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Everything posted by GoodNeighbor

  1. I know what you mean but don't let it depress you too much. Not all parents are like that. If my kid was acting like that I would want to know. Even if you already talked to him I would want you to tell me too. We can't be with our kids 100% of the time and we have to allow them to earn our trust when we let them go out and make some of their own decisions. If they are making decisions to vandalize we have to know so we can pull back the reins.
  2. Like others have said, it depends on the lease. Some of our residential renters have to pay it because they are the ones enjoying the ammenities. In another subdivision we pay the dues because there are no ammenities. Our commercial leases require the leasee to pay the dues as well as the taxes. Again, this is all in the lease. They know it when they sign and it is no surprise. Remember leases are negotiable. If you don't want the extra fees be prepared for higher monthly rent and vice versa.
  3. We have had kids roaming through our yard for the last 8 years and we never thought anything of it because they've never been a problem. I always thought I'd much rather have the kids playing in my yard than in the street. As long as they aren't causing any trouble they were welcome. I've even been known to take them some popcicles a time or two. Things changed when their parents bought them little guns. They may be paintball or pellet, I'm not sure. Anyway I have these little colorful balls all over my yard, around my cars, and on my porch. They run around in the yard playing war.
  4. So that's where they are? I haven't seen one yet and my feeders are still full.
  5. I don't like 'em. I've been known to drop money in donation jars but not tip jars. I prefer to tip the individual who has assisted me instead of everyone who may (or may not) be working. IMO a tip is a token of appreciation for a job well done. A person taking a break or not yet on the clock doesn't deserve a portion of that appreciation.
  6. Question: was the house set up in a way that a stretcher could be manuvered? There are a couple rooms in my house that there is no way someone could get a horizontal stretcher in or out.
  7. It was a great day to play tennis all dadgum day long. I'll play again tomorrow, then Thursday I'll need a massage while I listen the rain. Friday, the pollen will be washed away (temporarily) and the tennis game will be on again!
  8. I wouldn't be too mad at the bus driver. She's probably noticed he's had a jacket everday except for today. She may have thought you weren't home to make him wear one or he forgot. I think it's great she cares. Even if he doesn't wear it, it won't hurt him to carry it around. My kids are young teenagers and they've heard me tell them what to wear for many years. This year I stopped and let them learn for themselves. I have the news (weather) on in the morning and they're old enough to have enough sense to listen and decide for themselves. If they choose to wear shorts when it's 3
  9. I used to plant flowers at my grandmother's grave until the cemetery keeper called and asked me to stop because live flowers were attracting unwanted wildlife. They were instituting a new policy that no live flowers were allowed except for actual funeral days and even then they had to be removed within 24 hours. They told me they would remove all live flowers they found. I didn't know the child you were speaking of and I have no idea where he is buried. Is there any chance the director removed them because they were live? It would be much easier to accept that they were removed instead
  10. Are they in hell? I'm on the fence about it. At the first of the episode I thought so but at the end I'm not so sure. Richard said they were dead and in hell but Jacob said they weren't. The man in black said there are many different names for where they are -- hell, melancholy, etc. One thing that makes me think it's not hell is that Freckles was able to take Aaron back to the mainland after he was born on the island. Nobody can leave hell right? One thing that crossed my mind last night was the parallels to the Greek and Roman gods of mythology. There is an island that ordinary pe
  11. It gets dropped on the ground and ignored. Eventually, someone will notice it and see that it's heads up -- then they'll pick it up and all day long they'll have good luck.
  12. Chase Clint Colton Carson Chet If I had another, the boy would be Charles and the girl version would be Carlie. Jackson Jaime Julian Jacob Jenson Janson
  13. Good Morning. Happy Spring to all!! Don't forget the sunscreen.
  14. I don't want to take away from the OP so I'll PM you.
  15. Now that the marriage is over the cheating ex-husband won't be going back to the mistress for a life of luxury. I wonder how much the wife was able to get from her husband.
  16. I like the brunette's cut the best. I don't normally like bangs but the other cut seems too short to control where it falls. It's too short to pull back and I would go nuts with my hair falling in my eyes. At least with the bangs you wouldn't be constantly wiping it out of your face.
  17. Yes, I know exactly which sale you are talking about. I don't participate in that one any more.
  18. The OP is looking for an opportunity to give us a good laugh. It seems like you are looking for a reason not to laugh. Most TV shows aren't real but many of them are funny. Whether it was real or fake -- the video was funny.
  19. Could have fooled me. I got BURNT UP yesterday. Yeah, I was a fool and played tennis for three hours without sunscreen. The pink doesn't mean I'm blushing. Happy spring to all. Don't forget the sunscreen!!!
  20. I've found it easier to sell the clothes to consignment shops. I've got the best money at a place near the entrance of Brookstone called The Royal Closet. You may not get as much money as at a consignment sale but you put in a lot less effort too. When you take the clothes in you don't have to put them on hangers or tag them. Just toss the clean clothes in a basket and go. I keep a basket in my laundry room so I can toss in too small or unwanted clothes as I come across them. When the basket is full I just take it over to The Royal Closet to see what they want. After The Royal Closet
  21. We had a teacher at North Cobb who'd throw tennis balls at you if you went to sleep. Like the teacher in your video, he didn't miss either. Very Funny.
  22. Hopefully it was just an honest mistake. Many bags look alike. I've been known to pick up items people leave behind and return them to the owners when I run into them again. You can't always trust a lost and found box because people will go through them and take items that aren't theirs. Here's a possible scenario. Mom picks up Jr. at practice and notices the extra bag on the field. They toss the bag in the trunk with plans to bring it to the next practice. At the next practice Mom isn't feeling good so Dad drives and knows nothing about the extra bag. By this time Jr. has comple
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