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Everything posted by GoodNeighbor

  1. Calling post message said 6:30 meeting Thursday evening has been moved to 4:00.
  2. I cant imagine they'll start adding minutes until after spring break. We still have plenty of time in January, February, and March for dicey weather. Once the larger threat of bad weather is over they'll decide what to do and when. One more thing. They can't decide what to do until they request a state waiver due to the "state of emergency" and get a response. There is a chance the state does not require us to make up these days at all. We'll just have to wait and see.
  3. It sounds like only the junk mail was delivered today. I hate that the mail carriers had to get out just to deliver the junk. When the real mail comes the carriers are going to be Christmas delivery crazy. If you can, cut them some slack. They're only doing what their bosses are telling them to do.
  4. I just saw a mail delivery truck driving through Bentwater.
  5. Ha! WSB changed it to thaw. I feel better now. It's the little things...
  6. Pet peeve. I even noticed that non-word on the WSB website. The same as "irregardless."
  7. Dd has a color Nook. It works very similar to an IPad. You can access Internet, e-mail, and download apps. You can set up a free Google account that will do a side-by-side search when you're looking fir a book. If the book is free anywhere on the Internet it will tell you so you won't buy a book you can get for free.
  8. ::WildlyWavingMyRaisedHand:: If you have Comcast you can view most of the shows you're missing On Demand. ABC shows aren't on demand but you can watch them on your computer Thank goodness we have Roku. I got it for the Mr. for Christmas. We're able to watch lost of good stuff that isn't On Demand.
  9. Sloppy joes, Clausen pickles, salt and vinegar chips.
  10. Tuesday. Closed Monday for MLK day.
  11. Today is a collection agent's dream. They should be able to find all their clients at home.
  12. Cook like crazy Laundry Keep an endless supply of hot chocolate for the kids Read
  13. Yes. We don't have very good cell reception at the house. I keep two corded phones just in case.
  14. Thanks. I wasn't sure if it was thunder or a whole bunch of trees falling. Cool. I think I may have put too many spices in my chili. The sky looks red. Is that normal for thundersnow?
  15. I cooked all day. For some reason I love cooking when it's cold outside.
  16. I don't really know. If I were pregnant and tomorrow was my due date I would have shown up at the hospital about 6:00 this evening complaining of pains. Even if I were in labor I would have figured out a way not to have to drive in this.
  17. I'm sure crews from other states will be lined up to help us. Georgia Power crews have provided mechanical and power assistance for every emergency in the Southeast for years. Rarely has Georgia needed any assistance. Now that the time may be here, I have no doubt that Georgia Power's aid will be repaid without any hesitance. If you see an emergency worker outside your home don't be shy. They'd probably love a hot cup of coffee.
  18. roasted chicken, peas, and creamed corn potato cakes for appetizers
  19. I don't know about safer but I believe people would be a hell of a lot nicer. All the fit pitching between neighbors would slow and the fights over sale items would end.
  20. Bourbon marinated salmon, honey glazed sweet potatoes, and garlic sauteed green beans.
  21. On the way to school this morning I told my kids to make sure and bring everything home. I told them if they leave their coat, gloves, or hat at school they couldn't play in the snow. They were instructed to bring home a library book and stuff to study. Who wants to bet on whether or not they will do it?
  22. They give vaccines and such. I don't think they treat illnesses anymore but I could be wrong. They have a list of doctors and can tell you where to go. I would try to avoid it if possible. Nobody wants to be in a room full of sick people. When I take my kids to the Dr. for well visits I leave them in the car until the last minute. I sign them in and tell the receptionist to call me on my cell phone when they are ready for my children. When I've seen a full waiting room I've been known to tell them to cover their face and hold their breath until they make it through the waiting room.
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