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Everything posted by flossy

  1. The Ga Aquarium has Jazz on Friday nights.
  2. I thought I was the only one who noticed. It might be a fauxhawk look that she's going for, but it was bugging me so bad when I was watching her.. I wanted to fix it for her!
  3. 1. Favorite "comfortable" clothes? Yoga pants/tank top 2. Favorite Music Genre? All 3. Favorite Movie Genre? Romantic Comedy 4. Coke or Pepsi? Coke 5. Catfish...Fried or Grilled? Neither 6. Apples or Oranges? Apples 7. Favorite Pizza Toppings? Mushrooms 8. Favorite Pie? Chocolate 9. Car, SUV or Truck? SUV 10. Sunrise or Sunset? Sunrise
  4. flossy


    Wedding rehearsal and dinner tonight, wedding tomorrow, church Sunday.. That's about it!
  5. I LOOOOOOOVVVVEEEEEE Shoes... My daughter loves purses.... but I love shoes!!!!
  6. ummmm.. yeah... especially in the place I work!!!!
  7. Oh Lord, I read about this yesterday and had the heebee jeebee's all day!!!!! I cannot imagine hearing them slither around at night!!!!! YUCK!
  8. We have dropped down to the basic of all basics on cable. We only go out to eat once a week, if that. I have started using coupons (which I never did before). I change the polish on my own toes, rather than paying someone to do it (this is huge for me!!!). Hubby and I take our lunches to work rather than eating out at lunch. I hate it.. BUT.... you do what you have to do to get by!
  9. we had quarter sized hail and the ground looked like it was covered in snow. All I could do is watch as it pelted my car!!! It was unbelievable!
  10. I have it, so did my Grandmother and Mother. It is horrible. There are some days that my husband has to get up because I'm kicking him so much. The pain is unbearable sometimes and the only way I can get mine to quit hurting and kicking is to get them really warm, but sometimes, I just have to fall asleep to get any relief. I feel for the both of you!
  11. flossy


    I LOVE her!!!!!!
  12. I've never really thought about it, I read books for the content, I really don't pay attention to the author that much.. Is that wierd?? I don't know, if I find something that interests me, then I read it....
  13. Cops Chick, I think it is sweet and took alot of planning on his part. Hubby and I LOVE Disney and I think that this guy and his girl really do too! Who is to judge what is immature or "violates" the holy unity of marriage. Disney is obviously a place that they both enjoy and will always look back with fond memories. How is this any different than someone proposing on the jumbo tron at the Braves game or other sporting event. It is something that the couple enjoys and is THEIR business, WHO cares what other people think!!!
  14. cute, cute, cute, cute, CUTE!!!!!!
  15. we always stay till after the credits.. You never know what you are going to see!!! PIRATES WAS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!
  16. Pretty boring until July! Then we have 3 camps! the first week in July is a church camp, the 2nd week in July is a church camp in Myrtle Beach and then the last week in July is Theater Camp at the Dallas Theater!!!!! I will probably be taking off a day here or there to spend with DD during the summer so she doesn't have to spend EVERY day with the grand parents, and we'll probably hang out at the pool. We will do our ONE trip to Six Flags, but other than that, which ever way the wind blows is probably how we will plan!
  17. Wow!! I'm glad your daughter is OK.. I'm so glad to know that there are still people who are good and will help in a situation without turning their heads as to say "not my problem".. I will pray for you and your daughter for peace of mind.
  18. It was killing me last night when they just went to black and white when he was looking at the picture! Now I have to suffer until next season.........Hate cliff-hangers!
  19. I used the Illustrator for both of mine. Sage did my first one when she was working and Chuck did my last one. They do a good job!
  20. I was the "goody two shoes". I was so afraid of my parents killing me that I didn't do anything wrong. My best friend in high school wasn't the "goody goody" I was so I lived vicariously through her and got away with as much as I could when I was with her away from my parents. I did good in school, was a cheerleader, played sports, but wasn't in the popular crowd.
  21. My best friend works for Ken Lucas Realty and is quite good. I'll pm you her number.
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