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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Oh, got it. Not saying I agree or disagree (I'd have to think about it), but I see what you're saying now.
  2. Wow. Some really amazing comments from you folks. But LPPT is absolutely correct - the ONLY way to deal with dysfunction (and I have some of my own, but in different ways than what you folks are describing) is to take it out and put it in the open and learn the truth and alter your belief system to make it align with truth. Which is HARD and PAINFUL. But I liken it to having surgery for some disease...the surgery hurts, but it's necessary to remove the injured part. Then, when you recover from the surgery, you're better than you ever were before, and in the case of the past, after you dea
  3. You hush your mouth!!! Bojangles is DA BOMB!
  4. Awww, ButterflyLion, we're here, I promise! How long have you lived here?
  5. Yeah, but at least when you're inside and your eyes adjust, you're on level ground with whatever evil lurks inside.
  6. Why do you say that? I promise I'm not bustin' on you...I'm genuinely curious as to your thinking.
  7. Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! I knew we were twins! I have a ninja kitteh, too! Her name is Gracie. LOVE the pics.
  8. Awesome!!! I'm so happy for you both!
  9. Will keep him/them in my prayers! (And Dr. Denmark is DA BOMB!!!)
  10. Yes, ma'am. D I S T A N C E !!!!!!! Well, crap...I had lots of spaces in between the letters of "distance", but oh, well. YOu get the idear.
  11. Darlin', you read my mind. I am getting ready to do this very thing. This isn't just about SP any more...it is of course originally about him, but the larger issue is the governance of this county. I don't think they really want to deal with the doo-doo that has the potential to hit the fan.
  12. I don't think I've ever eaten a banana that was too ripe. Well, maybe if it's totally black and so slimy it'd slide right out of the peel by itself. But otherwise, no. That's when they're the best to me.
  13. Just finished reading all the replies - driving with favorite music cranked up loud is good for me, as well as hanging out with my fur baby. Animals seem to ALWAYS make me feel better. (In your case, IIRC, you have some mean little ankle-biters, so I don't know how that one would work. ) I will also say this - there seem to be two people in the world: nice folks who would NEVER (regardless of personality types) take out their emotions on others, and then not-so-polite folks who have no qualms about just lambasting anyone and everyone who gets in their way. I try to avoid the latt
  14. I go sit somewhere by myself and take some calming, deep breaths. Then I deliberately start thinking about all the good things in my life, and how whatever is bothering me isn't a drop in the bucket compared to watching my father die right in front of my eyes over a long period of time and me not be able to do a damn thing about it, or to folks who are sitting with a sick child at St. Jude's, etc. Once I think about things like that, I just resolve to ignore myself as best I can, and then take a hot shower when I get home, get in some comfy pjs, and watch HGTV or Law & Order, or read a g
  15. GAH!!! This just hacks me right off every time I think of it!!! It's not even the point now whether you're right or wrong, SP, although for the record, I think you're clearly in the right. But they've now spent $1,300,000 of OUR MONEY fiddly-farting around??? OH, WHERE IS MY DUCT TAPE??? My head is truly about to explode. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR... :angry2: :angry2: :angry2:
  16. Dude. That is a serious bummer. But what a guy...always an encouragement!
  17. It is very cool, but if I'm understanding it correctly, your local LE has to belong to it to share data? I couldn't find anything on there for Paulding.
  18. I KNOW!!! I'm thinking seriously of pulling the covers over my head and hiding out till April.
  19. I told my neighbors that I'd rather prepare for snow and get rain than vicey versey. Ain't no fun bein' surprised in a bad way like that. PS - I thought I was a weather geek. Pfft. I now realize that I'm just a poser compared to these other dudes. MAN...those dudes are HARD CORE.
  20. Don't count the snow out yet...models are still wildly unpredictable on this one as of right now. Big potential for several inches of snow, though, if temps go down just a wee bit. Looks like something on Friday as well, and maybe Tuesday/Wednesday of next week. Somebody stop this global warming...it's killin' us!
  21. I have found TurboTax to be easy to work with. The state software is free (you have to download it from them, though). Products won't be final probably till the first of February...that's not to say you couldn't go ahead and start your taxes; I'd just check for updates frequently, esp. for the state return. I personally don't e-file my returns because one is free and they charge for the other. So I just print and mail out of principle.
  22. Try something and you'll draw back a nub.
  23. My ears were burning...now I know why. Yes, missy, I did take back the bullet...you should feel lucky...I've given Madea a good number of bullets, and never taken any of them back.
  24. Piss-ant SPLOST Let's Waste More Tax Dollars Park? Never mind. Don't mind me. I'm in a mood.
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