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Everything posted by GoodNeighbor

  1. I'm in North Paulding. I'm not outside now but on the way to supper they were all over.
  2. There's a place off 41 with "GO CART" in big red letters. Ive never stopped in so I can't say if they sell them or repair them. Anyway, take 41 north past 92 and Cedarcrest. When you pass Third Army it's just a little down on your left. It's actually in an industrial park but you can see it from 41. Good luck.
  3. You would also see an increase in product prices. Businesses get charged a percentage fee plus a transaction fee. Lose/lose - unless you're the bank
  4. Lots of things are being stolen from people's driveways. You don't want to be in possession of stolen property. I'd take it to the police or Brookstone management office right away. Or, it seems like you have done like I did when I found a wallet earlier this week. I posted it on P.Com and the rightful owner came and picked it up the next day.
  5. I was thinking allergies too. The coughing may be because her sinuses are draining especially if she's coughing more when she's laying down. Swolen, red, and itchy eyes are always my most painful symptom of allergies. Have you tried children's Claritin? They have a non-drowsy formula so you can give it to her before school and she won't be miserable throughout the day.
  6. Go to the bottom left and touch "full version.". It is much better.
  7. I have a washer, refrigerator, and some other misc. items. I'm in the crossroads area (North Paulding). Let me know when you can come get it. I'd like it gone asap. Thanks.
  8. Great news! With Sandershandyman's help the owner has been notified and he will be picking it up today. Thanks again. I knew the good folks of P.Com would come through. Since this has been resolved I'll ask for this thread to be closed.
  9. Great! I get to the office at 7:30. I'll call you this morning. Thanks
  10. Thanks for all the ideas. I'm just trying to help someone out. Not knowing this person or anything about him I was trying not to involve the Sheriff or hand it off to another stranger. Certainly I could illegally toss it in the mailbox on the address but if he doesn't live there anymore I would be only handing the problem off to someone else. Again, I'm just trying to help someone out and I thought asking here would be a good place to start. Most of you have been trying to be helpful. Thank you. If you're dumbfounded why I wouldn't do what you would do then that says more about you than it
  11. Wow. Y'all are too funny. No, none of those are him. Thanks for looking. I'll check on FB after supper. I just got home from work and I need a little down time.
  12. I found a wallet in our parking lot today. The only thing in it is Zachary Smith's driver's license. I've googled the address and name but I can't come up with a phone number. His address on his license is in the Mt. Tabor Church area. If you know him please tell him how to get in touch with me so he can get his wallet and driver's license back.
  13. Did they buy the house or are they renting. In they're renting I'd try to see if there's a way to get out of the lease. I'd never feel comfortable living there knowing what had happened. Good luck to them.
  14. This seems like a great program. I know it is a pain for the patients to gather all the paperwork but I'm very glad you require it. It helps weed out the people trying to scam you for free care that should go to other recipients as well as the parents who don't necessarily need immediate care. You're doing a good thing.
  15. Hijack: What do you do with it? My aunt used to keep pickle juice for cooking. When I asked her what she cooked with it she never answered me. I've always wondered... Back to OP Are you feeling better? Do you think any of the remedies worked?
  16. You're probably low on water and/or potassium. Eat a banana and have some pasta for supper. Make sure to drink plenty of water. I hope you feel better soon.
  17. I hear of so many more men losing their jobs than I do women. I think some of it is becuse it's cheaper to keep women since they many times make less than a man with the same job description. My neighbors are in the opposite situation. She makes considerably more than her husband. His resentment has caused him to not care about his work and he's in jeopardy of losing his job. It's just part of the macho thing. When women make less than their husband we normally don't find it to much of a strain. Most of us just keep on doing the best job we can because we are happy to be contrib
  18. I don't like V Day but if I were to get Daytona 500 tix I think I'd change my mind.
  19. Don't get me wrong, I'll always take gifts but no, I don't like even the idea of Valentine's Day. I think it's incredibly sad for people who are single or widowed. It's a flashing, neon, in your face sign saying, "You're alone!". I feel guilty enjoying a day when I know my mother is at home mourning the loss of my dad. I always try to fill in the blanks by sending a gift to both her and my grandmother but I know it's no where near a substitute for even a smile from my dad or grandfather. They both passed away in 2008.
  20. I can't see the video. Yout rose must be covered with thorns.
  21. I'd let it go. Since you've known him for 5 years and this is the first time he's let things get out o hand there's probably a reason. He's probably going through a personal crisis that he just has to work through. His yard may be the last thing on his mind. Invite him over for a beer and get to know him more than just the occasional wave. You'll probably be surprised at what you learn.
  22. Tabby I'm with you. I love Jazzercise but I hate the contract and the month to month option is just unreasonable. There are three other gyms within less than a mile that offer $15/month whild Jazzercise is $39.00/month. Jazzercise had no interest in even discussing meeting in the middle. Oh well, their loss. (Not my gain. I've lost 30 pounds since Nov. 1.) I'm talking about the one in Acworth.
  23. I was thinking that too. The longest lasting cars are the ones that are the best taken care of. By that I mean scheduled maintenance and responsible driving. My poor husband was cursed with a green B210 when he was 16. Pooy guy went from Mr. Popular to "Who" in a matter of minutes.
  24. If you like green olives you have to try Mezzetta garlic stuffed olives. They're so good they'll make your toes curl. My normal cravings: any warm dessert or any thing with dark chocolate. My abnormal cravings is horseradish and feta cheese -- not together of course.
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