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Everything posted by GoodNeighbor

  1. My daughter has a Nook Color ($250.00) She can download books, access the internet via WiFi, and use Verizon apps. It is an amazing lower cost alternative to an iPad. I think it would be a very price effective option. One Nook costs less than the textbooks needed for one semester. If a Nook is used for only 2 years the money saved would make a huge impact to out school system. I would welcome this.
  2. Set up a free google account and use it to search for your books before you buy them. Google will tell you if you can find it free anywhere.
  3. Hmmm. Mine's still here. Hit report and see if a mod can help.
  4. I'm the opposite. I can't stand it when empty plates are still cluttering up the table. I want them removed as quickly as possible. Often I have a cup of coffee after dinner and I would be highly irritated if there was a table full of dirty dishes taking up the space.
  5. OK. Who went? Was it good? I would love to have gone but I already had lunch plans. When I first read the post I thought it would be great for supper. My stomach had already begun preparing itself for some shrimp creole. Well I kept reading and saw it was only for lunch. What a let down. That's OK, I'll keep it in mind for next Friday. Hey Rodney, if you do this again next week will you post it on Thursday so I can modify my plans if I need to? Again, who went? Would you recommend it?
  6. You provide a much needed service. It's good to have a devil's advocate. Many times people get so wrapped up in emotion they become blind to any explanation other than what spawned the initial knee jerk reaction. Keep it up.
  7. I had mine set on red. I didn't have a dark blue option. Some angel must like me because it changed. I have dark blue on the screen but the color box at the bottom left says B&W-Left. I don't care what it says, it is so much better. Thank you for changing it. I must be special.
  8. Yes, personal responsibility seems to get lost in so many conversations. Was she responsible for herself and the people in her car? Absolutely. However, is there a shared responsibility? I think there may be. I'm not sure what all money goes to the DOT for maintenance. There are so many taxes that the DOT probably gets money from multiple avenues. Since it is not a federal or state highway I imagine all of the money to maintain Stilesboro Road originated from the county residents. Does the county have the responsibility to its residents to maintain the road? Absolutely. Now, if this ac
  9. I'm waiting to see if there are any possible legal ramifications for the county. Wasn't Cobb one of the counties that contracted parts of the job out to local companies? I'm not sure.
  10. This is the first time I've changed the skin. I'm normally fine with the default. The light blue made it so many things weren't visible. Using red now but I don't really like it. I don't have an option for dark blue.
  11. The only person you can control is yourself. You can choose to stay out of the drama without booting the person from your life. My dad was one of the best at stirring up drama. When he'd get tired of his family not talking he'd call one sister and tell her the other sister said something. Then he'd just sit back and chuckle as they argued. He always confessed before it got too out of hand. The two sisters didn't talk very much so this was one of his ways of getting them to talk. It always worked. He died two years ago and when I talk to my aunts they always bring up the way he was
  12. Try the Tuscan soup. It's similar to potato soup but it has sausage in it. The chicken noodle soup is very good too. I'm a soup person as you can probably tell. The only negative I have is they don't offer any whole wheat pasta yet.
  13. You must serve asparagus. According to The Doctors show on ABC asparagus helps a man have good umm posture.
  14. Right before the mud it appears there was a wreck. One of the stone columns is down and the fence is trashed. I think this happened when we had ice. I was thinking the mud groove past the wreck site was where a fire truck or emergency vehicle pulled over. The ground was soft and all mud beneath the snow. That area doesn't get much sunlight so I just figured it never really dried and the mud just keeps getting worse. If someone is doing it on purpose they sure are making a mess.
  15. Hot, steamy bath with a bottle of wine. Then 2 Tylenol PMs before bed. To keep your mind off the day's events, fall asleep to a favorite movie.
  16. Who do I dislike more? I dislike inconsiderate people the most.
  17. I could go on and on with meals for a large party. In this case you need to keep the theme in mind. Think about it. Do you want to try to enjoy your Valentine's evening with a partner whose been eating garlic loaded food all night? I'd try something a little less spicy and a dessert with a little mint. How about chocolate mint ice cream or a peppermint cake?
  18. We've had two family members run into hard times. I'm not sure if it should be blamed on the economy or attitude. One has never been able to hold down a job for very long anyway and the other owns his own business. Instead of doing any work himself he pays other people. Even though his client base has decreased he still thinks the owner shouldn't have to perform manual labor. Maybe that's why he's struggling with bills and payroll. You think?
  19. After you get it clean put a good coat or two of Holloway House shine on the floor. Iy will make it look great and it will be much easier to keep clean. I use Holloway House about every 6 months. It makes a dramatic difference.
  20. Pyrex laundry detergent and fabric softener. Nestle 20 calorie hot cocoa.
  21. Netflix streaming. It doesn't seem to have even half the movies as you can get through Netflix by mail DVDs.
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