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Everything posted by brown*eyed*girl

  1. We bank with Wachovia and our Mortgage is through Wells Fargo and since the transaction the only difference I noticed was that my mortgage payment went through much quicker this month. I guess I will have to keep my eyes peeled for other issues but I have never had a problem with Wachovia that they didn't make right almost immediately and those have been few and far between.
  2. I hadn't seen those before either but I always here someone asking the Poll workers how turn out has been so maybe that is one of the reasons they are doing it.
  3. Went to Moses around 3:15 and it took me 20 minutes At that time they had a sign saying 633 people had voted as of 3:00 pm. I too am excited about the turnout. While we were driving there I was telling my son I didn't think there would be more than a 30% turnout. It will be nice if I am wrong.
  4. When we needed one we found Home Depot to have the best deal. We paid cash for part of it and got a Home Depot card with no interest for 12 month to cover the rest. I usually wouldn't recommend using a CC but if you can pay it off before the interest kicks in (and it will accumulate and if you don't pay it off by the expiration date you pay all the back interest you would have had). Of course we didn't really have too much time to shop around but we did call a few places. Good Luck! Edited to add that I think they came out the same day or at the very latest the next.
  5. Anyone know the results of the two championship games today? Just curious.
  6. Well dang, if I knew you were going to be "open" I would have headed down there but I could of swore I read that you were not doing anything until tomorrow. Oh well, please post pics. One of these years I will make it your way. Tomorrow we are splitting up and each going with the kids and their friends three of us in one neighborhood and two of us in another. Happy Halloween!
  7. The movie is at 10 right? I think my son might go. Not sure. He is out T & T'ing right now with a couple of friends.
  8. I agree but wanted to add that I believe that the Jr Raiders are made up of BOTH EPMS and MOSES MS students. Way to go guys!
  9. Well two of my three kids have SD's. I don't and I have no idea if my hubby does. I too feel much better knowing it is so common. I will add one of my kids does get MRI and Cat Scans every other year to see if they are gaining fluid in their spinal cord since the first test way back when showed some but there has never been an increase.
  10. Oh My Gosh>>>> Thank you for the reminder. I go there, have gotten e-mails on it and totally didn't realize that today is the 29th! RR~~You rock! By the way I finished those two books a few weeks ago. I am glad I got through the 7th one but the 8th, well that is one of my favorites. Now how long do we have to wait for the 9th?
  11. You don't sound snarky and I hear what you are saying. I know I haven't spent as much time reading up on this stuff as I should have. Been busier than usual but I have to say the times I have started to read some of the political stuff on here there tends to be a lot of what appears to be rumor and personal, excuse the term, crap when I just want the basic facts. Just tell me what you (the candidate) believes and wants to do and why I should vote for you (or your candidate) and not what an awful person the other candidate is and why I shouldn't vote for him/her. Does that make sen
  12. I haven't checked it out completely yet but I am currently looking at the candidate section and I can see I will have some homework this weekend to get me up to speed on all these people. When you find the link you were talking about I would love to check that one out too! Thanks!!
  13. THANKS!! I am going to check it out now and will probably bookmark it so I can find it for future elections.
  14. Can someone share some basics of the amendments? I just wish there was a website where you could type in your address and pull up a copy of the ballot. I get so frustrated when I go to vote and find there are things on the ballot I didn't realize would be there for me to vote on. And I hate to vote without hearing the facts. Sometimes the wording is confusing as well so you think you are voting for one thing when actually it is the opposite.
  15. I couldn't participate in the poll because I was unable to answer all the questions about who I am voting for. I do however intend to vote YES on SPLOST. I have to say had I made my decision just on what was being said on P.com I may have voted NO but I attended two meeting where it was presented and discussed and I feel like it is a no-brainer.
  16. My 12 year old has one on the laptop he bought last year and our laptop came with one as well. Before that we got some for our regular computer since my hubby was working out of state and he wanted to see the kids and for them to see him. We don't really use those though now that we have the laptops in the house. I am still the uncool mom though. Just today my husband and I were tearing apart my 13 year old daughters bed looking for her retainer and under the mattress was a piece of paper torn out of a journal she had last year that said: "Mom is so full of crap it is coming out of her
  17. I was just thinking about you recently and wondered how you and your family were doing. I am sorry to hear about this and will keep you in my prayers.
  18. Congrats! I think you made the right decision for you. I hope everything turns out.
  19. Best news I have heard all day! :drinks: I can't believe this is even an issue. How ridiculous.
  20. I don't listen to NPR that I know of but I did read the article about the firing yesterday and it did bother me. I found his comments to be nothing more than honest. I don't personally share his same concerns but we all have things that bother us or make us feel one way or another. It is a result of our upbringing or experiences or a combination of the two or any other number of factors. Realizing these feelings are not valid is what counts not denying them in the first place just to sound politically correct.
  21. All three of my kids ages 10, 12 and 13 have facebook accounts. I have all their passwords and the computer is in my room. I did not have a FB account until my daughter wanted me to be her 100th friend. I wouldn't know half what I know if my kids didn't have FB accounts. Heck I only found out my 12 year old had a girlfriend after my Mom, my Sister and a friend of my daughters Mother asked me about it after seeing his status change from "single" to "in a relationship". Anyway.... After a friend from HS sent me a friends request I was talking to a teacher who I knew had one and
  22. It is for a good cause. You will be helping to add books to the media center if that makes you feel any better. The jewelry is almost always a disappointment but I have always found the wrapping paper to a much better quality that what I find at the stores and the magazine subscription prices are better than you will find most places. From the band fundraiser we are getting a magazine subscription for a year to a weekly magazine that comes with a free bag for $20! You can't be that. We also ordered All You magazine last year that comes with tons of coupons for about $12 or $15 from m
  23. When does the time change? NOT SOON ENOUGH for me.
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