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Everything posted by flossy

  1. OMG, when he walked in at the end, I had tears rolling!!! LOL
  2. Time after Time- Cyndi Lauper Everything I do, I do for you- Bryan Adams Open Arms- Journey The search is over- Survivor Honestly- Stryper Take my Breath Away- Berlin
  3. I assure you, these kids do NOT have parents like I did nor school administrators like I did as well. They need the fear of God in 'em. Rebellious little twits...most spoiled rotten. Giirrllll, That is EXACTLY what I was thinking.. can you imagine the BB's putting up with crap like this????
  4. Allison Krauss- When you say nothing at all... One of my faves!
  5. I just read on WSBTV.com that East Paulding was vandalized again.... WOW, the nerve!
  6. I honestly do not ever remember having an after school snack.... wow, I was deprived!
  7. Prayers to you.. A friend of mine dealt with this disease with her husband. Prayer and counseling, and the desire of your BF to change is all that can help. Good luck.
  8. Wilderness Lodge is the BOMB!!!!! LOVE IT... I am soooo jealous.. we cannot go this year because of those stupid furloughs last year!!! , but we will be going again next year...
  9. Pay off all my debt pay off my parent's debt set up a college and trust fund for my daughter buy new cars for my brother, sister-in-law, nephew pay for my nephew's college education buy a farm and animals to go with it for my husband do whatever I want!
  10. Big Bang Theory Modern Family The Middle Bones NCIS Rookie Blue (if I can stay awake long enough to watch)
  11. flossy


    I see Dr. Phillips at Kennestone OB/GYN.. He is AMAZING, I've been with him for over 15 years.....
  12. This made me so sad to hear. Unsuspecting in their place of worship, makes my heart sad that this would happen anywhere, but in a place of worship.
  13. Didn't mention it by name, but eluded to it.. Talked about being Salt and Light!
  14. that was the first thing out of my mouth when I heard that Glenn had died!
  15. ooohhhh Lord, I have been in this same situation, but I was the one that was so involved in the church that my family suffered. My husband was so tired of it that he would never go to church with me and changed his work schedule so he ALWAYS had to work on Sundays. Like Rhonda W said, this church basically "used and abused" me, but what is worse, I let them.. ANYWAY, I finally saw the light and realized I was losing my family, I left the church, but not before I was given the guilt trip of causing detriment to the church, and other things. I finally realized that I was called to be a wife a
  16. WOW!!!!!! His voice is so beautiful.. I have never heard a guy sing Opera that high! AMAZING
  17. I'm the worst about laughing at innapropriate times!! ESPECIALLY when I'm with my best friend. I'm horrible about laughing when people fall, I can't help it, the human body out of control makes me laugh. I know that is horrible, but I really can't help it!!!!
  18. I wanted to be an airline attendant, but my brother told me I was too fat for that and I would never make it... so that shattered that dream!! Anyway, I also wanted to be a broadway star and was going to school for music, but I met my husband at college, got married, had to get a REAL job... Not what I wanted to do with my life, but 25 years later, I'm still employed at the same job.. some days are better than others, but I can retire when I'm 49 years old, so I'm not complaining too much!
  19. This has nothing to do with what you can do with your kids.. but YOUR BOUQUET is AWESOME!!! I love the fact that everyone is not matchy matchy!!!
  20. I love Chateau Elan's Muscadine Wine!!! Mascato is another fave!
  21. My FIL has this (30% capacity of 1 lung), anyway, the main thing is to make sure that they are using their Oxygen all the time. Try hard to kep sick people away from them because they are more succeptable to colds. It is a day by day basis with us.. Prayers to you and your family.. It is a long hard road....
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