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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Shocking to think it's been that long. That poor, poor lady. But he will get his just desserts. Maybe not on this earth, and maybe not where we can see them, but he will get his. God is a just God.
  2. Martino's at the Crossroads serves homemade, if I'm not mistaken. mmmmmmmmmmmmm...
  3. I was gonna say - Kingston, Jamaica, makes this place (in your photo) look like East Cobb. Makes me want to throw up just thinking about it. I will also add that Harlem used to look like that pic, and E. St. Louis probably still does. sigh
  4. Ditto - I don't know you, either, but I know God, and He knows who I'm talkin' about.
  5. Yeah, uh-huh. So I call my State Farm agent awhile back, and he says, yeah, the zone number went down (or up, whichever is better) but they're in big sections, and there was no change in premium due to the change in the number. Right. Thanks for nothin'.
  6. Yeah, I'm with you there, sister...somethin' just ain't right about that. But OTOH, your avatar is a good bit less creepy than usual. A little strange, perhaps, but you're making progress! Well done!
  7. Never heard of your situation, but I would go in with guns blazing. As in, write your letter, be firm and nice, but FIRM. Make it clear you will not hesitate to get a lawyer involved.
  8. I don't know what the heck is going on, but that dog bes purty.
  9. They have babies and kill each other off when nobody's looking. With me, it's SPOONS!!! Dang...where the heck do they go? Are they at a spoon convention somewhere wtihout telling me?!?!?
  10. No, I know no one said it in this thread. I've just gotten about elebenty gazillion phone calls and e-mails in the last week from residents here saying their kids heard the same, so I figured I'd put it out there. I also think the guy was probably up to no good, or as you say, he wouldn't have left so quickly (which he did). All of the incidents we've had in the past couple of weeks that we've been discussing amongst ourselves have been suspicious and bizarre, which is why we've been communicating via e-mail alerts, etc. My point to the folks who live here is that hysteria is NEVER a he
  11. Oh, and Lady Raider - this particular incident was sometime last week, IIRC. What actually happened was that some kids were playing at the end of their driveway near their cul-de-sac. Driver of a gold car stopped and got out to look at his tires. He then walked towards the kids who ran and got their mom. When she and an older sibling came out to investigate, he left quickly. As I mentioned, she called the SO and they did take a report and investigate, but the guy was long gone. I'm thrilled she called the SO; that was the proper response. But as to the other rumors, innuendo, hyste
  12. Thank you, Lucky. I would like to make a statement about this; I am the Neighborhood Watch coordinator for Pickett's Mill. The incident in question did not involve a 9-year-old; the man did not ask for help with his car (although he did walk towards the children); and the car was not identified as an Acura. A police report was filed and the SO did come out and investigate, but found nothing (the man, of course, was long gone). I mention all this not to cast aspersions on anyone who forwards information, because the truth is that we cannot be too careful when it comes to the safety an
  13. KRM, you must be kin to me. I never met a road I didn't want to investigate. Got it from my Daddy. I'm still miffed because one time I was driving I-90 from Spokane to Seattle, and we saw a great interesting road leading to some falls, but we didn't go down it because we didn't want to risk being late for a cruise. :D
  14. Oh, goodie!!! Getting ours out today. I've been so busy I haven't thought to check the migration maps. i love those little monsters!
  15. Go ahead and rip somebody's head off...you will feel better. Of course, then you'll be on the lam from the law and your kidlets will be motherless, but you'll feel better temporarily. (I feel for you...I hate feeling that way.)
  16. I believe some folks burn bermuda grass and I know some burn their pampas grass. I'm guessing Walter Reeves would frown on the bermuda burning...I know he frowns on the pampas burning. He says you do better just by cutting them back. I think it's a dumb idea myself.
  17. Ewwwwwwwwwww...that weirdo was the voice of the duck? Makes me think less of AFLAC. Glad he's gone.
  18. Oh, I think it'll pass. It's for the children, doncha know. I'd vote no, but then, I voted no when it was up here, and I lost.
  19. Oh, I'd send it back to him via Fed Ex (insured, natch) to make sure I had proof he had gotten it. And gotten my message that I did not want to have anything further to do with him no matter who broke it off.
  20. Well said, my friend, on all points.
  21. Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Although, I'm still trying to process this part: (1) age 10 (1) age 7 (1) age 5 (1) age 3 (1) age 22 months (2) age 6 months :fallingoverinadeadfaint: I salute you, my dear...the Lord knew what He was doing when He didn't answer my prayers for a lot of kids. Trust me...He KNEW what He was doing.
  22. Oh, have mercy, but I love you!!! Amen and amen, sister!!! PS - thank you for your service. I am in awe...truly, any person who serves, no matter what the job, is my my hero. :wub:
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