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Everything posted by GoodNeighbor

  1. Sorry about the truck. Thieves suck!! Sidenote: One of my friends gave her 7 and 8 year old boys a tool kit for Christmas about 5 years ago. She let them outside to play and they decided to find a use for their tools. They climbed in the car and took apart every bit of the interior they could. Of course they couldn't get Humpty Dumpty back together again. She cranked the car with a screw driver for about four months before she could afford to get it repaired.
  2. It drives my dog CRAZY. I think it's one of the pizza commercials that's the worst. Every time they ring the doorbell she tears through the house and raises cain the the "commercial ghost" on the front porch.
  3. Look at the top of your screen and click on TOOLS, then click on DELETE BROWSING HISTORY. Put a check by COOKIES and then click DELETE at the bottom of the box.
  4. Give her a wall! Let her cover the whole wall with artwork. When it's full tell her she has to take something down before she can put something else up. Let her decide whether to keep or throw away what she takes down. Get a big plastic bin for what she decides to keep. When that's full the two of you can to through it together and decide what to keep. Try to make sure you keep something from each grade level. It's fun to look back and see how their perceptions change. If you have a scanner you can always save it to a computer. You could record her talking about each piece th
  5. I make a dummied down version. I put a whole chicken in the pressure cooker and cover it with chicken broth instead of water. I let it cook until the pressure cooker "rocks" for 15 minutes. While it's rocking I saute onions, celery, carrots, and a little garlic just until they begin to get soft. When the chicken is done I pick the meat off the bone and put it back in the broth along with the vegies. If I'm cooking it for my mom I add a cup full of rice and let it all cook together. If I'm cooking it for my kids I add some egg noodles. If I plan on freezing some I usually take out
  6. I'll watch it. In no way is it a lifestyle I would consider. I'm just fascinated by learning about other people's lifestyles and how they are so dramatically different than mine. It's just like the Duggars. There's no way I'd want that many kids. However, I'm still intrigued by the way that household functions.
  7. You're right, they aren't remotely related. But, their emotions are still very raw. Any sign of another player being in the slightest form of jeopardy only brings those feelings of dread back to the surface. As far as common sense overruling emotional responses you have to remember we are talking about teenagers. Emotional, hormonal, adrenaline filled teenagers. Sometimes things don't have a rhyme or reason, they just are... Either way, it didn't hurt anything.
  8. Everything is dramatic when a player dies (Zach). Emotions will be high all season.
  9. as accurate as Big Ben John Deer reliable
  10. Good. Cyber bullying has gotten way out of hand. I'm just glad the kid had enough sense to turn himself in. Right now, there's no knowing who or what he threatened. No student or employee should have to step in a school and feel like they are in danger. This is the exact reason my kids don't have a Facebook. I'm not scared of what they might post, I'm scared of what others will post.
  11. I eat small things one at a time. M&Ms, peanuts, Raisinettes, peas, and beans are just a few examples. I'll put a chocolate covered raisin in my mouth and will not chew it until all the chocolate has melted off.
  12. I just love the falling leaves. Thanks!! Oh, and the new tabs at the top left are cute too.
  13. If they're not hiring now they will be soon. The turnover rate is very high -- especially in the 2 year old room. If they're accepting applications go ahead and put one in then call back once a week or so. To get you hired faster you might want to go ahead and get your own criminal check done then submit a copy with your application. Also, there are certain classes you have to take. They're only 2 or 3 hour classes. There's a member on here who does the training. If you went ahead and took the classes it would definitely put your application at the top of the stack. Good Luc
  14. Yeah, I was just thinking how I would explain that one. At least they're not a pair of men's loafers or some red high heels.
  15. I'm a serial reader. I hated reading as a child and didn't really start enjoying reading until after college. Maybe I'm able to enjoy reading now because I want to read instead of having to read. I get what I want out of a book instead of what somebody else thinks I should learn. I always finish a book, even if I'm not enjoying it. I get a sense of accomplishment when I finish. I choose my books based on author instead of content. If somebody recommends a book I may read it. If I like it I go back and read everything the author has written.
  16. Yeah. I'm taking advantage of it. Two kiddos have orthodontist appointments.
  17. I knew it was time to go to bed last night when I read this title and it said, "Panama Panty Murders." Huh, it's not even Spring Break yet. Oh well, a good night's sleep cleared it all up.
  18. That's just wrong!! Who would do that to cast iron? I don't know if I'd chance it.
  19. I'll tell you about my methods but not all my recipes. Some things are sacred. I don't share about my sexcapades, financial status, or grandmother's recipes. Ha! Here's what I'm working on now. Chocolate chip cookies, sugar cookies and peanut butter cookies. I make the dough and then roll it in a log then wrap it with parchment paper. It goes in the fridge until its hardened then I unwrap it and slice the cookies. I lay the uncooked cookies on a cookie sheet and freeze them for 3 hours. Once solid I take them and put in a ziplock baggie and toss back in the freezer. These are perf
  20. My grandmother tells me it will rain if you kill a snake and hang it over a tree limb.
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