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Everything posted by flossy

  1. Have you checked out Banning Mills in Whitesburg? I know they are mostly known for their ziplining, but they do have other things there, they have brunch and horseback riding. They have a birds of prey show also. Not too far to drive.
  2. CC, they are doing that for current new hires, but I don't think that it was required when Tow was hired, they just took people at their word...
  3. Mr. Dis, I recoginize those words!!!! I have been told that they are trying to make sure everyone who is on the insurance is a "legal" dependent. Don't shoot the messenger!!
  4. Mrs JR, I'm so glad you are OK. I had a cousin killed on a 4 wheeler, so those things really scare me, but to not wear a helment, girl you are crazy!!! You know I love you!!! Please be safe. It reminded me of the scooter incident!
  5. Hummus and chips is my fave right now!
  6. Does anyone know the cost of a game of bowling at the Paulding County Bowling Center? I looked on their website and it has pricing for birthday parties, but not lane rental for a game.. Any help? They aren't open yet, that is why I haven't called.....
  7. OOH I had morning sickness for 5 months straight and then had food aversions! I used peppermint candy to pop in my mouth if I started feeling sick and then Maalox and Mylanta!!!
  8. Picnic's are always fun, for CHEAP entertainment, my husband and I grab a picnic and head to the indian mounds,there are swings by the river and after we eat, we walk around and then sit by the river swingin!
  9. you must rent a locker for Goliath, Scorcher and I believe Superman, and they are 1.00 for 2.0 hours. All the other rides we rode Sunday, you could leave your bag on the platform while you rode, we had no problem with doing this. I have heard from one of the guys that does security there that Tuesdays are the best day during the week to go, that being said, we went Sunday and the only ride we didn't ride because of the lines was Superman. We walked right on to all the others except Monster Mansion and we waited about 30 min for this one. The refillable cups are a great thing, we got them
  10. I'm with you CopsChick! It was such a struggle to get to work today!!!
  11. not offended in any way.. I'm just glad I'm not OPRESSED any more!!!!
  12. Thanks. I've been a manager since 2005 and think my employees like the way I manage. Everyone here is an adult and they know what the finished product should be.. I'm here to offer support and help if needed.
  13. The crazy thing was with the boss I had, is that I got used to her control and it wasn't until after she left I realized how miserable I had been. I was so young when I started working for her that I guess I thought that's how all bosses were. I am now the boss and I will be dipped if I manage the way she did. If she taught me anything, it is how NOT to manage.
  14. it does hurt my heart about animals, but NOT about someone who has taken another human being's life!
  15. Oh, I had a boss like this one time....... AWFUL!!!! Glad she is not my boss anymore!
  16. I remember this like it was yesterday. I have seen the crime scene photos and they are horrible. I've often thought about his brother and how fortunate he was to escape. I was reading in the AJC today about the fact that some people see the lethal injection as "inhumane" and that the person will have to "suffer" while being put to death.. OH Whhhaaayyyy.. These people didn't care about the suffering they put their victims through... it infuriated me when I read it.. OK, rant over...... I know that many people will disagree with me on this issue though...
  17. Excited for the owners, this is a BIG leap of faith for them and I wish them well!
  18. This is great. I've known Amy since she was a child. They deserve this!
  19. Planking is stupid, but harmless. At least there is no damage to property is this type of fad as there has been in others. I just heard about "coneing" the other day, again, stupid..... The girls telling me about it said that the drive thru window worker threw the cone at their car after they did it... Waste of money if you ask me????
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