.
  20. I found the paulding.k12.ga.us website to be updated as of 8:45am.
  21. I don't know about a bet, but if I remember correctly you were the first one to post on PCom about the cancellation. I think you tried to start a thread and it was removed. Way to be on the ball. By the way I really think you did great with last night's reporting.
  22. I don't think SHE decided this. She was just the person who was kind enough to come on PCom and let us know.
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