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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Cat's in the Cradle is a classic. Chapin was a true talent; he also wrote the music and lyrics for the musical "Cotton Patch Gospel," by the great Atlanta actor, Tom Key.
  2. I knew I liked you. Wow. Awesome story, and a great principle. 9My family knows of my wishes to be an organ donor should something dire ever happen.) :wub:
  3. You don't say how old you are, OP, but if you're in the neighborhood of perimenopause, that could be a contributing factor as well. My left hand (and sometimes arm, but mostly hand0 gives me a fit at times when I'm trying to sleep. Sometimes I sleep with one of those rigid carpal tunnel braces on it and that helps. (You can get them at Wal-Mart or CVS.) I thought carpal tunnel syndrome was only caused by repetitive motion, but come to find out, hormones are a big cause of it in women. My sister had MAJOR MAJOR troubles with it in both hands when she was prego...but not before or since.
  4. Good heavens no. I'm the first to turn on the heat in the fall, but the last to turn on my AC. Maybe about mid-April? Reptiles R Us...
  5. Momof3, you are just so silly. Imagine thinking parents should teach their children to live moral and healthy lives. Hrmph. (Of cousre, you know I agree with you totally...I'm just filling in for some folks who haven't chimed in yet. ) Here's the money quote: "They are children. Children explore the world by hands-on," she said. Ye. gods. Agreed, unless for some reason it wasn't consensual.
  6. I resemble that remark. I did not take the chicken, either.
  7. Look how she's grown!!! Love the pics and video!
  8. I don't have any personal experience, but I have heard that it has helped a great number of folks. Something about gunk getting stuck in a passageway or some such and the therapy helping dislodge it so the body can do what it does normally to get rid of it. I wish you well!
  9. I sowwy, CeeJay...I try to do better. :hangingheadinshame:
  10. So, I picked up the little newspaper that arrives in my driveway every Thursday, and lo and behold, there is a front-page story about how the county is applying for the permit for the reservoir so they can proceed to the next step. Land was acquired in 1998, and the article says they've been working on getting the permit since then. Really? 13 years! Thank the Lord they were workin' on it all that time...imagine how behind we'd be if they hadn't been! So, anyhoo, hopefully they'll know something from the Corps of Engineers as to whether the permit will be granted. You can read all abo
  11. I'm serious. Although I like both schools, I guess I'm a Tide fan more than an Auburn fan, but geez Louise. You're 62 years old and you've carried this grudge since 1983? How pathetic are you? And oh, thanks for making all Tide fans look bad into infinity and beyond. I am just sickened by this. I think he should a) have to pay Auburn back for every penny they spend on trying to save these trees, and 2) spend the rest of his life doing grounds work on the Auburn campus wearing an Auburn sweatshirt (even in 100-degree weather). WHAT. A. MORON.
  12. Well, koala bears I could see. Them suckers are MEAN. Us pandas don't bother nobody. Also, we're cuter.
  13. Pcom is rough on the Board of Education, too, but Kim Cobb shows up all the time to 'splain things. Just sayin'.
  14. Chicken Parmigiana at Martino's. :belch: It was guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuud.
  15. I take great umbrage with the OP. Hrmph.
  16. I've never really quite understood the objection to selling alkeehaul on Sundays. I mean, you can buy it in a restaurant on Sundays now. You can buy it on Monday-Saturdays now. So why the uproar?
  17. I know you'll find this hard to believe, but I'm truly not a super-paranoid over-protective type. I believe in tough love, reality discipline, etc. Kids who are coddled and sheltered grow up to be sad, pathetic child-like adults. But that's not what I'm talking about. There's a DIFFERENCE in letting a 16-year-old walk to CVS at night and letting a 10-year-old. (Leaving the golf cart out of it because that could have been illegal anyway, and I know I wouldn't let them do that.) Children are priceless treasures. They are more valuable than Ming vases or Monet originals. They are mo
  18. HAHAHAHAHAA And yes, I think it's tacky. Dittos to riograce.
  20. So tonight after supper, I motored over to CVS at Seven Hills to pick up a few things. I parked beside the CUTEST golf cart! Mother was caught up in a book she's reading and didn't want to go in, so I told her to see who was driving it. Lo and behold, shortly before I finished in the store (around 8pm), an adorable girl no more than 10 or 12 years old came out eating a popsicle, got in the cart, wrapped a blanket around her legs, backed out and went on her merry way. SAY WHAT?!?!? I said to Mother, "Are you SURE she wasn't like 16?" She said she didn't even think the kid was 12. So,
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