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Everything posted by flossy

  1. my daughter would call a microphone a buckaphone... who knows where that one came from...
  2. Lately, I have noticed many people saying "Welp" rather than "Well".. as in "Welp, I guess that is the end of that", rather than "Well, I guess...".. Drives me crazy!
  3. My daughter looks JUST like my husband.. The only thing that favors me in the least are the shape of her eyes.. EVERYTHING else is from her dad.. Flat butt and all!!!!
  4. Julia Lynn Turner- DEAD!!!!! Can't say that I'm sad....... I testified in both of the murder cases against her.. Cold, Heartless, B!!!
  5. LOVE Etsy!!!! I buy the majority of my gifts from them.
  6. One ran into me last year on Ivy Gulledge Road.. Came out of nowhere, I thought I had hit a person!! Scared me and DD to death. My parents hit one 2 weeks ago, once again, came out of nowhere, did some major damage to their car, the deer died, I think!
  7. It is so sad to see this happen to anyone! Having an addiction is a terrible thing. It controls the person and eventually destroys them. so sad.....
  8. I believe there is a Mosque on Powder Springs Road in Marietta
  9. Cuties!!! We went there on Saturday evening and did the corn maze.. much fun!!!
  10. My daughter and her friends got an invite at the T/T village on Saturday for a Halloween Party at Club Dallas.... Said it was on Industrial drive?????
  11. We blew up balloons and tied them until my fingers couldn't move!!!! There were so many cute little ones!!!
  12. That is where I learned to skate. I remember when Brad was killed...
  13. Last weekend we took a trip out to Historic Banning Mills. They have a GREAT zipline, but we didn't do that this time. We went to the birds of prey show, took a picnic lunch and then hiked the trails. It was a GREAT time and pretty inexpensive, the bird show is $5.00 per person, the lunch we brought, and the hiking was free! If you want to zip, it is pricey, but it is fun to watch all the people go flying through the air! Two weekends ago, we took a trip to Amacalola Falls and took a picnic lunch, it was a fun time as well, then the next day we took a day trip to Chattanooga. Fun time
  14. It is best to go through the academy while employed with a law enforcement agency. Check out the websites of jurisdictions you might be interested in working for and see what the application and testing process it. Most jurisdictions require a written test, a physical fitness test and an extensive background check, which could include a polygraph and psychological testing. Good luck!
  15. I like cheeseburger bobby's, but I also like 5 guys.... Cheeseburger Bobby's has frozen custard and that is the reason that I would choose them over 5 guys!!
  16. Where I work, doc visits as well as PT visits are paid time IF it is during their duty shift, othewise only mileage is paid for those visits. The bills for each are always paid by the employer.
  17. go up to the Etowah Indian mounds, you can take a picnic and it is pretty cheap admission. You can go down by the river and swing on the swings, it is great "cheap" entertainment.
  18. I didn't know about the age thing.... Thanks for the info!
  19. churches will sometimes help with community service, also, try the animal shelter.
  20. Glad to know that there are other parents that are willing to step up to let you know about things your child might be doing while their parents aren't around. I got a call like that last year from a parent.. I was so embarrassed, but DD had already told me about what the parent was calling me about.. Didn't change the fact I was embarrassed for my daughters actions though. We really have to look out for others....
  21. flossy

    My toe

    ohhhh, that hurts me just thinking about it... Sorry bout your toe!
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