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Everything posted by GoodNeighbor

  1. This thread is an opportunity for people to voice their opinions, read other people's oninions, make up their minds, and possibly change their minds. Being pissy won't help you accomplish your goal.
  2. Just because he doesn't live in Paulding doesn't mean he doesn't own property here. I own property in other counties and I'm just as interested in their politics as I am in Paulding's.
  3. Try calling the Tommy Nobis Center on Bells Ferry in Cobb. They usually take large items. I'm not sure about pick up. It wouldn't hurt to call.
  4. Since I don't know who your neighbor is, maybe you should offer to change it for them. I am just imagining your neighbor being a single, elderly person who really shouldn't be up on a ladder. If that's the case, no, it wouldn't be rude at all. You just might save a life.
  5. I saw Bizness is working on raising money to help with funeral expenses. I bet if you could get a video of one her performances it would help in raising the money.
  6. I think it will be a long time before somebody messes with him again!
  7. Last year a paulding team played against Allatoona High School. Many people came on here and were complaining about the fact they didn't have bleachers. The response was that when Cobb builds a school they leave those type of luxuries to the booster clubs. So, when they open a new school they may not have a stadium but they DO have books. I know most people hate it when our system is compared to Cobb and I understand why. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE our stadiums at the high schools. They are absolutely great. It's just that when friends and family members tell me they can't believe th
  8. Each day my daughter asks if I've heard anything about this on the news or or PCom. I wish I could find the link so she could get some answers. I'm not sure if it would help put an end to her nightmares or extend them. There are just some images that burn themselves into your brain and can never be erased.
  9. I could make quilt tops all day long. In fact I have several already made. It's the actual quilting with the batting and the backing that I have trouble with. Maybe we could team up. I've even thought about taking the tops to a church quilting bee and paying them to do it. According to my grandmother (God rest her soul), if you can't get 15 stitches per inch you might as well not do it.
  10. Baking bread. I love to cook but I've never had much luck at baking bread.
  11. My daughter was on a bus coming home from a volleyball game in Douglas County Monday night and they witnessed a teen girl get hit by a car. Everyone on the bus was pretty shaken up. According to my daughter, the driver of the car stopped and several people got out of cars to help her. The bus kept going but the Coach instructed the players, "If you pray, pray for her family." I'm wondering if this is the same incident. The difference is the girl would have received care long before Tuesday morning. It is so heart breaking to hear about people losing their life at such a young age.
  12. OK. I must have missed it. Regardless, I wish only positive things for you and your family. Hopefully, your husband can fill the void in his schedule with another client.
  13. 7 North America, South America, Africa, Europe and Asia, don't forget Antarctica, and don't forget Australia. That was the jingle my children learned in school. It depends on who you ask. Some say Europe and Asia are combined to be Eurasia. Some may say there is one origial continent -- Pangea.
  14. Yes, you are right there is a big difference from coffee to landscaping. You hit the nail on the head when you said they should ask WHY they lost the contract. I suggested that in an earlier post. From what I've read, that doesn't seem to have happened. They only assume they lost the contract because of price. What I was trying to get across is there may be multiple factors that they won't be aware of unless they ask.
  15. I think it was only for Monday night, Tuesday night, and tonight. You buy a wristband at the ticket booth for $15.00 and it's all you can ride.
  16. Are you saying you don't want Moose in your pants?
  17. I love Starbuck's Mocha Frapaccino. It gets me going and puts a smile on my face. MeDonalds has come out with a new Mocha Frappe. It's not as good as Starbuck's but it is still pretty enjoyable. The best part is McDonald's drink is less than half the price of Starbuck's and I don't feel as guilty for buying a drink I could easily make at home myself. By the way, I just heard Starbucks is raising their prices again. I think I'll stick with McDonalds. You have to look at your situation from all sides. You have to consider the benefit to the landscaping company as well as the bene
  18. The show wasn't good or bad. It was just something to pass the time while I was folding laundry. I thought Flo was pretty good in the role. But then again, I kind of like the Progressive commercials. Flo seems to have more sense than most of the customers.
  19. Well, at Christmas I set out a couple magazines for the garbage pick up men. They love it. I even got a Thank You card one year. The best part is I no longer have to take my trash to the curb. They come and get it for me!
  20. That's so great for him. Maybe he'll have a celebration.
  21. I think it's just McClure. With the middle school and high school starting 10 minutes or so apart from each other the traffic was a nightmare. Hopefully, this will alleviate a lot of morning frustration.
  22. Moose -- I'm so glad you're back. Jenilyn -- No, don't report them. Your husband should do what it takes to make your business just as desirable as the other one. Call and ask why the contract was cancelled. They may be unhappy with the past performance and your husband will never know until he asks. If they cancelled it because someone else's price was lower take that information and learn from it. They may be a struggling company who can't afford your husband's price any longer. Wouldn't it be better they cancel than your husband perform work they can't afford to pay for?
  23. I can't wait. They amaze me.
  24. Get over it! Don't you know Moms aren't allowed to get sick? Just kidding. I feel for you. I was in a similar boat 2 weeks ago. I'm just now getting back to normal.
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