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Everything posted by GoodNeighbor

  1. It makes me want to cook. I've been cooking up a storm for the last two days. I shouldn't have to cook again for a couple weeks. Just heat and serve!! Here's some of what I've done: Cooked and froze two double batches of white chicken chili Patted out and froze 3 dozen hamburgers Mixed and froze two meatloaves Cooked a double batch of sloppy mac and froze in individual containers. -- My strange kids don't eat sloppy joes on a bun. They like to mix the mac and cheese with it and eat it out of a bowl. So I went ahead and mixed them together, and froze them in small con
  2. What did the fish say when he swam into a concrete wall? Dam!!
  3. I don't care how young, old, cute, or nice he may be. There is not a more dangerous place to be than between a mother and her child. He is only making it worse for everyone by not getting her home.
  4. Here's a possible scenario: House is paid for and husband and wife are divorcing. One wants to sell the house and the other refuses because he/she wants to make rental income. The one who wants to sell the house rents it out for a low amount just to screw with the ex. Their problem, your gain. You never know. It may be worth calling about. OK, nevermind, I just saw someone discovered it was a scam. Most deals that seem to be too good to be true usually are. But you never know when you luck into a bargain.
  5. Yes and the best think is they can fit in your pocket. They're up to version 4 or something like that. The new versions can sync together. If you have two they can go visit each other, have play dates, and send each other gifts. I know Target still has them.
  6. At this age my kids LOVED their Tamagachi. You wouldn't believe what they can do now.
  7. Now that she's in Big School she won't want to play with dolls as much. She'll still love them -- just not in front of her friends. Instead of the AG doll you might want to get her the AG dog. I can't remember it's name. It's small, fits in the palm of your hand, and she can put it in her backpack for confort on those "not such a good start" days. Her friends (especially the boys) won't give her such a hard time about having a stuffed dog as they would a doll. The VTech toys were never a hit with my kids. Leapster was much better quality. Edit: The dog's name is Coconut.
  8. I don't want to switch but we may have to. The reception with the new box is horrible. We had to rent the box. Now we are paying more money for worse reception. Who at Comcast thought it was a good idea to switch to Xfinity? Fire them now!!! Comcast was great, this Xfinity stuff is horrible.
  9. Hershel Walker Olivia Newton John Merv Griffin Captain and Tenille (SP) Ross and Wilson (Z93) Dennis Rodman
  10. AT&T used to have the Firefly designed for kids that was great for the exact purpose you described. I got one for my grandmother and she loved it. I wish they still had them or at least an adult version.
  11. Most of them don't have the storage space for the groceries. My grandmother uses the ones from the store even when she has her own in the car.
  12. I used to love to cook with my grandmother. When she made biscuits she always gave me a handful of dough so I could make a special one for her. We would color together. We fed the animals together. We planted and picked flowers. It didn't matter if we just sat there and stared at each other, as long as I was with her I was happy. Remember, it's the small things that count the most.
  13. I sure have missed you. Glad you're back. Bring on the Moose jokes!!
  14. Poor taste is a matter of personal judgement. As far as fun, I don't know. Many people would prefer to stick their head in the sand than admit there are multitudes of possibilities.
  15. Because of anniversaries there have been several television specials about the September 11th terror attacks as well as Katrina. One of the military minds said the attacks exposed an American "Failure of imagination," while the response to Katrina was an American "Failure of preparation." I don't see anything wrong with the lesson as long as it is done in two parts. Part one is the planning of the attack and part two is how to detect and derail the attack.
  16. Some type sandwich or salad Fruit Oatmeal cream pie or Nutter Butters Frozen bottle of water
  17. An ear infection is the first thing that springs to my mind. Not wanting to lay down is your first clue. If you have an ear thermometer you can use it to take her temp. in both ears. If one is more than a degree higher than the other you have a pretty good indication of an ear infection.
  18. Really, I wouldn't think anything of it. I wouldn't take it as she's trying to get you to change your menu. She's probably just trying to see if there are any other options or if she needs to either send something or feed her child before the party. Don't let it ruin your day. It's probably just a poorly worded, honest question. Be a duck.
  19. Yep. Us too. We're spraying the grass again tonight.
  20. I've never had someone say that to me. Then again, they always know I'm going to tip because I walk up with cash in my hand. I just find the whole experience to flow much more smoothly when the attendant knows in advance that I'm ready to tip. Another hint is to hold the cash in your hand if you find yourself standing in a long line. I've had attendants walk up to me and say, "Maam, if you'll let me take your bags I'll help you right over here." Works like a charm every time.
  21. I plan on getting my daughter her first car when she turns 15 (seven months from now). She will learn how to drive in this car. I want her to be 100% familiar with her car when we (I'm shaking while I type this) let her drive off on her own. I'll work with her AND she will take a driver's ed course. At least, that's my plan.
  22. Oh yeah. Sorry I didn't say it earlier. She was standing by her car waiting for the police when I went by. I'm sure her nerves are a little shot but physically she looked fine.
  23. I heard it too. My daughter and I were discussing it on the way to school. We talked about how everyone just got a slap in the face reminder of how precious life is and to be more careful, drive safely, and slow down. She said a few kids at school were so deeply effected that they decided not to drive for a while. Then, when we were pulling in to the school we saw someone had hit one of the lunch ladies. Good grief!
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