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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Why do I find myself always agreeing with you two?
  2. This, my dear, is the VERY BEST attitude to have. Very healthy. I salute you. PS - your daughter and my 4yo nephew can never hang out together...they are TWINS, I'm telling you, and it would be WWIII. They would kill each other and then turn on the rest of us.
  3. OK, thanks for making me totally cry. God bless that family.
  4. They might bring 'em back, like the little boy in Ransom of Red Chief. Just sayin'.
  5. The gubment is not that stupid...they just want to control every aspect of our lives. They want us living poor and undefended in the dark, riding our bikes everywhere. That way, they have all the money and all the power.
  6. Would NOT want to be called for a felony murder case. NOT EVEN. I did serve on a hilarious civil jury one time where this one black dude was suing another black dude for running over him (he was laying dead drunk in the middle of the road in the middle of the night wearing dark jeans and no shirt). The poor driver dude was just driving home from work minding his bidness...tore the transmission right out of his car...he never even saw the guy. Anyhoo, the driver dude's attorney was State Farm's attorney, who ate the ambulance-chaser's lunch, let me tell you. The plaintiff's friends who tes
  7. You crack me up. Serious bidness.
  8. So, OP, am I reading this correctly - your avg. bill for the three months has been $333/mo.? I don't think that's out of the ballpark...we heat over 2,000 sf with natural gas and the last two bills have been $375 and $255. We are not locked in to a price/therm. We also use Walton EMC. In my research, they were the cheapest. What hacks me off is the MONDO fees I see on every frickin' bill. GRRRRRRRRRRRRR...
  9. And it's not the first re-make ("True Grit", et al).
  10. Berry College in Rome. Simply spectacular.
  11. She didn't fool me into voting for her. And I will keep voting against higher taxes until the day I die.
  12. Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! NO, Ga. Lineman's Wife, you cannot have him...he's MINE! Oh, I love that little fuzzy bald head. :wub: (Just don't show him your avatars...he'll cry. )
  13. We have a Bissell, and it's done very well over about five years. Minimal pet hair here, but the carpets take a BEATING from my 4-year-old nephew. I've been very pleased, but I did read in some reviews that if you use the attachments, then the regular cleaner part doesn't work as well. I just use the regular part.
  14. And just who first told you about Moongeddon? I DID! Which you ignored for days and days. I think I'll slap you for that. You, too, Billie Joe. Or Bobbie Joe or whatever your name is. And anybody else who wants a piece of me.
  15. hahahah I always say that - my stomach is eating clear through to my backbone! ahhahaa Sketti here.
  16. A friend of mine said when they get inventory in, the dealerships race to add everything they can to them so they can sell at a higher price (and higher profit margin for the add-ons). Man...hard to find just a regular car these days. And manual transmissions! Outside of a sports car, who makes 'em anymore? And many of the sports cars have automatic transmissions. I gotta tell you - I'd be mighty embarrassed to be driving down the road in a so-called performance car with an automatic transmission.
  17. Man, oh, man. I don't have any words, but I sure have tears. :cray:
  18. Chuck Norris is DA MAN!!! (Love the cartoons!)
  19. I don't have any kids, but I'm a BIG fan of honesty. I'm also a BIG FAN of learning from other people's mistakes. I love the folks who say, "Oh, I have to learn for myself and make my own mistakes." Really?!? You're not gonna believe somebody who tells you not to shake nitroglycerine? Alrighty, then, dumbarse.
  20. I hope they pulled her out of the car by her hair and slammed her face-down into the pavement before cuffing her. :angry2: ETA: I'm sure they didn't do that, but I would have clapped if they had.
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