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Everything posted by flossy

  1. Thanks for the info!!!
  2. Thanks, I'll contact them for an estimate.
  3. Need a roofer... does anyone know of a good one that won't hang me out to dry with the cost??
  4. I cannot imagine the pain your poor daughter must be going through. I had a 2.9 cyst in February and thought I was dying!! I cannot imagine suffering with these like she is having to do. I hope and pray that there wil be a speedy end to this in sight.... Keep us posted, saying a prayer for your daughter and you.
  5. my first thought was that she got the heck out of there!
  6. i saw it too... so sad to see him standing there just looking in the window
  7. Can't go by rumors... But.. they were hiring at the first of the year, but EVERYTHING has been shut down. All I can tell you is I have first hand knowledge that there are NO positions that are vacant that are being filled right now, with the exception of one that was approved several months back.. that is the only one that might be filled.
  8. There is a hiring freeze on all positions. PD is not hiring.. They are still testing, and people are going through the background and will be kept on standby, but PD is not hiring.
  9. I love to dance in the drivers seat... My daughter has a "no dancing zone" which is in a 2 mile radius of her school.. she doesn't want to be embarrassed!!!!
  10. way too many to count. Shoes are my thing... Some women love purses... I love shoes!!!!!!
  11. Hubby is allergic. We were using it to treat another allergic reaction, and caused another one. Same symptoms as your child.
  12. When lil flossy was small and tried to pull something like this, I would take her to the restroom and have a talk with her, when we returned and she started it again, either myself or my hubby would take her to the car while the otherone paid the bill..we would remove her from the situation and then the punishment...she grew up ti be a very respectful girl. We would also do this if we were a guest in someones home...can't tell you how many times we would have to leave..she finally learned that we were nit putting up with that crap!
  13. That is true, the dash is what matters
  14. The Road Not Taken is my all time fave!!!!! I want it read at my funeral.....
  15. we will know for sure at the next commissioner meeting....
  16. Only one of the commissioners is in favor of raising the milage rate, the others are against it because they want to be re-elected. Anyway, Police, Fire, Animal Control, DOT, Water, Libraries, Parks and Rec, Senior Services, etc are all being asked to cut anywhere from 5-10% additional from their budgets, not to mention employee furloughs anywhere from 7-12 over the next two years. From what the commission chair said, Fire would NOT be exempt from the furloughs. Police barely have enough cars to cover all of their beats as it is because of training, sick leave, military leave, annual leave
  17. I don't know if this constitutes a "spring fling", but we are having the EGGSTRAVAGANZA easter egg drop/hunt on April 23 at North Paulding High School from 10:30 a.m. - 2:00 pm.....
  18. Mrs JR.... it would be foolish to let the part-time employees go.. They provide a necessary service and no benefits are paid for them. Now the retired people that have come back part-time,,,,, that is a different story, we are paying for them twice.. They do need to go.....
  19. hi-c punch and sprite or ginger ale is always good. mock mimosa: apple juice, orange juice and ginger ale
  20. yummo!!! This lady in my church made this for us when we were young.. I loved it.. I made it for the girls at work one day and they didn't find it quite as wonderful as I did....
  21. I went to Disney for mine!
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