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Everything posted by J'smom

  1. Let's go ahead and cancel school. Again.
  2. Well, if one thing can be said about Pcom, it's that people will give their opinions, so I'd like suggestions, please. Hubby and I are looking to go on an overnight trip, just the two of us, and don't want to drive all day to get there. We did Chattanooga last year and would like somewhere different. Any ideas? Thanks!!
  3. J'smom


    Call me silly, but I remember businesses posting signs saying they reserve the right to refuse service to anyone and nobody sued. If I were this couple, I'd find another bakery simply so the offending one wouldn't receive any of my business, then start the negative reviews on social media so all my friends knew not to use that business.
  4. Oldest is playing baseball this year and his park/age range have to have a certain bat. The problem with that is that it's too heavy for my son to swing! He's playing on the 13/14 team and they require a dropdown of -3 and those are only adult bats. Anybody have any idea where I can find a lighter bat with the dropdown -3? Coach said the umpires will check during the games and if a kid has the wrong bat the team will be forced to forfeit the game. We're going to hit Academy and see what he can swing. Oh, and I refuse to pay over $100 for a baseball bat when we've already paid $140 for re
  5. Anything that gets men sweeping is a good thing! LOL
  6. J'smom

    Rod Stewart

    I like Rod Stewart but always cracked up when he sang "Do you think I'm sexy?" because the answer is a big, fat, NO!!
  7. Didn't feel it here in south Paulding; dogs didn't bark or even budge. The big one in Alabama a few years ago (12 maybe?) woke my now-ex hubby and I both up. He's from L.A. and sat straight up and yelled "It's and earthquake!" I told him he was on the wrong side of the country, he reminded me that he'd almost died in the Northridge earthquake in 1994 and knew very well what it felt like, and our alarm went off with the DJ saying it was an earthquake.
  8. J'smom

    Sid Caesar

    He'll always be Coach Calhoun to me.
  9. Sweetwater Church/Austin Bridge Rd--40 and intermittent drizzly.
  10. When I was 16 a good friend took her own life. She was diagnosed as biploar at a young age and overdosed on prescription anti-depressants. She had been teased and bullied a lot in school because of her weight, and her dad had abused her when she was younger. Her, her sister, and her mom lived with her grandmother (yay mom for divorcing the scumbag) and her older brother lived out of state. She took the pills, wrote the note to me, and laid down, never to wake up again. I felt a guilt that can never be explained because she had hinted at her plan that night on the phone and I didn't belie
  11. Good for CVS for stopping the sale of cigarettes in their stores. Tobacco, especially cigarette smoking, is linked to almost every health condition out there, so this is a step in the right direction. Yes, I'm a nonsmoker and have never taken a single puff because I watched my grandmother have a heart attack due to years of smoking. CVS is doing a great thing.
  12. I think Hillary Clinton's stylist dresses Karen. Anyway, I don't think this new one is going to do anything. I really hope it doesn't because I'm tired of the jokes and insults about last week. Yes, I'm a born and bred Georgian but I drove home in the snow just fine, only took 5 1/2 hours, but I made it home. My tires spun on the ice just like my Yankee husband's did, but we both made it home. Both my coworkers from the north (Cincinnati and New York) took longer to get home than I did. Okay, rant over.
  13. Why wouldn't you tip your barber? And I echo the sentiment above--must be nice to only pay $15, including tip, for a haircut! Hubby about stroked out when my shampoo, cut, and blowdry was $20 until I pointed out that most women's haircuts are at least $60!
  14. Feel better. My uncle was in A-fib so much they finally declared that was his normal sinus rhythm. He carried a copy of his "normal" EKG with him when he traveled because other hospitals would calla a code on him if he got sick away from home. Anyway, have you checked with Pinnacle or Resurgens? Both are large ortho groups with several locations and they should take your new insurance. Just a thought so you're not in pain. You can request your records from Cobb when you get an appointment. Good luck!
  15. I don't towel-dry but when I'm drying my hair I'll point the hair dryer to my piggies and dry them for a second or so. I had horrible problems with athlete's foot (feet?) and don't want to go through that again.
  16. <br /><br /><br /> They eliminated the premarital blood testing years ago. So many people have said they wouldn't trade their special needs child/sibling/other relative for the world. A friend of mine has a Down's Syndrome child and loves that son just as much as the 5 non-Down's children she has.
  17. <br /><br /><br /> Anybody whose last name on their license doesn't match the last name on their birth certificate must show documentation for the name change. My parents have been married 47 years and mom had to show her marriage certificate. A friend of mine legally changed her last name to her mom's maiden name after her parents got divorced because her dad pretty much abandoned her--she had to show the name change petition. It's everybody with a different last name, not just you.
  18. Y'all are all making me cry. I can't imagine the pain. . .but the survival y'all have is amazing. Anyway, my first one was when my friend committed suicide when we were 16. I was the last person she talked to the day, she hinted at it but I told her not to--and didn't really think she would. I was waiting for my boyfriend to call me so I hung up after a few minutes. She took a full bottle of antidepressants (ironic), wrote the suicide note to me asking me to forgive her, and laid down and went to sleep. Her mom found her the next day and called me but I had been prom shopping, and when w
  19. Oldest got a prepaid slide phone when he was 11 because I was planning on going back to work and would need to be able to make sure he got on the school bus in the morning. He got the iPhone 4S for his 12th b-day because it was free (hubby and I had upgraded). He is in middle school and texts to let us know he got on the bus safely and when he gets home in the afternoon since there's no after school program. He knows not to use the internet unless he's in a WiFi area, no 3G usage allowed, and we have the password to iTunes so he can't download any songs/games/apps without us (the password i
  20. My 12-year-old son is in the same stinky boat. He showers (but also plays in the shower and takes 20 minutes) and says he uses deodorant, but when he crosses his arms behind his head it's horrible. Which suggestion works? (He's 55" tall and 69 pounds--since we're all giving our kid's stats).
  21. Have him file a police report and put a fraud alert on all 3 credit bureaus. Someone bought a house in my dad's name in a state he's never visited and he found out when a phone company called him to report him being past due on his phone bill. It took a couple of years to get it straightened out, and the only way the idiot got caught is when he put the address from the other state on something instead of my parent's address. Good luck to your dad!
  22. Your intake has to be less than your output, bottom line. Portion control and increased (or beginning) physical activity are key. Read food labels and stick to the portion size. Count out 12 Doritos instead of pouring a bunch on your plate. There's several free apps you can get on your phone that will help you track your calories for the day, figure out what your daily intake should be based on current weight and goal weight and desired amount of weight loss per week. Oh, figure your BMI. Low BMI is under 18.5, healthy is 18.5-24.9, overweight is 25-29.9, obese is over 30. Formula
  23. Prayers for a speedy recovery! Anyway, go online and see if you can print out your ID cards. If not, call Kaiser and request them sent to you. Healthcare providers can go online and verify coverage with or without cards. Glad you received great care at both facilities! Oh, and you do know you'll have to switch all your doctors to Kaiser docs.
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