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Everything posted by GoodNeighbor

  1. I'm glad this is happening. Things need to be made right.
  2. I thought my grandfather supplied Santa with all his toys from Sears. He would put me on the fork lift with him and tour me through the aisles of toys in the Sears warehouse on Ponce DeLeon. I loved that building. I just knew it was where Santa worked during the off season.
  3. I thought all grandparents were as amazing as mine and that divorce only happened to people who were crazy.
  4. Where is your church or donation center located?
  5. small and quick hijack... I saw you on the GON page. I haven't registered yet so I can't post. Will you see if DDD can predict what time the fun might get here? If it's in the middle of the day I might go ahead and plan to work from home. Just in case... hijack over Yes, they're looking forward to it. We expected there might be a few more opportunities this year so the sleds are still in the garage instead of being returned to the storage unit. If you can, go to Ace and get yourself a sled. I promise they're much more fun than a trashcan lid.
  6. Thanks. We bought ours from Ace about 4 years ago and this was the first year the kids really got to use them. It was so great to know I didn't have to go looking for sleds when they started calling for a real snow this year.
  7. Go ahead. Try to get close to her. But be careful, she might beat you with her broom.
  8. Yes, that's true. I just try to keep in mind that the only person in the world I cam control is myself. Lead be example and hope others are paying attention.
  9. Remember, what you get out of a relationship is determined by what you put into it.
  10. I don't have experience with this in Paulding but I've seen it happen in Cobb. The school ignored the situation for many years -- until -- the child wanted to play sports. If an out of district (and without a hardship waiver) student were discovered playing a sport for a school, the whole team could be disqualified and forced to forfiet the season and all records. In my experience they only crack down when sports are involved.
  11. I see it both ways. I was brought up to believe that when in God's house you always honor him by wearing your best. This included not only the quality and style of clothes, but also the cleanliness. Remember mom polishing your shoes Saturday evenings? Now that I'm older I tend to not think that way as much. I'm very glad that many churches offer non-traditional services. God already knows what my junk looks like. I don't believe he wants us to be ashamed of our bodies. Do you remember hearing that your body is a temple? If anyone has an issue with the clothes someone else wears
  12. What about Lucy Coe? She switched to the spun off Port Charles. When it was cancelled she didn't come back to GH. She was good for mischievous plots and an affair or four. Did you ever notice her hands? She had some of the most masculine hands I've ever seen in a woman.
  13. Yes, yes, yes! That's who I was thinking of. Thanks
  14. Oh my. I loved her. I always wanted her to be with Jason. She was just too weak. Any news on what will happen to her boys? If they're out many storylines will come to an end. My favorite GH character was Jackie Zeeman (Bobbie). I'm a little partial to redheads since I'm one myself. I thought she was so pretty (pre plastic surgery). She even posed in Playboy. OK you diehards -- what were the names of the couple in cahoots with Robert, Anna, Luke and Laura. They lived in the penthouse that had the secret room. The man worked for the WSA or something like that. Anyway, I miss
  15. Phone numbers to your favorite restaurants that deliver. I remember the food was awful so we ordered pizza and chinese food for me and hubby. Baby book for the first footprints Since your nurse will be the person who helps you the most make sure you get a picture of you, the baby, and the nurse right after delivery. A notebook and pen. I journaled everything that happened. I wrote diwn every time I was checked, what meda I was given, and who gave it to me. I wrote down every little aspect, what time it happened, who visited, and my feelings about what was going on. My girls get
  16. I've seen it done. A family on my street had a traditional mortgage and a line of credit on the principle. They were about to lose their home to foreclosure. Instead of losing their principle they used the line of credit to buy a brand new convertible Mercedes accompanied by a brand new convertible BMW. They had both cars hauled to the house and never drove them. After the foreclosure they sold the cars to get their money back. It was just their way of not losing the principle already paid on the house.
  17. I am looking for an Avery double binder. The sku is 77711 60164. The item number is 696820. I ordered one from frys.com but the shipping was crazy. Now my daughter wants a few more and I'm trying to avoid the shipping cost. I've searched Avery.com, Office Depot, Office Max, and Staples with no luck. I know these things exist because I have one in my hand. Do you have any? If you don't, can you get them? I really don't want to order from Frys again. Thanks for your help. Oh, I'm also looking for a small accordion file. I purchased one about a year ago at Staples and of co
  18. Do you have a discount card from one of the high school booster clubs? I have one from North Paulding that gives $5.00 off at Express Oil Change. You be surprised how much money I save with these cards.
  19. Click on the report triangle under your name and ask a moderator to change it for you.
  20. Don't worry. I've lost track of my days too.
  21. My first job was a cashier at Winn Dixie. Remember that? This was way back when we still used paper bags. I still think they are so much better. When you went through training the very first thing you learned was how to properly bag groceries. I remember I used to have one of the longest lines. Not because I was slow, but because I bagged all the groceries myself as I scanned them and I made sure they were done correctly. It was important to consider not only what you put together in each bag, but also that the bottom of the bag was secure and squared so the items would not fall out.
  22. Here is the easiest way to find what you want. Go to this website... http://decal.ga.gov/ProviderSearch/SiteSearch.aspx?prekonly=y&newsearch=y Put in the area you want then make a list of those that interest you and call them with your questions.
  23. People in Paulding are always hearing they should do things the way they're done in Cobb. I think those of us commenting on the difference in Paulding and Cobb's roads are using it only as a way of lifting up Paulding's DOT. I don't really think anyone is saying Cobb didn't do a good job. We're really saying what a great job Paulding has done. Cobb usually does pretty well at most things they attempt. For us to do even better is something that doesn't need to go un-noticed or without recognition.
  24. Paulding's roads are sooooooo much better than Cobb's. The DOT did good. I also think it has a lot to do with our dare devils. There have been plenty of trucks and four wheelers traveling our roads and breaking up the ice I may be wrong but I imagine we have more trucks/ATVs per capita in Paulding than in Cobb. Even though it's dangerous there is a place deep in our country hearts that makes us want to get out and play.
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