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Everything posted by brown*eyed*girl

  1. It does look awesome doesn't it! We drive by there at least once a week. I bet Mr.W.C. Abney would be proud.
  2. Where are the ones in Powder Spings? Would it be better to go up Dallas Hwy or 278? We live in the New Hope area. Thanks!
  3. I don't order Pizza for delivery often but usually I tip $3. They are just a mile away. Now that we have a the $5 Hot and Ready's near by we pick them up every Monday and a portion goes to the school system. Can't beat that.
  4. I would tithe a certain percentage, put $1,000 in a savings account and then use the rest to pay off as much debt as possible. I used to wonder the same thing you are...of course it was just hypothetical with me but I don't anymore. I've read a few books and listened to Dave Ramsey enough to know it just makes more sense to pay off the debt. Dave says to do just that (well except the tithe part). First set aside $1,000 for an emergency, then pay off your debts, then save 3-6 months salary (this is the real savings account), etc.. Those are his first three steps to "financial freedom".
  5. Today we are headed to Sun Valley Beach for a while. Then we'll come home, shower, maybe take a short nap (the beach always tires me out) and then up to Red Top Mountain to hopefully catch some fireworks. I hope I can figure out the best place to watch them from. One year we floated around in inner tubes as the fire works went off. It was awesome. Last year we were in Fort Myers Beach. I don't think we can top that. Those fire works were right over our heads and came soooo close to the ground. Debris actually landed on our blanket.
  6. Oh man, I feel for you. The year I had mine out the doctor and most everyone I talked to said I'd be fine after three days. My sons kindergarten teacher told me for her it was more like 3 weeks and that is about what it took. I hope your recovery is quicker than mine. It's worth it though. In the six months following having my gall bladder removed I could eat anything. It was awesome while it lasted~lol.
  7. CPL Brandon Gurley~~Thanks so much for your post! And for all you do to keep us safe and informed.
  8. EPHS is having a basketball camp for all ages coming up the week after next. There may be some other camps going on as well. You could check with the Rec center to see what they have left. I have a 12 and 13 year old and we go to Sun Valley Beach. We also attend West Ridge. I'm not sure when the HS kids meet but the middle school kids meet on Sunday Mornings and also on Wednesdays. However the Wednesday nite thing is on break but should start back up next month. They also sometimes have special nights/days at places like Stevie B's, Stars & Strikes, Pump it up, Sparkles. N
  9. So which one did you get? I remember you were leaning toward a Garmin Nuvi...I'm wanting to get one as well and just wanted to know what you bought and what you thought of it. I too don't really know much about them. My mom got me a handheld garmin a few years back and neither my husband nor I ever figured out how to work it. Does the Nuvi talk to you? It sounds like it does but maybe that is a special feature on certain models. Anyways, let me know what you think.
  10. Can someone post a real clear picture of a brown recluse and black widow? Just for clarification.
  11. I'm not even sure it's worth responding but Duh of course police officers should be allowed to do things that the rest of aren't, just like doctors are allowed to cut us open, pilots are allowed to fly planes and race car drivers are allowed to speed. I'm not going to pretend to know what that officer was doing but he didn't just sign up to be a police officer he/she had to go through training and pass tests, etc... and without any further information I am going to assume what he was doing was in the course of doing his job. Might there be accidents? Yes but I bet more lives are saved be
  12. I was just wondering this week what was going on with him and Elin. During the US Open I tried to see if I could spot his wedding ring but couldn't really get a good look. I don't think she is a Gold Digger, atleast not based on the settlement. She totally deserves every penny she gets. I'm sad for them both but boy was he stupid.
  13. Aren't there fireworks at Lake Allatoona as well around the 4th?
  14. I know isn't this weather awesome?! I was pretty excited when I checked the 10 day forcast yesterday and saw so many nights coming up where the low was going to be in the 60's (and the high was only going to be in the 80's). I love these kind of mornings! (too early for beer, lets picture coffee)
  15. Thanks! I might just wait Pubby out and see what is in store for us next. I guess I could play around with it and if I don't find anything I like just put it back on Basic R~that would put me back to whatever Pubby does correct? Okay I tried that. I still have the graduation cap but it did switch up the background colors. Now I have a pretty blue to go with my blue graduation cap. Oh well.
  16. I've never had to switch themes before they always just kind of did it on there own but I am definitely ready to look at something a little more summery. A beach ball and umbrella perhaps. I'd say fireworks but a week from the now the 4th will be over. And a month from now we'll be almost ready to school shop and I don't want to go there just yet~ lol. So how do I get rid of the graduation cap on top of my pcom screen or do I need to just wait and let it take care of its self? Thanks!
  17. I'm so glad he's okay. I like many others had a similar thing happen when my daughter was about two weeks old. The doctor was more worried about me than her. Of course she was fine but I was a total wreck. Still don't know how she fell out of her stroller (I was going up stairs and she was buckled in). I didn't even realize it was her that fell out at first. Anyways, I'll be praying for you.
  18. Ours went from $142 to $ 200 and we were out of town a bit. I'm not looking forward to next month. Just had company and felt I needed to keep things extra comfortable so the AC was lower than usual.
  19. I've not seen the ads. Is it the way it is worded or would you rather not know if this is voted down our taxes will rise? I'm not fond of blackmail either but I do like to know what happens if its voted one way or the other. Oh and I also think we REALLY need an indoor pool in this county. I just last week looked into the COBB YMCA and couldn't believe how much it cost. I think I figured out it would be @ $1,000 for our family to join.
  20. That's awesome! Where was he playing?
  21. I used them a couple of months ago. Didn't get all my stains out but still did a great job and boy did the house smell nice!
  22. I'll vote yes. This is a no brainer for me. Not only do I think P & R are important but so are the DOT and Public Safety.
  23. I'd be interested in hearing about it and wanted to ask if you aren't allowed to post the details here could you please e-mail me? We did Square Dancing when I was in 6th grade and I'd love to teach it to my kids but am a bit rusty. Thanks!
  24. I read that it had been canceled last month but just didn't have the time to watch it. Maybe something has changed.
  25. So I TiVo's the whole season but haven't gotten around to watching it yet and now I hear it's been canceled. I'm wondering if I should watch it or just delete it. Did it have a good ending or just kind of end without really ending? I know that sounds confusing but you know how some shows just end without wrapping things up, that is what I'm wondering. TIA
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