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Everything posted by flossy

  1. flossy


    When I was little, we couldn't watch smurfs or heman becaue my mother thought smurfs practiced witchcraft and heman, master of the universe, was trying to be god....
  2. I went after work today, and it was Slammed!
  3. The Ragsdale Inn in Dallas is great, but I don't know about it for that many people. The Grande in Kennesaw is a beautiful place for an event.
  4. I haven't been, but I am dying to go! They performed the Christmas Carol at Christmas time, and they are doing Romeo and Juliet at Valentine's day.... I REALLY want to go... The prices are reasonable from what I can tell on their website. If you go, post a review!
  5. we've done this for years. It is amazing. We put it on our feet, chest and under our nose and we are good as gold. It's amazing.
  6. We took ours down first thing this morning, things are back to normal
  7. flossy


    my kid doesn't even go to paulding county schools and I got the message this morning and this afternoon.
  8. I made poppy seed "chicken" with it. I replaced the chicken with tofu and my sister in law loved it (the vegetarian, we are all carnivores!)
  9. I'll never forget when my grandmother died, someone did this same thing to our procession and the police officer that was helping with the escort, went after the car, pulled them over and gave them a ticket!! I hate riding on multi-lane roads when I am in a procession, people are so rude to try to go around in the other lane. I'll purposly drive in the middle of the lanes to keep people from doing this. I too find it VERY disrespectful. How would they feel if they were in the procession and someone did this to them???
  10. yes, my daughter has been home most of the week with a sore throat, and WONDERFUL stomach issues! Hopefully, it has run it's course, she's back to school today and I haven't received a call from the school yet/
  11. Burlington Coat Factory and K-mart have big sizes.
  12. yes, many times. I have e-mailed and called the contact number listed, but to no avail!
  13. we did this a few years back with my daughter's school. It was really cool!
  14. This seller had great ratings and she is in California. I ordered another item the same day and I received it yesterday and it came from Isreal, so I don't know what happened to the other order. I filed a resolution complaint though. Hopefully, that will help.
  15. If so, what was your experience like? I have ordered from two different sellers and got great service from one, but still haven't heard anything or received my order from the other. I have a feeling I was scammed on the 2nd order...
  16. ok, don't laugh, but I just finished "Pride and Prejudice" for the first time. I have never read any of Jane Austen's stuff, but my Goddaughter got me interested. It is hard to read, but very good.
  17. DD has it. She takes the synthroid and we go have her tested every three months. No problems here.
  18. I try to cook most nights. Last night was Chicken Corn Chowder with corn muffins. Tonight is crockpot chicken and rice. Tomorrow will be poppy seed chicken. That's about as far as I got in my planning.
  19. I heard that Popeye's sells them.
  20. great. that's my hood too!
  21. All of the above. I ordered a splint from Heal that Pain and wore it and it worked. I also had the night splint and cort. shots, hurt pretty bad, but took care of the pain. Keep you foot flexed as much as possible, that will help stretch out that muscle. Good supportive shoes is the best thing for it.
  22. Thakns for posting this information. I want my daughter to see that it isn't all about her and these are some great opportunities to help others.
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