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Everything posted by GoodNeighbor

  1. Great news Surepip. By being diligent and standing up for yourself you've helped protect other citizens from the same circumstances. Hopefully, they'll learn a lesson.
  2. Remember the opossum thread? Put a whole bunch of trash in a box and wrap it in Christmas paper. Set it out on the porch and let them steal your trash.
  3. What to do? Pack a bag and leave!
  4. I spun sideways on an East/West Connector overpass. I got it straightened up just in time. I don't think I'm leaving the house again for a while.
  5. I'm glad to be home safe. I spun sideways on an East/West connector overpass. Fortunately, I straightened it up. I think it's time for a drink.
  6. The kids come first. Hopefully, the adults will be adults.
  7. So Wayne makes the desserts and he is now in Hiram? I ordered and pre-paid for 2 Christmas cakes from Rodney's (New Hope). I guess I better call and make sure I will still be able to get them.
  8. For me, cremation is the most selfless choice available. I want the parts that can be re-used to be donated. I want my ashes to be scattered some place my children think is fun and exotic. I never want my children to spend holidays at a cemetery, talking to a headstone. If they feel the need to be close to my remains they can go on vacation and enjoy themselves. Someone said earlier that funerals are for the living. Yes, and I want my family to go on living happily, instead of mourning in a cemetery a couple times a year.
  9. Good morning. I'm sitting at the IHOP in Cartersville watching little white flakes dance in the wind.
  10. I know you're right, but there's just something about the feel of wooden pews and the beauty of stained glass that seems to make you feel different. I see God all around me and through out the day I often say a silent, "Thank you." But in church, I say, "Thank you," while I'm sitting a little straighter.
  11. Are you asking about this for an average individual or for a homeless person looking for shelter? I've wandered through many cemeteries looking for family graves and never thought anything of it. I guess now trespassing might be something I need to consider. As far as entering the church, it gets questionable. If I needed guidance and the door was unlocked I might enter, pray, and leave, but I wouldn't pitch a tent or expect to be able to stay there for a long period of time. Also, you have to consider that many churches double as childcare centers or schools during the day. If I w
  12. Let me know what you think. I personally don't want one because I enjoy having a book in my hand. However, I am interested in getting one for my mother and grandmother. They both enjoy reading but don't do it as much anymore because of eye problems. With most e-readers you can enlarge the font making it easier to read. You have no idea how much time I spend trying to find them large print books. This could be a good answer.
  13. I know the Kennesaw branch of Lockheed Credit Union has one. I'm not sure about the Hiram branch. You could always call and ask. Yes, the one in Kennesaw is free.
  14. Can you post your January classes? I might be interested in buying some classes for my daughter for Christmas. I know she would love to learn how to do this.
  15. Basic side salad. Nothing special. The complimentary breadsticks were good though. They were a little more toasted than you get in most restaurants. I liked them with the extra crunch.
  16. Yes, I ate there tonight. I had chicken Marsala and it was very good. I only wish they had whole wheat pasta as an option. By the way, I found the prices per dish were about $3 cheaper than Paisano's. In my opinion, the food was better. Oh, and they don't have their alcohol license yet.
  17. I cook mine in the crock pot. Add 2 cans cream of muchroom, one can water, Lipton onion soup mix, 1 can of mushrooms, and a couple tablespoons worcestershire sauce. I serve it over rice or egg noodles.
  18. Do you find that the popularity of emergency buttons for the elderly and disabled cause more of these (for lack of a better word) non-emergency frustrations? Many older people are now wearing the emergency button necklaces. When my grandmother fell in the yard she wasn't hurt but she couldn't get up. If she had a phone she would have gladly called someone else, but the only way for her to contact anyone was through her emergency button. I would hate to know a house fire wasn't getting the attention it deserved because a firemen was helping her off the ground. I would also hate to kn
  19. Are you allowed to prioritize or is it first come first serve? Would a 911 operator be able to re-route you if a more emergent call comes in? It seems like if a call came in on a non-emergency number the operator would be able to state to the caller that they would be helped as soon as all emergencies are cleared.
  20. I'm trying to get your point. Is it that you think people should pay extra for calls into 911 if the reason doesn't fit the definition of an emergency? Is it that you don't think firemen, police officers, EMTs should be bothreed with non-emergency calls? Is it that the public isn't educated and are using 911 incorrectly? Is your concern with 911 or non-emergency calls?
  21. People should be aware that 911 isn't the only way to call for help. There are also non-emergency numbers. My grandmother called the fire department to come out and help her get my grandfather off the floor when he had fallen out of his wheel chair. She probably did this five or six times and each time the responders were very understanding. They were wonderful to my grandparents and told them never to hesitate to call. Of course, my grandmother always used the non-emergency number to the fire department. My husband's grandmother did the same thing. Some of the responders became so f
  22. I love to shop online. We usually take the kids out window shopping the day after Thanksgiving and let them write down a list of things they want. When we get home we look over the lists and order most everything online. I love not having to wait in ling checkout lines. Here are some of the places I've online shopped and the results. Post yours so we can help each other out. Target -- GREAT! Quick delivery and everything came in individual boxes all shipped in one large box. This was a tremendous help with wrapping Kohl's -- OK Not as quick and everything came in bags. Lakeside C
  23. Yes, and I am always surprised at the number of Americans who have no idea what this day represents.
  24. My kids can always count on new tubes of Chap stick.
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