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Everything posted by flossy

  1. My victrola that was my Grandmothers, i would play with it when i was a kid and before she died, she made sure that i came to her house and got it. I also cherish my daughters crib, my father made it before she was born. My wedding pictures are another thing that i cherish. if my house caught on fire, i would grab the victrola and the pictures.
  2. put it in the crockpot with a couple of cans of rotel tomatoes or a jar of salsa and cook away.. Top with sour cream when it is done.. yum, yum
  3. What about LP's and maybe 8tx?? My parents had a singing group in the late 70's early 80's and made two albums, i would love to have them on cd...
  4. I would love the opportunity to drive this BEAUTIFUL car. This car takes my breath away every time I see it. I could only imagine what it would be like to feel the power of the car. My brother had a 68 camaro and this is a throw back to that style only MUCH!!!!!! better!!!!!.
  5. I received information today about Upward Soccer at Fortified Hills Baptist Church on East Paulding Drive, that they are looking for more girls ages 3rd - 5th grade to participate in the Upward Program. This is a great program, we participated last year, and will be doing so again this year. If you are interested, just go to Fortified Hills Baptist Church's website and click on the "Upward" link.
  6. RIP Lane, Chris will miss you!! You fought hard!!!
  7. Love you too girl!! Thanks for the compliment! I can't think of any other funeral that I have been to that the deceased wanted someone else honored. That was cool of your mom. I'm so sorry you and your family are going through this. Love ya!
  8. Wow, your dad's comments brought a tear to my eye. The funeral was absolutely beautiful
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