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Everything posted by DoubleRose

  1. This was posted today.. Sounds like something she could do. http://paulding.com/forum/index.php?/topic/234910-paulding-reads/page__p__3051051entry3051051
  2. Is there a website? Would this be helping children or adults?
  3. We don't usually do much, other than a card or small gift. The fun part for me is the kid's stuff. I love helping them with cards for their friends, and making special heart-shaped pancakes for breakfast. They will also get a special treat in their lunchboxes with a Valentine's Day card.
  4. This brings back memories. My husband went to Korea in 2003 and Iraq in 2005. Our son was born just before he went to Korea, and our daughter was born while he was in Iraq. I know what you are feeling right now, although I can't imagine how hard it is to see your kids so upset. Ours were much younger than yours. Please know that I am thinking of all of you and praying for your family. Each day will hold a different challenge, but it will make each one of you a stronger person.
  5. I would stick to your plan. Just because she wants to go to "big school" doesn't mean she's ready. Mom's know best and if you are having doubts about sending her, you're probably right. She may need a little more time. My daughter will be 5 in May and she will stay at her private school for kindergarten, with a small class size (this year the K class has 5 kids). Then go on to public for first grade. Good luck making your decision, I know just how hard it is!
  6. I also went there one time and won't be back. All I found in the whole trip was 2 tiny Tupperware containers. The size that you would use for ketchup or dipping sauce, TINY. One was marked .60 and the other was marked $1.65. They were exactly the same so I went to the register thinking they would sell them both to me for the same (cheaper) price. Wrong. The cashier (who had a manager tag) said "How do I know the cheaper one isn't supposed to be $1.65?" I left them on the counter and walked out. I only went there because my mom wanted to go, but I will never do that again. Not to mentio
  7. Our pool is completely frozen and has been for several days..
  8. I think it would be more like drinking a big glass of rain water. But I did eat it as a kid and it was delicious.
  9. Thanks I just looked it up and weighed myself and I am just a couple lbs under. Maybe if I eat a few cheeseburgers fist I would pass... :-)
  10. Carroll county closed. http://www.carrollcountyschools.com/
  11. Isn't there a weight requirement? I have 0- which I was told is the most rare type, so I would love to give, but last time I looked into it I didn't weigh enough. I probably do now though.. Isn't it like 110lbs?
  12. Yep I need to learn not to open these threads.
  13. We play "Would you rather..." in the car sometimes. The sillier the better. Would you rather pick your sister's nose, or eat a toe nail? They will scream EEEEWWWWW!!!! And laugh histerically.
  14. That's hilarious! Might have to try that..
  15. Get a nail kit that has the stickers and jewels in it.
  16. She's fine. Probably just busy.
  17. I would think you should pull over for anything with a siren...
  18. Definitely worth the $$ for private. When my son was 4 we switched from private to Lottery funded and he was so unhappy. He was used to learning and writing letters and his name, etc and at the new place it was just "play" all day long. I even went and observed to see why he seemed so unhappy. It was hard to watch. He was completely under-stimulated. Just walking around with no direction through the "centers" that were completely unorganized and without supervision or instruction. I stayed for the whole day and not once did they pick up a pencil or look at a letter or number. I was tol
  19. My husband and I started dating at 15 and got married the day after my 19th birthday. Been married 7.5 years now and still very much in love. He is my BFF and I can't imagine life without him. But, I know of several failed marriages that started the same way as ours. We had to grow up really fast (He joined the Army, we had our son) and he was overseas for 2 of the first 3 years of our marriage. I think that made us even more strong. Hopefully they are truly in love and your sister will learn that she is doing more harm than good in paying for so many things. Young couples learn
  20. Off the Deep End pools in Hiram fixed ours. They were cheaper than the "big" pool stores and their customer service was amazing. I don't have the number on hand, but you can google it. Good Luck!
  21. Macy's has a sale right now.. Buy any jeans in the store and get a $10 cash card. You can use it right away, too. I bought my son 4 pair last night at Arbor Place. 1st pair was $19.99 (on sale) and got back $10 card. Then used the card on the next pair making them $9.99. Got another card back and just continued that 2 more times. You can use the card like cash on anything in the store EXCEPT the Everyday Value items. This was confusing to me at first, but the sales lady showed me that it was anything that had a price ending in 8. Even with the restrictions, it's still a great deal!
  22. Us too!!!! We still haven't even got all the packages open and thrown away. Luckily my daughter's teacher recycles cardboard. We will have a TON for her after the break. We, too are enjoying the chaos. More fun to sit in the mess and play with the kids than to worry about putting it all away. That can be done tomorrow.
  23. 40 watt small base blunt end candelabra bulb. posting at the same time LOL
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