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Everything posted by flossy

  1. I believe the new Wellstar facility at 41 and Cedarcrest will have an urgent care facility.... not an ER, but it is something.....
  2. AGG, First of all, I know you will be glad to get her here!!!!!! Second of all, not to scare you, but being induced with pitocin is the debil!!!! I was induced with my daughter and it was a crazy nightmare! Anyway, my husband stayed with me and I had a CD of George Winston music that I played.. as a matter of fact, I had to ask if we played the whole CD because I didn't remember.... The TV passed some of the time as well. I just mainly did my breathing they taught me during my child birthing classes. Good luck, Mimi will be here before you know it!
  3. April Fool's Day is Sunday and my daughter keeps talking about the pranks she is going to pull on her dad. What are some great pranks that you or someone has done for April Fool's day?
  4. Yes, I'm sure Brian Free defers to him to sing this song!!! OMG!
  5. Mr. Dis, If you think about the intricate details in EVERYTHING in creation, you would think that God in his infinite wisdom knew about the physics part of it and created it in such a way that it would be astounding to think about! I personally believe that God created the heavens and earth, but I know that there are other beliefs out there as well.
  6. it's ALWAYS crowded on Wednesdays because of .50 tacos.. I've not eaten there though.
  7. When I look around and see so many of my friends and family going through traumatic events and sickness, I realize that my itty bitty problems are just that "itty bitty" in the scheme of life! I thank GOD every day that I can breathe on my own, walk on my own, have a healthy child and husband.. I could go on and on
  8. I've always said that a CFA would do a KILLING at the crossroads! I wish they would put one there!
  9. Last year when my uncle died, there were people actually "posing" with his body!! OMG! My cousins promptly put a stop to that! My uncle was an evangelist that had been to many foriegn countries, so I guess these people thought he was a celebrity or something.. I don't know, but it wierded me and my cousins out!
  10. Yes, I am. Is that where you go?
  11. I am thinking about joining a Zumba class, but want to hear feedback on this class before deciding to do it. There is a place in New Hope that has it on Monday and Thursday's for $5.00 a class.. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!
  12. We had Sunday dinner at my grandmother's every week. My aunts, uncles and cousins would all come, the adults would sit at the dinner table and us kids would all sit in the living room around the coffee table, or eat outside. Those were the days, I have so many memories because of this great family time!
  13. You are welcome.. THOSE are my FAVE!!!!!!
  14. Mia's next K-mart on 278.. AWESOME wings!
  15. The only thing that separates us from the animals, is our ability to accessorize... -Clarice- Steel Magnolias!
  16. They closed it because people were offering their opinions about Megan's story and they felt that leaving it up was now hurting more than helping.
  17. there are different "teams" in Cobb. They all work 12 hour shifts. One shift starts at 6:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m and the other works 6:00 p.m .until 6:00 a.m.
  18. YES!!! The M&M's was my favorite followed by the Dorito's and then the greek yogurt where John Stamos got a head butt!!!!
  19. nothing like eating homemade ice cream! I remember trying to eat the ice out of the machine.. YUCK!!!! no one told me it was covered in salt!!!
  20. LOL Mr. Dis!!!! We must have been posting at the same time!!!!
  21. Many fire stations have tours, but you need to call and make an appointment to let them know you are coming. Around the holiday's firehouses are always filled with homemade goodies that the community brings, so I think it would be appropriate for the kids to bring something.
  22. Hubby and I were talking about this last night. I'm cooking him dinner and giving him a box of candy.. we are B-R-O-K-E!! so, we decided that is what we would do!
  23. My #1 favorite show on TV right now with a close second being Big Bang Theory, but I LOVE MODERN FAMILY!!!! Cam and Mitchell are my favorite characters on the show. I loved it last night!
  24. Sting still looks AWESOME!!!
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