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Everything posted by GoodNeighbor

  1. I could have told you this. Sunday is my grandmother's birthday. It seems to always snow on her birthday. Whether it's just a few flakes or a few inches, it happens. She sees it as her birthday present and looks forward to it every year. Looks like I'll be taking her some groceries and her birthday present in Sunday morning instead of Sunday afternoon. I just wish she would come stay with me during the snow and watch the kids have fun. She's too stubborn and independent. At the same time, she's probably the kindest and most considerate person I'll ever have the grace to meet.
  2. It's the destruction that bothers me. They tear everything up. They've destroyed so many of my birdfeeders and chewed holes in the screens of my porch. At least a couple times a day I look outside and see them climbing up the screens without any problems at all. I swear they seem like they've had some kind of special ops training. I'll ask again, has anybody seen Jedi Tree Rat? I think he's building an army over here!
  3. I just love a good come back story. Regardless of his intentions, it will take time and a lot of effort to regain the trust of his family. Hopefully, he handles the publicity well and uses it as a recovery tool instead of a cash lined path to destruction.
  4. This is great! Lockheed Credit Union used to do this. When the piggy bank was full they would break it, deposit the money in a savings account, and give the child a new, empty piggy bank to start over. It's never too early to learn to save.
  5. I used to always use alcohol but it really dried out my skin. I switched to Sea Breeze (a mild astringent) and I haven't had any problems. There are specific items you can buy at specialty stores but I can't imagine they'd be any better than a basic astringent. The specialty item would only cost a little more.
  6. One of the most important literary aspects of Samuel Longhorne Clemens is he was the first to use dialect. If you change the wording, you diminish the dialect, thus erasing the magic of his work. Literature should only be taught as it was originally written. If someone/anyone sees the need to change the language they should also change the title and give the author's family a huge settlement.
  7. Spending time at the lake with my family and all my dad's friends. I remember them teaching me to water ski. God, how I love the water. Unfortunately, life led me in a different direction and I haven't done any of that in many many years.
  8. I'm going back to Kid2Kid this morning to sell some more items. I will look for you. If you'll PM me your cell number or e-mail I will send you some pictures with my phone.
  9. I have but it must have been at least 18 or 19 years ago. I had a fine arts class at KSU that required us to attend several specific locations and performances. I wish I could give you a recommendation but I'm sure it has changed greatly since then. You should go. It would be something different. Isn't Mideval Times along the same line? I think MT is larger and uses animals in the performance.
  10. Thanks. I usually get mine from the parking lot behind Steak n Shake on 41.
  11. My daughter said she wants to take a few friends and camp on Cumberland Island for a few days. I really love my daughter but I think I'm going to have her father be in charge of this one. I don't mind camping in a camper. This is different. Theres nothing that reminds you of civilization. You can't even build a campfire at most of the campsites. I hope they have fun.
  12. Just wondering. Could it be that they so strongly believe in the link between autism and vaccines because that's that's practically the only thing that people have been able to blame so far? I just don't know. Apparently, no one knows yet. Vaccines were easy to accept as a cause because people can control wether or not to administer them. Now, without knowing the cause people are again not in control.
  13. We have several boys on our street who seem to sense when my hubby isn't home. If his truck isn't here after dark they'll DDD all night. They're not really hurting anything. They're just trying to get my daughter's attention. It's really fun to sit on the porch with the lights off and bust them just as they get to the top of the steps.
  14. By changing the colors I can see almost everything I need to. The lingering problem is when you sign in/out you can't see the box to type in. You just have to put your pointer in the general area and guess where to start typing. I really didn't mind the blue, it's just that all the outlining is gone. Oh, and I've noticed it changed the format in some of the signatures.
  15. Just a heads up CC. You might want to limit your invites. The place is tiny. If there are more than 7 or 8 people you might have a few people standing up to eat. I went when they first opened. I haven't been back yet. I wanted to give them some time to work out the kinks.
  16. I had the same problem. I finally went to the bottom of the page and changed the color to red. Now I can see separations between posts. Whew!
  17. I haven't done it but I've had it done several times.
  18. An elderly or sick person would take the cash option. Maybe I'm wrong but I believe lottery annuities don't survive the winner. If the winner dies before the money is paid out the annuities are cancelled and the winner's hiers don't get the rest of the money. If you don't have time to spend it all then take what you can so you can at least give some of it away.
  19. Dr. Farrar of Pickron isn't there anymore. He has two new offices. One is in Cartersville and I can't remember where the other one is. The best thing about him is he gives a lifetime guarantee. If your teeth EVER shift he will re-brace them for free. I used him with my kids and I was very pleased with both the prices and results. Oh yeah, he now offers the Invisalign braces for teens. I wish mine could have had Invisalign. I'm considering it for myself.
  20. There is a consignment shop on 41 called Kid to Kid. They recently changed ownership and are having a grand pre re-opening sale Wednesday (one week from today) for all their FaceBook friends. You should friend them and go. I went and sold some stuff yesterday and browsed through the store. They have a ton of great stuff at amazing prices. I highly recommend that you check it out. Good Luck. I remember they had a whole rack of boy premie and newborn outfits. If you want to go early and see what they have I'm sure they wouldn't mind letting you wander around, especially if you were
  21. You must have Cobb squirrels. If that happened to my Paulding, mutant, jacked-up, tree rats they'd all huddle and consult each other until they figured it out.
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