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Everything posted by GoodNeighbor

  1. You won't be able to stop them until you find out where they're coming from. Do your neighbors have outside pets? If so, the fleas could be coming from the yard and making themselves at home each time you open the garage door. You probably need to treat your yard too.
  2. Thank you for finding this. I have found myself to be "search" challenged.
  3. I'll try to find the original post. That will explain everything.
  4. My price was for metal. Not many use porcelain any more because they stain easily. Don't you have to wear invisalign a lot longer? It just seems like they would be very easy to lose, especially for an elementary student. At least with retainers now, they're only worn at night.
  5. Sometimes two sets are worth it. My baby was so embarrassed she wouldn't even smile. If she laughed she covered her mouth with her hand. Within a week of having braces she was back to her fun loving self. It was money well spent.
  6. Suggestion: When choosing an orthodontist ask about their hours and days of operation. There are some with multiple offices and each office may be open only one or two days a week. This can make scheduling an appointment very hard. Also ask how much long term care is included. Retainer checks are very important.
  7. Your estimate sounds very high. Of the four sets I've dealt with we've paid no more than $5,500 per set. That includes all x-rays, adjustments, and retainers. We use Pickron in front of Brookstone.
  8. Two were in 5th grade and one was in 6th. One in 5th grade is now a freshman and has beautiful teeth. The other had to have two sets. The first set was to align the remaining baby teeth so the adult teeth would have a chance of coming in somewhat correctly. The second set was to perfect the adult teeth. Without two sets she would have needed them on for about 4 years instead of one year on, one year off, and one and a half year on. The 6th grader just got started.
  9. I've been taking my kids to Dr. Bergin at Sears in Town Center since they started school.
  10. OOOOOH -- My daughter is going to be soooo disapointed.
  11. I think there's different levels of compassion. I tend to have more compassion for people who can't help themselves. For example, in the case of a house fire I would look first to see if I have anything to give the children. I acknowledge I do have more compassion for people I know, may come in contact with, or share common interests with. With food drives, I tend to give more to organizations who help the community I live in. While I don't have ANY ill feelings when a couple adopts a child from Africa, I admit I am MUCH more excited for them when they've adopted an American child.
  12. I've been around a boy like this. It was about 4 years ago at a gymnastics center. The grandmother was extremely patient and soft spoken. The young man was violent and verbally abusive to all (grandmother, coaches, other students). It was obvious he had a major behavior disability. However, he had to learn those words somewhere. The poor lady was doing the best she could. The child had been kicked out of every organized activity he tried. He only lasted three visits at gymnastics before she was told not to bring him back. I just can't imagine what this poor woman went through on a dail
  13. The employees at Georgia Power are a close knit family. They helped me out SOO much when my father passed. They will help these families in every way possible. There's no way you can count the number of prayers that have been and continue to go up.
  14. Just a question. If your child stayed only one day because something unforseen happened and when you picked him up you only agreed to pay one third of their three day program what would they do? Would they try to hold your child hostage? Do they have the ability to take it from a lunch account or have the school hold grades until it's paid? Just wondering.
  15. At open house I was amazed at the number of kids who walked by smelling like a smokestack. If I were a student there is no way I could sit by one of those kids every day. Why don't parents realize how bad it makes their kids stink and how it effects them socialy? At least the bus stop is out doors. But yes, there were a couple kids from EPHS who got suspended for smoking at the bus stop last year.
  16. PM me. I have three brand new back packs already packed!!
  17. You could use almost anything. My neighbor uses her crock pot to make ham and cheese potatoes. If you want to make it as a casserole just layer the potatoes, cubed ham and cheese. One of my first thoughts would be using this to make a leftover dish. Mix some crumbled leftover hamburgers, a variety of leftover vegies, and some beef gravy. Then spoon it over the potatoes for a type of shephard's pie. You could change it ip with pork loin medalions and your favorite gravy. My kids love mashed potatoes with meatloaf so how about layering the potatoes with meatloaf or meatballs or e
  18. Right now, calling the bus barn is a wasted effort. They are up to their eyeballs. Probably, your best bet is to call the school and ask them who drives bus no. ______.
  19. Get one of those extremely obnoxious alarm clocks and put it in her room. Make sure to put it as far away from the bed as possible. That way she has to get OUT of bed to turn it off. She'll feel like a big girl for getting herself up. As far as bedtime, she'll start to help you work that out when she realized how tired she is. Make it a big girl game. After supper (or when you're ready for her to go to bed) go in her room and watch her lay out her clothes, remind her to pack her school bag and put it by the door, have her brush her teeth, and then leave her alone with a book. Just
  20. I've always been a big supporter of our bus drivers but this afternoon just turned my stomach. Mr. Donald you remain awesome. Ms. Tommie -- we need to talk!
  21. It seems as though my kids are going to have great teachers this year. Kids couldn't wait to get home and go to bed. Yep, that was at 8:00. It's 10:00 and they're still bouncing off the walls. If I had to complain about something it would be the parking and access issues at the North Paulding / McClure / Burnt Hickory complex. Other than that, all was better than expected.
  22. I've been trying to get out of the NPHS parking lot for 55 minutes and I don't see any relief in sight.
  23. If the baking soda or vinegar doesn't work go to the pet store and get some pet odor removal spray. Make sure to get the stuff that says it kills the enzymes or else the odor will return.
  24. It's pretty good but not as good and less formal as Fusco's in downtown Acworth. Paisano's is a great palce to hang out and listen to people try to sing or play cornhole on the patio. If you aren't completely satisfied with your meal tell the owner. He is very open to any critiques and suggestions. We enjoy it.
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