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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Great pics! Please tell her we said so, and that we know things.
  2. I cannot imagine EVER joking about such a dreadful topic. I know people whose lives have been DEVASTATED by a loved one who did themselves a harm, and it is not a pretty picture. Maybe those who joke just aren't aware? I dunno...
  3. My favorite was the one sent to NY Gal, mentioning her brother, who is deputy director of the FBI, mentioning him as verification of whatever the crap was they were saying. HAHAHAHAHA
  4. If you're talking about leg muscle spasms/cramps, I've heard that athletes drink pickle juice to keep them at bay. Here's a little article I found: http://healthpsych.psy.vanderbilt.edu/pickleJuice.htm
  5. I saw three trees in an office park in Kennesaw the other day with BLOOMS on them. Not fully bloomed out, mind you, but enough blooms on all three trees to be noticeable. Wow.
  6. I personally think PODS is the greatest common-sensical idea to come down the pike in a very long time. How many people are doing the palm-to-the-forehead and thinking DANG, why didn't I think of that first??? Sort of like I do every time I pass the Park A Toy lot on 41 near the Bartow County line. Chaps my arse, it does. I could have bought a dadgum acre of land on 41 when it was dirt cheap, paved it, fenced it, and let people park their toys there and charge them an arm and a leg, but did I think of it? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO. :angry2:
  7. A lost dog is running around in Pickett's Mill in the vicinity of Picketts Crossing/Picketts Trace intersection. No collar or tags.
  8. I see I am not alone in my loathing for Valentine's Day. I think it's the silliest made-up day ever. If you're a girl and you don't get flowers/candy/hotel/spa/jewelry/nice dinner, you're not loved. If you're a guy and don't do all those things, you're pond scum. Please. I currently have the awesome Shakespeare sonnet excerpt in my siggie, but I could change it to this for Valentine's Day: Happy Valentine’s Stupid, Made-up, Consumer-Oriented, Manipulative, Shallow-Interpretation-of-Romance Day
  9. Go back and read Lots to Do's post...ObamaCare is prohibiting most of these beginning 2014. Has nothing to do with market demand.
  10. Well, I'm not a parent, but I DO know sleep deprivation very well due to caring for my father with dementia before he passed away. Lack of sleep will WREAK HAVOC on you, in every way imaginable. It is the worst thing physically I've ever been through, and it was a direct contributor to my mental and emotional state as well until I started sleeping normally again, which was well after my dad walked on ahead.
  11. I think she's a slacker cook and has cheesy taste in men, too (she's shacked up with NY's gov. Andrew Cuomo).
  12. BTDTBTTS and wrote the book, hon. I'm so sorry. Time will give you better perspective.
  13. Good deal, man. I thought of you today and prayed that all went well.
  14. I agree with chatting him up to find out what's going on...not to be nosy, but to sincerely find out how he is. Sounds like something is definitely up. A personal anecdote - I am a nut about my yard...I LOVE LOVE LOVE doing work outside, and take great pride int he condition of the exterior of the house and the lawn. But when my dad got sick several years ago, I was mostly living with them an hour away, keeping up my home here, and working full-time. He was sick for three years before his death. Believe you me, many things went undone, and I'm even now still in the process of putting thin
  15. I'm no mental health professional, but I'm guessing there are degrees and variances in these disorders. I think sometimes these folks get to the point emotionally and mentally where they are debilitated and that accounts for the nastiness.
  16. Oh, y'all are just gonna give her the big head! (Besides, she likes me more than she likes y'all. )
  17. I'll have to check that out. A friend of mine has corgis, and they are smart. Of course, QEII has like 17 of them. Or something. A bunch, anyway. I always laugh when I see a video of her wandering around the palace and a gaggle of them trotting along with her.
  18. Forgiveness is ESSENTIAL if you want to live a healthy, whole life. If you don't forgive, bitterness will EAT YOU UP inside. BUT I wouldn't have said what she said in the manner she said it to those two girls. I would have probably said something about forgiveness, but not in that manner. (Believe me - I know from forgiving when it's beyond difficult to forgive.)
  19. Dude!!! I'm so jealous. I'm not related to anybody. Except prolly debtors who were went over to the debtors prison in GA. heh I don't know how to do it, either, but I have some cousins who are big into it, so I'm slowly getting started. If you don't know anybody to ask about it, the main Cobb liberry in Mayretta has a FANTASTIC genealogical section. I guarantee they could help you get started.
  20. It's not a need or rational decision as you or I would consider it...it's a mental illness. Something in their past (childhood trauma or whatever) has made them view the clutter as security and comfort, and it takes a true mental health professional to deal with it. And they have to want to change for whatever reason (health or money or whatever) in order for the professional to be able to help them. I have a friend who is a borderline hoarder, and I don't even try anymore. I've offered and offered to help her, but she has turned me down FLAT every time. And yes, she had a childhood (and
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