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Everything posted by GoodNeighbor

  1. You can probably get that information from either one of their divorce attorneys. I'm SURE the ex-husband remembers the attorney's names.
  2. If you don't get them at open house make sure to send your child to school with money on the first day. There aren't always enough lockers for all the students so they are first come first served.
  3. My middle schoolers were on for an hour last year. Originally, they were dropped off first and everything was great. There was a group that gave the driver a horendous amount of trouble so she had the route reversed and they would get dropped off first so she didn't have to deal with them as long. The bad kids got what they wanted and the good kids got rewarded with an hour long bus ride. Wasn't that nice? Now, thinking of them on that same route with the same kids all locked and loaded with their water blasters makes me want to just give in and drive them.
  4. I saw earlier that Cobb issued an advisory stating k-12 students are allowed to bring water on the bus during the PM ride. The first think I thought of was the poor bus drivers and the messes they will have to clean up. Can't you just imagine the daily after school water fight on the buses!! Poor drivers -- Damned if they do and damned if they don't.
  5. pasta with grilled chicken and an olive oil pesto sauce
  6. GoodNeighbor


    Teachers always love stuff like that for their treasure chests.
  7. She always only sees the good in people. She's been taken advantage of SOOOOO many times but still believes that people good on the inside. She trusts everyone and has enough forgiveness to give the whole world a great big hug.
  8. Bread and Honey butter at Ruby Tuesdays Chicken Pot Pie at Ruby Tuesdays Banana Coconut Frapaccino at Starbucks
  9. Welcome to middle school. I first realized the difference during the 2008/2009 school year when I read a PCom thread about middle school proms. I was like WHAT??!! Now I have come to discover that acrylic nails, and Coach purses are the norm. When I spoke to other parents about our children growing up too quickly most of them just looked at me like I had too heads. I guess you just have to pick your battles. In the end, they could be doing a lot worse things.
  10. OMG That was me!!! Nobody was supposed to remember. HaHa. To torture me, my kids run around with their fingers stuck in their belly buttons. I CAN'T Stand it. I hope PCom has enjoyed their evening laugh.
  11. call your bank and put a stop to the charges
  12. It depends. What are you going to see and how will the stage be setup? I've been to concerts there when the stage was set at one end of the arena and reserved floor seats were the best spot. When the stage is in the middle of the arena you definitely want reserved stadium seats.
  13. Another thing... Timers are wonderful!! I have timers on my children's reading lights. They are set to turn off at a certain time so not only do I not have to worry about my kids leaving the lights on but I also don't have to worry about them staying up all night.
  14. While you can't let her continue to manipulate you, you also don't want to squash her love for stories. Have you considered recorded stories? She can hold the book herself and listen to the story through headphones. Maybe you could use these as a reward for going to bed peacefully the previous night. That way you can teach her that she has to live with the choices she makes. You want to make sure she knows reading is good and that you treat it as a reward instead of a punishment. BTW You don't have to spend any money. Recorded stories are easy to make. Use your computer to reco
  15. Yes, that happens a lot in elementary school. This was in middle school and each student was required to bring them in. You should have seen all of the parents at open house. We all looked like deer in the headlights when we visited this particular classroom. We knew our students had a long year ahead of them and we were going to have to pick our battles.
  16. I don't know. We did it to keep the peace. We just didn't want to start off the school year with a bad first impression. They were only 15 cents each so it wasn't like they would break the bank. It's just that the request itself seemed strange.
  17. Don't forget: compass protractor graph paper hand sanitizer tissues memory stick -- jump drive red / purple / green pens locker shelf crazy amounts of all colored folders poster board cash cash cash Different size binders. Just get a bunch of everything, keep your receipts, and return what you don't need after you get the list. Sometimes the requests get very odd. Last year my 8th grader had to take 20 green folders for ONE class. I told my daughter we'd buy them as they were needed. Unfortunately, the teacher demanded they all be turned in to her the first week. I
  18. Brewing a fresh pot of coffee and discovering I'm out of creamer. AAAARRRGH!!!!!
  19. The non-word "irregardless" Improper grammar, spelling, or capitalization on advertisements. People who talk LOUDLY. Candidates who say I can trust them with my money then they turn around and spend thousands on stupid road signs that are only going to flood the landfills the day after the election (if they even get picked up). Anyone who is rude or inconsiderate of others. Parents who don't have enough sense to cheer for good points instead of unforced errors at children's sporting events.
  20. I may have my stories mixed up but isn't this the case where the man didn't hold the door for a woman and her daughter? The woman yelled at him and shoved him then he turned around, yelled an explitave, and punched her. In no way am I taking a side here but it seems like everything I read said she started it with the shove.
  21. Oh yeah! I still had my clothes.
  22. OK. I'll admit it. Somewhere there is a video of me dancing in the fountain in the middle of Cozumel. It was after a long day of shopping, snorkeling, and tequila tasting.
  23. I guess it all depends on who you are.I
  24. The formal room is the parlor. The room where the family hangs out to watch TV or play games is the living room or den. The sitting room is usually an extension off the kitchen or bedroom.
  25. After cooking on both I MUCH prefer gas. My husband would choose electric because he hates paying the gas bill. Until he becomes the one who does all the cooking he doesn't get a vote.
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